Magic the Gathering: Arena

How did Standard get to the point that this is acceptable?

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People complained about Creatures: the Tappening. So they gave it vigilance.

broken 3 mana planeswalkers

Magic isn't a game. It's a marketing scheme.

the fuck alphabet keywords is that?

How does that make sense? Lorewise? Gameplaywise? Why does this exist?

Makes sense when you realize this was released in a time where land of the dead was fucking everywhere



They simply don't give a fuck about the health of the game anymore. They just want to sell packs.

fuck dude remembering that stupid fucking meta is pissing me off and its been 3 months since i last played. Who's bright idea was it to create Oko? That person needs to be brought to justice, I remember some super fucking busted combo with Oko and another planeswalker but I forgot what.

because fuck true name nemesis

Questing Beast at least is way more fair and interective than 99% of 4 cmc or higher green creatures.

In the current meta it's not even top tier or hard to kill.

You don't know? Broken 3CMC planeswalkers are all the rage now.

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Absolute dogs hit designers. There’s a reason the only good sets in the last 15 years are the only ones Richard Garfield worked on

Fug, 2CMC*

Retards at wotc can’t make good standard formats. They make 98% of cards shit but then a few very obviously “crafted for standard” mythics that they want people to play with. Unfortunately they completely miss the mark on what makes magic fun and end up with fucking awful sets for the past decade

its probably not even the strongest card in this set

Is this really standard? A ping on turn 2 can fuck up a lot of Afro decks and I imagine help with your own gameplan but that first ability is busted if a deck can a couple of lands in the graveyard consistently.

>print a cool anti planeswalker mechanic
>but put it on a disgusting body so when people complain they can say haha I guess people don't want planeswalker hate.
And now the fucking dragon ball super card game is adding planeswalker style cards, hopefully it won't be as disastrous as it was for magic.

I'm still mad at how blatant a pushed card Oko was. It's not even subtle when your poster boy fundamentally breaks basically every format within a week.

It was printed in a supplemental set, so not in standard. It was banned in legacy though if that is a good indicator of its power level

Was Hogaak banned in legacy?

No, just modern

My wife is currently on a win-streak using a deck containing only 4 nonland cards with an instawin condition. She's winning by turn 5 each game.
I started playing Eternal & HEX and never looked back.

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imagine this shit with Wasteland and Loam, or Brainstorm and fetchlands


>he fell for the eternal meme

Use to play paper standard regularly, dropped it entirely after the shitshow that was Eldraine. Never thought I'd miss Kaladesh of all things.

>he still plays absolute trash

WAR made standard Magic the Planeswalkering, so a lot of walker hate was printed in ELD.

It's a legendary 2GG mythic, so it's allowed to be strong, but it's not even that insane because
>dies to removal
It's good in a vacuum, but these days it's a sideboard card if run at all.

Lorewise, it's a chimera so it gets a hodgepodge of effects on one body.

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Treasure Hunt
try playing a real format if you want good gameplay

Unfortunately bud, magic will still be around in 20 years but eternal will be lucky to live through the next 2

Loam doesn't synergize with it and brainstorm isn't recurred either so it doesn't synergize with it any more than it does with just a single fetchland anyway.

You don't need wasteland (as that makes it somewhat harder to run out consistently on turn 2). You just need a fetchland and it becomes a 2 mana 'draw a card every turn' that needs to be answered.

Hey guys we totally don't care about the cost of cards in the secondary market and it isn't a consideration by the way check out our new super duper special collectors set of 5 fetch lands for $180.

Standard pre-WAR was the best it'd been since Innistrad.

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There is no real format where treasure hunt is good

x1 Thassa's Oracle
x3 Treasure Hunt
x4 Mystic Sanctuary
The rest islands.

That’s because mr Garfield designed dominaria for them so it wasn’t a complete shit show

Questing Beast is not a chimera lorewise.


Sure, but just because whales keep it afloat doesn't mean it's good. Look at Fortnite & Minecraft for example.

nobody figuered out how to make a tiered deck out of it, no

looks like Carrie Grant

There’s nothing to figure out, it’s a meme card too vulnerable to too many strategies or just variance in general. It will never be good

cool story bro
eternal magic will always be a thing

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MtG would have been a vastly superior game if planeswalkers were never printed.

The legendary rule means nothing, and I reject the notion that you should win because you spent more money you fucking jew. You people ruined magic.

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I like old cards as well, I was talking about the other card game called “eternal”

just googled this and lmao holy fucking shit that is disgusting

Nissa. She was 5 mana, but with oko and golden goose you'd be able to get her on turn three. After you you get her out, you'll have also already flooded the board with a few 3/3. If you opponent ever plays anything better than a 3/3, it becomes a 3/3 elk. Then its just a few turns until nissa makes all your 3/3 lands indestructible. Once you run out of cards, you can redraw your entire hand with hydroid krasis since nissa also doubled how much mana each land was worth too.

I like how when the set came out first impressions is everyone was scared of cats and oven and feast of crows; if only that were the case.

based artists

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It's not even a set of each of the lands. It's just 5 individual cards.

At this point even retard normies are starting to hate planeswalkers, but it’s far too late. Wotc makes too much money off them and a good portion of people lap up the garbage “””””writing””””” in the lore

That thing is nothing compared to shit like T3feri and Oko

Didn't people autistically screech cause 2 characters weren't gay or some shit?

It's funny because this card STILL isn't good. You know standard is unsalvageable when a pushed wordsalad anti-planeswalker card is still not worth playing in green decks.

Riddle me this, Yas Forums. How does this interaction play out?

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you never know

Why did WotC push Simic so hard anyway?

Reminder that throne is STILL fucking up standards power level after 3 cards from it were banned.

Totally forgot about the negating damage prevention thing about this card until it hit me because its relevant so little of the time. Turns out giving something protection to green totally counts and it'll still kill you.

Just matters which entered first, actually

10/1/2009 This is the current interaction between Humility and Opalescence: The type-changing effect applies at layer 4, but the rest happens in the applicable layers. The rest of it will apply even if the permanent loses its ability before it’s finished applying. So if Opalescence, Humility, and Worship are on the battlefield and Opalescence entered the battlefield before Humility, the following is true: Layer 4: Humility and Worship each become creatures that are still enchantments. (Opalescence). Layer 6: Humility and Worship each lose their abilities. (Humility) Layer 7b: Humility becomes 4/4 and Worship becomes 4/4. (Opalescence). Humility becomes 1/1 and Worship becomes 1/1 (Humility). But if Humility entered the battlefield before Opalescence, the following is true: Layer 4: Humility and Worship each become creatures that are still enchantments (Opalescence). Layer 6: Humility and Worship each lose their abilities (Humility). Layer 7b: Humility becomes 1/1 and Worship becomes 1/1 (Humility). Humility becomes 4/4 and Worship becomes 4/4 (Opalescence).
10/1/2009 You apply power/toughness changing effects in a series of sublayers in the following order: (a) effects from characteristic-defining abilities; (b) effects that set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (c) effects that modify power and/or toughness but don’t set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (d) changes from counters; (e) effects that switch a creature’s power and toughness. This card’s effect is always applied in (b), which means that effects applied in sublayer (c), (d), or (e) will not be overwritten; they will be applied to the new value.

opal turns humility into a 4/4 creature, then humility turns itself into a 1/1 creature. its enchantment effect is not an ability

It's pretty impressive how hard they fucked up.

Everyone who designed War and Throne should be fired desu

Because they know they can't just push mono U or there will be major backlash.
If they push simic they get to pretend like green is the problem color, and it works if you ever decide to read the arena general.

>Arena had a preconstructed deck event recently
>one of the decks was simic flash

Whoever's idea it was to include that cancer in an event ought to be kicked in the head

They refuse to ban fires cause it “enables deck building”. You mean enables control decks to push mid range and tempo completely of of the meta