Why is Square wasting time on remaking FF7 when they could be remaking FF8 instead?

Why is Square wasting time on remaking FF7 when they could be remaking FF8 instead?

and no, porting the original with ugly "nu-models" don't count

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why don't they make something that isn't final faggotry

It's obvious they'll do that afterwards since fresh new FF games are a huge development hell gamble, especially after FF15.

maybe because nobody gives a fuck about 8

I hope they do a sequel to ff8

Attached: FondBreakableHare-small.gif (435x250, 918.66K)

it sold more than ff9

how do i cop this cut

How about they make that sequel to the only good game they've made in the last thirty years?

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and 9 is more beloved
fucking imagine that

you won't pull it off

They did. Kingdom Hearts.

Kitase said if they were to remake another FF after 7, it would be 6.

Also this

Because 8 was shit
Worst game in the main series except maybe for 13, they were on par

they aren't gonna remake a game that only people 35+ have ever played


Easily the bottom 3.

Attached: based spoon.png (536x594, 155.29K)

>they literally said this
>they aren't gonna tho


viii could REALLY use the remake, it has cool ideas but the game is not a strong entry.

Attached: ff8 ps2 demo.png (791x474, 569.34K)

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Imagine a remake
>they don't change shit
>reeeeee why didn't they fix bad parts
>they change shit
>reeeeee it is not the same game
Lose/Lose situation.

an Einhander remaster would be nice.

Why is VII liked more than the others anyway?

I like it because it was the first RPG I'd ever seen set in a modern, urban setting (I didn't have a PC growing up). It was such a weird idea for me.

It basically sold the PS1

cgi cutscenes

>Why is Square wasting time on remaking FF7 when they could be remaking FF9 instead?
Oh wait. I don't want SE to even consider touching 9 with their grubby incompetent jew hack hands.

They are going to. Hopefully the urge to remake VIII becomes so great they wrap up VII's development quick, because taking 10 years per mainline FF is really not financially feasible for long.

Because 8 is weird and not as fun as the others. You're lucky it even got a remaster at all. Best thing about 8 is the sick ass final boss with four phases.

7 was the first one that could really be considered 3D. It was so novel at the time it's why the PS1 sold so well.

Also, it was the first final fantasy game for a lot of people in the west, partly due to this fact.

That said, I still prefer 8. The characters and story were great. Also had Triple fucking Triad.

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It's not like IX is that great anyway. Maybe if they remake it they can make it so the characters who aren't Vivi aren't garbage.

Isn't it actually better than making a bunch of new games? Since you can re-use more assets straight up.

Too many games trying to pull off the oh I'm a robot shit at that time. But I really liked it too.

On a sidenote, because I played it right after finishing this, Brave Fencer Musashi creeped me out. That part of the story where ghouls were coming out and shit, when it's time to knock off the Relic Guardian. Fuck that whole part of the story was creepy as shit for me. The fuckers with the eye symbol on their backs made it worse.

because it's a legitimately fantastic game for the style of jrpg it's aiming for. people overlook all of the things that make the game actually good because ff7 is
>a game many people either haven't actually played or only did 10 years ago
>a game that was translated poorly
>a game where a lot of its most interesting parts are optional
so people just think of clouds hair, big swords, aeris dies, sephiroth has a theme song and not the rest of the game

chad, VIII is fantastic

already got a remake

Attached: ff8Squall.jpg (920x720, 294.43K)

I want a ff8 about Laguna and his gang.
He was a more interesting character.

Attached: laguna.jpg (800x600, 281.55K)

t. autist anime board membercard holder

everyone i've ever talked to outside of this circleferk cesspool has loved 8 over the rest

>Triple fucking Triad.
Fuck, i spend so much time playing this and hunting best cards to bully other NPC in game.

They would just make Zidane less of a rapist. Which would suck.


Should have left ff7 alone

Here's a question: if they remade 8, how would they remake the combat and gameplay while keeping concepts like drawing?

I would not play a remake if it was literally a 1:1 exact copy of the original. 8's system just flat out sucks.

Because you're too young to remember the shit show that happened after Square showed off this tech demo and the bitching and moaning for a remake from the fans for the ten years afterwards.

And yet 8 is the embodiment of autistic shounenshit anime storytelling as far as mainline FF games go. It's just a trashy magical highschool game with extremely bad writing.

Yeah should have made a full fledge spinoff based on laguna with the war.

maybe something like raidou devil summoner's combat.


Unironicaly ruined an iconic scene

I just wanna renzokukens Galbadia soldiers in real time combat. Also this scene would probably be the bee's knees.

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yeah people can bitch about the junction balance and certain plot holes all they want but the setting and overall story has so much potential for a remake

>Why is Square wasting time on remaking FF7
because FF7 is the famous one, the baby's first rpg one, the worldwide known one

Because the Draw system is garbage and the ending is actually retarded.

Who's this handsome devil?

>but the setting and overall story has so much potential for a remake

Wrong. Squall started as an enjoyable character but WOOPS he forcefully falls in love with a bratty Mary Sue piece of shit that derails his entire personality. I really hate Rinoa. She ruins every single narrative subplot. And the other characters are pointless. Don't even pretend they got character arcs or subplots or anything. What you see is what you get with them and this extends to antagonists like Seifer and Ultimecia. This game is a whole lot of shit when it comes to the story because it's only focus is Squall's development in terms of love but it does it in the worst manner possible. Rinoa adds nothing positive to Squall's life, especially since even Squall openly in-universe calls out "Everyone is forcing Rinoa on me." It's just shit writing. FF8's story is a mountain of shit.

didn't read any of that lmao

More artworks like this?

Uhhh no.
It would be like a bad Crisis Core.

Crisis Core was good just because Zack has a tragic death and they managed to make that super emotional. But in general they butchered his character and made him retarded.

With Laguna they would do the same. They would flanderize his comedy relief to the maximum while ignoring completely he was indeed the commander of his own crew, a fantastic tactician (even if he often got lost) and smart enough to go from prisoner to President of the biggest and smartest country on earth by creating a rebellion, and that was just because he wanted to save Ellone.

If this ever exists, I must be the only man allowed to direct it. Sorry niggers but not gonna let Square ruin our boy Laguna

bur no one wants that

>no one
Speak for yourself please

Triple Triad is fucking rad.

Attached: TT.jpg (3840x2160, 2.46M)

fuck 8, I want a 3d version of V or VI. They don't even have to be so overly detailed as 7, just give it some decent models.

6 might never happen since that game might take even longer to develop than 7

It's a shame. The IV remake was pretty fun, I wish V got the same treatment since it really needed more than 3 tracks and limited animation in their sprites.

>everyone i've ever talked to outside of this circleferk cesspool
Talking to yourself in the mirror doesn't count, autismo.