Today is the day. Come home, white man, and play the GOTY you deserve. It's the time of the Bannerlord, bros

Today is the day. Come home, white man, and play the GOTY you deserve. It's the time of the Bannerlord, bros.

Attached: bannerlord-multi-class.jpg (522x348, 20.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no preorder
>no preload
>probably not going to release on time
Tomorrow perhaps.

another 10 years perhaps
I'm not believing that this game is coming out until it is out and right now it isn't

>Come home, white man, and play an early access game.

So this is why the white race is dying out. Interesting.

so what the can we expect in terms of content in this early access?

I cant wait to enjoy the multiplayer

it will be infinitely better (assuming it's good to begin with) once the community fixes it

>3 hours
what do I do during this time span?

>no kingdom creation
>female troops
>no character creator
>3 different kinds of horse
>4 maps
>2 gameplay modes

is there single player campaign in this fucking release?

There were female troops in warband. You could also become a tranny by equipping a dress.

>female troops
Really? I know that you could meme up a Female Peasant into a blade Sister in original, but now everyone has this option for every unit?
I know there was some unhealthy obsession over playing female somewhere in dev team, looking how half of achievements were "do shit having a cunt"

>Actually 60gb
>There is kingdom creation, but not management
>Female troops are optional
>Character creation included
>Don't know about horses
>Not sure about maps
>There are 6 different modes in multiplayer
Kill yourself, contrarian.

I don’t even want to point out how this is all false except kingdom creation

Mods will fix it.

>3 different types of horse
There's a camel, which is all that really matters

>There is kingdom creation, but not management
What does this mean?

Never played Mount & Blade before, how fucked am I


>black Nords
What the FUCK

You can officially create your own faction, i.e be King or a Lord, but you can't manage it in diplomatic or political ways. But you can still manage your army and your castles in any way you see fit.

My body is ready.

Attached: 2 Hours.png (618x462, 89.01K)

>white man
>game by turks

Fuck lads, I hope to fucking god they can recreate the same feels, atmosphere, and experience you got when playing M&B1, and all of that lies with the absolutely kino soundtrack that to this day is still unforgettable.

Oh fuck, please make me feel young again.

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2 hours what the fuck

2 hours 39 minutes or 1 hour 39 minutes?

feels surreal

now that its almost here i am doubting if i should get it

Playing with an axe wound has basically hard mode. so it's understandable

Same. Doubt I have the self control to wait until 1.0 but don't want to blue ball myself with an unfinished experience.

You will be playing this for the next 20 years.

The new soundtrack is amazing, dude. Much better im honest o

>There were female troops in warband
Confirmed for never having played it.
There were only a couple of recrutable companions and the female variaton of the villager you could encounter on the battlefield and that's it.


Oh ok, so there were female troops. Multiple kinds, even.

turks are white tho

Or until March 31 2030

>tfw have to wait till I get paid on Tuesday to get it

The suspense is killing me.

>there were no female troops except for the female troops
You could be retarded my man.

I don't remember a single track kek.

Sword Sisters, which are notorious for sometimes not wearing a helmet.

>female troops
>Not waiting for the rape mods

This, my friends. Is what you call a pea brain.

you dumbfucks better actually pay these turks for their game
the musselmen are going to run your country in a few years and you better pray they're playing games other than euro truck simulator

>Muselmann was a slang term used among captives of World War II Nazi concentration camps to refer to those suffering from a combination of starvation and exhaustion and who were resigned to their impending death.
Didn't realise Turkey was in such a state desu
cant i at least get you people to learn your own slurs

In what engine is Butterlord made?
Does it even allow for skeleton to skeleton interaction?
One of the reasons why M&B mods look so silly is because of massive workarounds to add shit like magic or effects.

Post memes
Dev team is honorary aryan

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>In development for years
>Still releases as early access
>Full SP campaign not even available at launch
>Kingdom management not available at launch
>No clear timeline when it will leave early access or have these things implemented
Once you get over the semi-decent graphics you'll realise this is not worth it now. But later.

dude i think you have it mixed up, there isn't kingdom creation yet, idk about kingdom management though

I hope you don't breed.

Wouldn't the mongol era chinese have been heavy cav focused with crossbows?

There is kingdom creation. They would've said otherwise. They said Kingdom MANAGEMENT in particular and not player factions.


there literally was no campaign in warband and nobody plays for a campaign.
taleworlds released a DLC for warband with a campaign and everyone fucking hated it.

>have the next 3 days off

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I'm going to buy it and just play MP siege all day

>Please be a TORtanic

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Imagine having a pc so shit you care about this.
>no kingdom creation
Coming in future updates.
>female troops
Just like warband. Who the fuck cares.
>no character creator
That's just a straight up lie.
>3 different kinds of horse
Pretty sure that's a lie
>4 maps
Maybe in multiplayer but fuck multiplayer.
>2 gameplay modes
If one of them is the single player campaign I don't care.

The Sourthern Empire of course

Attached: Empress_Rhagaea.png (282x281, 155.28K)

Releases at 10 am UTC

>tfw they fucked up the MP
it's not gonna be the same bros...

>already simping


>waited ten years for this game
>literally a decade
>about to come out in a few hours
>I got the coronavirus and it's unlikely I will survive until release
>will probably die a few minutes before it unlocks
This isn't fair, bros.

Go away zoom zoom

That's why I'm probably not going to buy it this early. Another 10 years for me.

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There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Mongols lol

Sturgia it is.

Buy the product, infidels. Your money will be put to good use in the future, for a much better game than your usual decadent hedonistic types that are made in the West nowadays.

>Not marrying her preteen daughter and inheriting the empire

>only 3 days
I'm not allowed to leave the house and dont have a work from home option

>Imagine choosing a faction just because it's "led" by a woman
People like you are he reason feminists can exist.

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based, this is the first game I'm buying in over 10 years


if you believe in monarchy she has the most legitimate claim to the throne since she was the wife of the emperor, as well as whoever marries her daughter

>being effectively put in stasis & paid 80% of my salary just to play video games


You know a game will be good when this is the best shitposters can come up with

Aserai, insha'Allah.

Are the Floris modmakers gonna work on Bannerlord?

>Not wanting an Oyakodon with both the Empress and her daughter

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>tfw download will take ages

More like the Simp Empire, amirite

What a fucking söyboy. Take her lands like a real man with your own sweat and blood. And then take her and her daughter in the fucking ass.



Just stop

Unbelievably based. Planned to do this as well.

Hello? Cringe department?

Are they allowing it to be bought directly from them on their website or anything?

First day pirate?



How would being married to the emperor make a legitimate claim?

Attached: Arisen.png (343x158, 35.71K)

>Peasant Woman
>Camp Follower
>Camp Defender
>Sword Sister
>no female troops
Confirmed for never having played it.

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i think i might be rarted but what exactly does the early access blogpost mean when it says 'campaign' as opposed to the sandbox of warband? i have like 500 hours in warband but havent been paying attention tot he dev cycle of bannerlord at all, so just to be clear, the core gameplay loop is the same right? im not gonna have to wait for a 'warband style' sandbox mode later on in development?

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>just tested with another game and my steam download speed is currently 4mb/s
>meaning assuming a 60gb filesizebit'll take 4 hours for bannerlord to download
>which is 1am here

its 1h58 retards
steam rounds down until the final hour

The short sword and chainmail lads in the corner always get me.

>Confirmed for never having played it.
Glad to see you admit it user.

people still have slow internet in 2020?

I thought it was releasing at 3am PT. It's only 1:02am. Did I miss something?

Most likely. Taleworlds being the dumb turks they are, they always have a free download of every game they have on their website. All you need to do is buy the key to gain access to the game, which people will have plenty of key generators like Warband.

>Releasing just in time for me to start to download it before I go to bed then work a 10 hour shift in 6 hours
It's not fair...

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Just say you are coofing a little and get a paid 2 week vacation

Uh wrong faggot, it just went from 2 to 1 hour, its coming out in 56 minutes

I'm you, but I have 2 mb/s.
Pray for me, bros.

You can buy it on their taleworlds website.

>Emperor dies
>Only heir is his daughter, who is too young to take up the throne
>Regency is in effect until daughter comes of age, empress is the boss until then.

Just give them a call and say you have corona-chan

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There's a bit of a story mode with quests to follow but devs said you can choose to completely ignore it and just do whatever you want.

1 hour until release.

Attached: mount.jpg (852x431, 51.21K)

What if I'm not white but like m&b?

I assume*
The other games are there

it's 1am pacific

Dude, I download at 500kb/s on steam. It'll take me more than a day to download.

I guess the official Mount & Blade account is wrong and an user on Yas Forums is right then.

2 hours. Its one AM pacific right now.

2 hours. It's only 7pm in Australia.

Damn I can't believe release is only an hour away now.

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they're just retarded and managed to fuck up adjusting for daylight savings time twice
Australian Eastern Daylight Time 9PM is an hour late

it will take me like 2 hours to download fuck me.
i guess i will have time to do my dailies in my big tiddie slutty gacha before i inmerse myself in king harlaus shenanigans

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damn. one of the main reasons i preferred m&b over total war was the lack of timegated story beats. oh well i guess we'll see how it plays out

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Here's hoping. I'm considering buying it straight from them and cut out the Steam middle man.

I'll start downloading it in 53 minutes and there's nothing you can do against it

I will admit, I planned to wait atleast for tomorrow, to see the first feedback from anons come on in, but I feel sorry that I do doubt. Since my Connection is so shitty, I would still play it anyway tomorrow tough.

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Nice excuse to be a complete simp, faggot.

Not him but I assume its identical to the Merchant quests in Warband, which you could do or ignore and had zero impact on anything really.

Back to Twitter/Reddit or wherever you came from.