Comfy animal crossing

prepare for stalnks tomorrow

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Other urls found in this thread: Town Theme

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daisy mae's voice is so cute

Reminder: LewdACAnon is based and needs a Twitter if they’re not going to go all out faggot and namefag

>Two in the fucking morning
>Phoebe is out and about sitting a table
>it's not her table
>it's Sprinkle's table
>she lives on the opposite side of the island
I love Phoebe and she's one of my favorite villagers but what the fuck is she doing

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I fucking hate this guy.

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Please post dodo I need to offload turnips

>They even appear in the intro vid


Attached: Welcome to Tarantula Crossing.webm (1280x720, 835.13K)

anyone doing drawfag requests?

I’m what some may call an expert with the ladies

censored to avoid namefagging

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I missed the damn pig this morning so no stonks for me this week

Twitter a shit

>stalk futures falling


I CANNOT decide which bridge looks best.

I'm stuck picking between Suspension Bridge, Brick Bridge, Iron Bridge, and Red Zen Bridge.

It's to go across the very top of a waterfall if that helps you help me decide. I was thinking Suspension bridge because of the waterfall?

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give him to me

This is my first actual animal crossing game. When does the new day actually start?

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Censoring your name is so gay and it wouldn't even be considered namefagging, you're just a lil werido

What happens in YOUR village when the console is turned off?

Goddamn, how about you hop off his dick already? Jesus

How do I resist the urge to play as a trap?
I don't wanna fall down the slippery slope

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>dibba gobabodoode?

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suspension bridge fits the mountains to me

5 AM

can i take my DIY shit back after a house is reserved

5AM. Although the shops and such dont open until 8 so there's not much reason to play that early unless you're looking for certain bugs/fish

Quick rundown on Daisy Mae?

is there a way to change how a bridge looks after building it?

it's fine to play a trap without thinking you can be that cute yourself
all the tights and skirts in the world won't make most guys cute, unfortunately

Please try to remain calm, dear, it’s only Yas Forums

Only the things sitting outside

I wouldn't worry about it

It's only a first elevation waterfall though, not second elevation level...

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>buying and playing literally the same game over and over and over again

good enough. thanks user

>This post is extremely low quality


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Post flags.

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Ok James.

It's my first AC, and apparently this one is a lot different from the previous anyway

i didnt think i would love this koala so much when I first invited her

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>Sow Joan is a play on Dow Jones
How did this get past me up until now

>this game is extremely low quality

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what video games do you usually play

When can you get terraforming?

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I'm a 6'4 guy but I plan on doing nothing but anime cosplay whenever I get the Able Sisters
It's a video game dude, who cares. It's only a slipperly slope if you're genuinely retarded

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oh my god

PLEASE tell me you have qr codes for that

Easy, user. That's just the drawfag pretending to be someone else to look like he has a following.

Don't do it. It's the Japanese plan to emasculate western males. Don't fall into their traps and become a tranny like all the other anons in this thread

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I’m posting at 8:10am with a hard on and I like your villager. I’d like to see her taking it up the arse

Shackleford is that you?

You look like an abdl.

I mean if you want me to, sure.

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What time does Blathers show up after plotting the spot for the museum? This boy is nocturnal, showing up at 12 shouldn’t be an issue.

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Any drawfag can give this boy a bone? I'm too much of a poorfag to commission

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why do w*men time travel so much?

I saw your wife going over to John Redcorn's island the other day. Is everything ok?

villagers don't acknowledge exterior furniture as anyone's property. The AI is not that complex.


Wanted Vivian so bad I bought nook tickets and decided to TT and this is what I ended up with. Am I able to kick someone out and get a chance at another villager or do I need Amiibo?

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my ideal bridges are locked out because theyre too jagged right now.

I feel the crow's feels here.

>Finds a banded dragonfly on a dodo server
>Beats supposed host to it
>Host ragequits the server off and lose the dragonfly

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Some oc I saved from a previous thread

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I will protect this stupid dog with my LIFE


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I don't know what that means

This fucking guy grew on me too.

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can you imagine how scared i was when i booted up the game and this monster was my first villager

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Nooks bow to Daisy Mae

In contact with Tortimer

Possess player-character-like abilities

Control Kappn's Isle with an iron but fair fist

Own cities & islands globally

Direct descendants of the ancient Joan blood line

Will bankroll the first towns on Mars (Maengrad will be be the first town)

Own 99% of DIY crafting research facilities on Earth

First designer animals will in all likelihood be Daisy Mae babies

Daisy Mae said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence in the town has only existed deep in fossil holes & Blathers' museum

Ancient gyroid scriptures tell of one angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of high turnip prices and unprecedented balloon presents with her

She owns Turnip R&D labs around the world

You likely have Maeturnips inside you right now

Daisy Mae is in regular communication with Timmy and Tommy, forwarding the fall of turnip prices. Who do you think set up the meeting between the Nook & Joan (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Nook's first trip to the islands in history literally a few days later to the Turnip bunker in Joan's land?

She learned fluent Animalese in under a week

Player characters entrust their bell reserves with Daisy Mae. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Turnips

Daisy is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

In reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know her ultimate plans yet. We hope she's a benevolent being.


child labor

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it's literally kids with ADD who want to be the coolest kid in their circle of friends with the most decked out town before everyone else, they're gonna burn out on this game in a few days rather than years

Shari's not so bad. I keep giving her bugs and she tells me that they all have the same name.

coupled with Town Theme
i just like rabbits a lot

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Who's objectively the best Uchi villager?

the nooks bow to daisy mae

Do this lewd user.

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fucking stupid that you can only build bridges in specific spots

he has to ASK FIRST
begone fool

Mitzi is a treasure and I will do everything in my unlimited power to protect her smile.

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>this poster cannot find the appeal of game and insteads shitposts outside of his PS4 threads

cute boy

Poor Isabelle having to deal with degenerates like this

never forget skyking

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marina in my village has the exact damn house

only pic i got atm

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>replying to him
>replying to any shitposters
Faggot retard.

>This redditor star wars fan looking s󠀀oy mother fucker moves in
>is actually really nice and likeable

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Same but for me it's Lolly

just make another villager (female)

Why does time travel trigger you so much?

*blocks you’re path*

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How do people draw this shit with their fingers? Fuck I hate not learning how to draw

i like to swap styles but being a farmer has always been my favorite.

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This your villager?

then learn how to draw faggot

Back to /tg/ dude this is cringe

All villager houses look the same inside early on
They build over time

what's with the face paint?

Why don’t villagers place furniture outside? Why do you no longer need to build them furniture either? Seems weird

maybe they're using a stylus

She had a life, you know? She couldn't just sit in that dusty office and wait for your ass to come back someday.
She packed up and left the ghost town you abandoned.

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are you autistic or the drawfag pretending to be someone else? Either way it's kinda pathetic

hello brother
I based my hat off a real mack cap I bought

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What's the best hourly song?

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>Th-they're not going to be playing Animal Crossing for the next two years, th-that'll show them

oh hey we were on an user's island fishing together the other day

You got Raymond, lucky. You need to wait for one of them to leave or force Vivian to join you through amiibo.

Holy fuck how do you people type so fast? This is driving me insane.

got a qr code for that hat/jacket?

Someone post the archive with the amiibos for the NFC tags? Bought to order me up some tags to save me hours of island hopping.



don't blame anal user for my shit
he is patient and nice
i've just seen you in particular like "draw me" and he was like "i gotta ask first" and now you're posting it again

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I want to cum inside Daisy Mae.


it's Chuck Mangione time

how many new villagers are there? is there a confirmed number?

not the best but definitely in the pool of top tiers

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I know but it's still silly that a villager walked on the opposite side of the island just to sit down at 2AM

>wildly popular game series gets new installment every 5-7 years instead of every year
>must be the same game

EA and ubi really did a number on your brain huh user

*curb-stomps you*

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get the Nintendo Switch app on your phone you mong

I like 8am, 12pm, 5pm (5pm rainy is also good)

>Oh, Tom, yes. I already sent you the pop and cool hairstyles with color recipes. Did you like them?
>ah, good, I see! Yes. I'm glad to hear you're doing well in that island
>say, do you think I could open my business over there?
>the mayor left a while ago. Isabelle, Blathers and even the Able Sisters have moved out as well. It's quite a ghost town, but me and Reese-
>hello...? Nook?

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you look like the kind of guy who gets beaten up by faceless doctors

retarded but i forgot daisy mae leaves in the afternoon, slept in; against timetraveling but what penalties will i take for just a few hours? they'll know

>i've seen you in particular
I haven't asked for anything, you just sound like a chump going to bat for someone you don't know like some groupie or something

i was doing a naruto cosplay to piss off my naruto-hating friend and I decided to keep the whiskers

The phone app allows you to type fast


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I didn't buy any turnips.

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huh, i might be misremembering then
well alright

You can connect any USB keyboard to your switch dock

I've played every day since release and haven't seen a Tarantula

art gallery to be added in the updates.

2am for sure

completed her social work practicum & has a more stable income than you

There are no real penalties for time traveling, the only people who even care are autistic

Prepare to kill myself when i don't catch a stringfish tommorow

stop watching porn.

do you go outside at night?


are you being serious? because I really hope so


One more day lads.

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ID references have been datamined in the 1.1.0 update

So Ankha is selling for more than $100 online, just checked and I could get more than $65 for Merengue. Should I start selling amiibo cards, anons?

how much you bet an "rich money laundering section" wing of the museum will be along with this?

that arch is literally hideous

I wish we could customize clothing

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There's nothing announced yet but there's data in game involving updates having to do with art and cafe events

sorry user I'll have to try to post it another day

Is it supposed to be cute when the little nigglets follow you around the shop? I want to knock their heads open.

Holy crap the upgraded store looks nice! Also never got an answer on the thread the other night but what even is the trigger to get this?

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>fruit trees don't bloom

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Either I get the skeleton head first or the astronaut outfit. For now I'm this abomination.

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Bunny Day is an awful holiday. you anons have fun i have no interest in pastel eggos.

>sell cards for $165
>buy rewriteable amiibos for $40
>$125 profit

Just be happy with being a man, retard.
If you're seriously considering being a trap instead of just being cute or jandsome as a man, it's already too late for you.

Someone alleged that you can share the amiibo villagers you bring to your campsite. Is that true and if yes, how is it done?

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bunny hood user is fucking furious that bunny day is about eggs and not bunnies

felis and alstofo arent gay
equip gothic lolita

Not a fan of smokers?

Where did the mayor go? The character we play isn't him/her

It's a combination of time and expenditure

>all these female avatars

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Every time I post here and think the people here aren’t that fucked up someone posts shit like this


I time traveled a shit ton already and have not found a single penalty yet. Any user claiming your museum donations disappear is lying. Some anons claim your villagers will leave but that hasnt happened yet. I think its probably because villagers can't leave until after the KK concert.

when you have your internet open for town, they dedication either corner to the shop so it's honestly much less annoying. they been doing it since AC GC and i never been a fan of it myself.

>literally every girl posting on /acg/ is a guy

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are you retarded?

The sign still looks so dingy and bad though
Hopefully a later upgrade will go full Nook Emporium and change the name

Are you surprised that all these people want to be the little girl?

What's the problem

you didnt ACTUALLY think Yas Forums has girls, did you?

custom pants, WHEN


well that's what Easter is. but I feel them. It's not Easter it's goddamn BUNNY DAY.

>tfw I will never ever hear it in game

I feel like I would have seen it by now with all the time travelers in these threads.

Anything more?

Fuck frogs

Please tell me the necessary items exist in this game to make me pic related.

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>meme pink cherry trees from Japan
>the literal cherry trees don't go pink

Wish I could wear a brown eyepatch under this bag so I look more like Part 2 Jason. Being stung kinda works but also just looks like I have a ritz cracker over my eye.

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never because there is so much potential for abuse.

What does the game do with Mabel/Isabelle/Blathers amiibos?

they don't want cherrychads to be even more superior



based ass retard phoneposter

You can pose them and take pictures at Harvey's island, and get a poster of them.

someone post dodo code w/ store open, need to sell before 5AM

>ask him if he'll atleast help me get some of my bells back
>"no lol its your fault for coming over here anyway"
>starts an argument and the call is on his side

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That's all there is in the base game files, but there's still a ton of updates coming along we don't know about yet. Like how they just announced an Earth Day event that we didn't know about