Bannerlord: buy from talewords because fuck Gaben's cut edition

Bannerlord: buy from talewords because fuck Gaben's cut edition

whats your first run going to look like?

Attached: Mount-and-Blade-2-1024x640[1].jpg (1024x640, 104.91K)

meant to specify: its dropping in 3 hours

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I'm going to play as Kuzaits, and make the Empress bear my child.

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never played Mount & Blade before
what do

>get bannerlord
>figure it out
>have fun

Mount & Blade never quite hooked me but I'm eager to give it another shot now, especially since I'm more into history now. For me it's byzantine kino time.

2 hours!!!

Na fuck you cunt. If you wanted the full game price you should have release it sooner. Im glad Gaben will jew you.

>2 hours

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These devs are honestly scum. They spend 10 years making this and they can't even call it a full game yet. They bloat the file size up to 60GB only to deter piracy (Warband was 10% of that). And then they pretend $40 is some sort of steal discount when Early Access games never go that high to begin with and full Warband version was sold for way cheaper.

Fuck these turkroaches.

Attached: elpresador.gif (161x190, 1.38M)

Get it from neither. Wait for torrents to drop until this game is playable enough to buy. Early Access is just a cheap trick to launch the game with intentional bugs so piracy is discouraged. Don't fall for it.


What's the Rhodok equivalent? They're the only faction I like because I need an infinite army of shield-bearing conscripts and level 1s with board shields and spears rape swadian faggot cavalry

t. poorfag

What's wrong with Steam's version?


>imagine prefering empire mutt over pure steppe waifu

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t. Mehmet

Vlandia. Vlandia contains both Swadia and Rhodoks

The shills don't get paid as much.

Their site just directs you to the steam store anyway so whatever

what do you mean?
As in fuck valve, dont give them a cut of money?
Or did steam censor a part or something?

Will I still get the 10% discount for already owning Warband?

Why not both? Assert dominance over the mutt, and love the steppe waifu tenderly.

how the fuck are there not more bannerlord threads? Is Yas Forums this fucking gay and casul now?

It's a $50 Early Access game.

2020... I am forgotten...

The world's gonna end in less than two hours isn't it.

Throughout this day there's been several threads up every time.

>no kingdom creation
>female troops
>no character creator
>3 different kinds of horse
>4 maps
>2 gameplay modes

not him but holy shit you must be poor if 60gb is too much holy shit how pathetic, thats your excuse? That a game is too large?

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It's been so fucking long

The game is too large, overpriced, Early Access and the Turks are absolutely shameless in cucking fans for a decade and not even giving them anything in return for it.

half your points are objectively wrong, why lie?

See you are posting this in every Butterlord thread now. You really are pathetic


60 gbs is normal nowadays.
Post your rig so I can laugh at you lol

Both M&B and Warband had pretty rough launches. I'm expecting no different with bannerlord.

Do you want threads so people complain about female soldiers? Or other FORCED POLITICS?

Im guessing all the people mad at bannerlord are nogames sonybros.

Liberating the Rhodoks from Vlandian rule
Absolutely based

just mod out the slits. Not hard.

>file size bloat to deter piracy
what kind of retard logic is this you absolute mongoloid?
if it worked the way you think it does it would deter actual customers exactly the same amount

Swadia it is then.

Attached: yyous7joqqn31.png (960x960, 424.04K)

Not them but I constantly have to juggle with my 500GB SSD because games are getting so ridiculously large. Sure I can deal with it or buy another SSD but it's just annoying and unnecessary.

60GB is normal for cutscene-filled AAA titles. The file size in Bannerlord is bloated simply to make piracy harder.

You don't think this industry is retarded enough to do something like this? There have been way worse attempts than this.

>deter piracy

Vlandian chads crashing the continent with no survivors

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I just think you out-retard them with your dumbass conspiracy theory

>Swadians and Rhodoks stand united against the swarm of Romeaboo faggots, steppemutts and slav/celtniggers

why is 60gb somehow only a deterrent to pirates but has no effect on paying customers?

Most of the 3rd world probably has shitty internet so it deters piracy there, I guess.

Imagine being so pathetic you spam the same low effort shitpost in every thread.

most of the 3rd world wouldn't buy a hard copy of a game just because it takes a day or three to download a game

don't third world countries generally have pretty good internet compared to places like America or Australia?

Lol, no. We have no data caps here.

tranny jannies keep deleting them

Is early access launching with mod tools?

piracy is still piracy user and immorality must be punished ok

Pirating because it's a beta and betas shouldn't be charged for

How much is it gonna be?

How many hours left?

50 dollardoos

80 minutes unless i'm a retard

The only question that matters

good goy
keep buying games yes yes

>full priced early access
This is peak roachery

18 mins from now

No, it's coming later

I'm gonna consoooom even though I can't play it. I'm quarantined in a different city from my pc. I've been waiting for nearly 10 years and I can't even play it.

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>keep spending money on products
Yeah that's just crazy, imagine living in a capitalist society lol
Cheers, comrade.

39,99 if you own any other mb game

>super hyped about this game
>can't wait to raze through calradia again
>mention it to a co-op buddy weeks ago
>currently there's no co-op games for us to play
>friend messages me: "yooooo let's go play bannerlord today gonna gift you a copy. it's like mordhau, right? aight, see you later"
all my comfy single-player plans are gone. I can hear it already "bruh, this game looks like ass"
but he's gonna pay for my copy so it's a small price to pay

What a steal!

this but unironically

what are you gonna do about it piglet
inflate the file size? lmao

+20.00 dollars for bubonic plague dlc.

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why are women who show their tongues like this automagically hot as fuck? what's the scientific reason behind this?

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>"it's like mordhau, right?"
I hate people who jump to conclusions like this and can't comprehend that some games are very, very unique.

I'd only do that if it was cheaper from Taleworlds. Why should they get to pocket the 30% difference without me getting any?

You associate it with ahegao porn, you fucking degenerate.

It's a sign of retardation on the girls part, a sign of flaming faggotry on yours.