Half-Life: Alyx No VR mod

>Dario Casali Valve level designer: "We couldn't possibly do (Half-Life: Alyx) with a mouse and keyboard."

Challenge accepted! After being told it was impossible, a mere 5 days after its release, a youtuber named UnrealAcademy came out with the first "No VR" mod for Half-Life: Alyx, which, after a few simple steps to install it, allows anyone with a decent PC to play the game on a monitor with a mouse and keyboard - no expensive VR headset and waggle controllers required.

Instructions and video on how to install here:

>latest progress as of 03/30/2020

New weapons are in the game and working and looking great. Gravity gloves, hands and teleporting are also in and working.

Attached: half life alyx kbm.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:


imagine being this poor lmao

Nice to know we're making progress.

Neat, glad you guys get to play it
Any playthrough vids yet?

Seems pointless unless you can use wiimotes or psmove controllers

>>Dario Casali Valve level designer: "We couldn't possibly do (Half-Life: Alyx) with a mouse and keyboard."

>Challenge accepted! After being told it was impossible
He probably wasn't saying 'we're incapable of making a mouse&kb game"; user
Since they've done a few of those

Oh wow that's even worse than I was expecting
Fuck off, wake me up when you do it right

I don't really care about playing this game but it's funny how much the VR babbies are getting assblasted by this


Looks like absolute garbage like this.
Just replay HL2 if you really can't get a headset.

the first step should be removing teleporting entirely, not making it work

>the other guys are assmad
>not me, the man throwing out three capslock meme lines without provocation
are you ok

>Looks like absolute garbage like this.
>Just replay HL1 if you really can't get a graphics card

Attached: HL2Classic.jpg (1280x720, 171.25K)

This. Getting the game to run in a 2D window doesn't change the fact the levels and interactions are designed with motion controls in mind.

VNN defense force is in full swing.

>Dario Casali
What the fuck, he is still working at Valve?
This is one of the guys that made Plutonia.

why are you so angry?

This. Indexfag here feel free to ruin your experience with a shitty hacked together mod. You'll miss out on all environment interactions, puzzles, sense of immersion and combat tension.

Another indexfag calling in.
I'm glad people can have fun with this without the headset. I just hope criticism of the non-VR mode won't rub off on what people think of the game itself as intended.
It's going to be very clear to anyone who tries this that the way the game is designed greatly benefits from VR. And if anything, playing this will hopefully convince people of that, as well as let them experience the story/environments for cheap.

My favorite is when those people come back saying "eh, the game's alright"

>If I portray my opposition as capslockretards I can win every argument before it even starts

>it's fun to play half life 2 on a screen that you cover the half up with and using a SNES gamepad

>Misinterpreting what he meant

good job retard

I don't even have vr, and not gonna buy it unless it gets cheaper in few years. Despite that, the mod looks like shit. Not gonna play HL:A with that.

>Challenge accepted!
You did nothing.

>dude rotate some orb such immersion
VRfag cope is hilarious

>"We couldn't possibly do (Half-Life: Alyx) with a mouse and keyboard."
pfft they just wanted to sell their shitty VR meme goggles. the devs are probably the ones doing these mods anyway. it's hit its peak with VR, they don't care.

But Half Life Alyx is a good VR game. Not a good normal game.

I think they meant that it wouldn't be fun without the VR element, and they're right.


Attached: retard.jpg (537x720, 121.22K)

Nice job deliberately misunderstanding or misrepresenting what Casali was trying to say, and blatantly ignoring the fact that Walker said that a keyboard and mouse mod was inevitable.

The point is not that you can’t mod from VR to keyboard and mouse, it’s that it’s impossible to do a game that can support both at the same time; the mod will necessarily have to change a lot of stuff and Valve can’t be added to do all that work.

As someone who doesn’t own VR and genuinely wants a keyboard and mouse mod, I’m not impressed with the progress so far. I want a proper mod where you don’t have to constantly noclip because of getting stuck, and it’s clear that we’re stjll a long ways away from that, but anti VR shills are too busy masturbating on “sticking it to VR owners” to care about getting an actually good game experience that isn’t just noclipping through everything.

So long as you understand that this isn't how the game was designed to be played, it's all cool.

I'm worried that people are going to find the combat and puzzles too clunky and claim that's how it is in the VR version.

It's like playing PC shooter with a gamepad

Ok now open a door

I think most people know that this isn't 1:1 experience. I'd say its best to call this a port. I'm sure that the necessary changes needed to be made will be made to make this an enjoyable keyboard experience.

There's nothing wrong with allowing people to play VR games on a M+KB. As long as they're not judging the game based on that experience then it's all good.

>flails his mouse around the door for 10 straight seconds
>g-got it! haha

Guys, there's already a "Press E to Door" function left over from HL2 in Alyx. The difficult stuff is without a doubt the globe puzzle.

That shit felt awkward as fuck even in VR

I'm still getting a VR set and playing the game the way it was intended. Before I wouldve been on the M+KB side, but after watching some gameplay its changed my mind. It's supposed to be a slower, more immersive experience.

I'm glad more people are going to be able to play it though and get caught up with everyone else.

Man, remember picking on consolefags?
This is what they felt like retard.
Let that sink in.

I've already played the game in VR, I just want to see how far fans can polish up all the HL2 code in here and play the game in a new perspective or get Source 2 HL2 mods.

I don't know where this expectation for FPS games needing to be fast on KB&M comes from. System Shock 2 works just fine being a slower FPS. I doubt Alyx being a slower FPS will hurt on KB&M.

this looks pretty ghetto DESU. Not even worth pirating it to play through it like this.
I think you'd need amnesia/penumbra style environment interaction at a bare minimum to make it work. And probably a lot of custom scripting.

imagine being so dumb you bought a 700 dollar meme and have to justify it constantly on a mongolian quilt sewing forum

Attached: vr retard.jpg (1280x720, 96.19K)

Looks like shit. I'm playing both HL:A and HL3 definitely in VR, thanks.

>"Man why do you only face a few enemies at a time, I played 1000 hours of CS for THIS?"
>These item manipulation puzzles are STOOPID"
Smooth brained retards will play it and still bitch the game wasn't designed around M+KB, I'll bet money.
And since most people can't afford/won't buy VR they will believe that being numerous gives their opinion weight, which it does not.

The problem is only a fraction of the doors in the game are door ents from HL2

There’s alot of shutter doors, windows, swing gates and some sliding lock doors.

I mean with some modding work you could apply the function to every object in the game. But even then it wouldn’t be as fun. Getting on the floor to peek under a door, seeing a headcrab waiting on the other side, and then nading it is fun. Or the opposite, losing concentration, pulling up a window and seeing 3 enemies staring you in the face.

Also, just remembered there’s a puzzle where you have to navigate a valve off of a piece of rebar.

Doing that with m+kb would be utter dogshit

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But 1000$ dollars isn't expensive? user are you perhaps poor?

Is this the TNT Evilution Casali?

Can you play the game with VR controllers but on monitor?
I'm willing to try the new control scheme offered by motion tracking, but the whole strapping a monitor on your head is a big turnoff for me.

>“As a result, what I’m confident will happen is that when people get that butchered version, and they’ll have lost all the things that we’ll have got from moving to VR, they will then understand very clearly why we made that choice.”


Attached: surprised joker.jpg (582x582, 39.97K)

>but the whole strapping a monitor on your head is a big turnoff for me

you're just poor, that's a turnoff and a yikes

The pancake cope and seethe circus has been amusing as hell to watch unfold. This mod and any others like it are really cringy examples of the desperation pancakes have to not feel left out and have the game on their deprecated flatscreens even if it means totally compromising the experience and disrespecting the developers because they're too poor or stingy to join the rest of us in 2020 and play the game as intended.

I don't know. A lot of people in these threads give the impression that the only conceivable reason somebody would play on VR is because they're forced to. Especially when some elements like reloading at more effort than just pressing a key.

Reasonable desu

I think the biggest problem you’d have though is manipulating the camera. In VR the camera is just a natural extension of your eyes. I think trying to do it on monitor you’d need a third hand to use the mouse, and even then it would be disorienting.

>Especially when some elements like reloading at more effort than just pressing a key.

press a key, the game literally plays itself

Okay, how do you tack the controllers?

Pancake niggers should be expelled from the master race.

Attached: adam-savage-tries-vr.webm (968x544, 1.32M)

do the vr controllers not have a second stick?

Imagine being so poor you can't afford a VR headset (the price of a console) and need a shitty mod to play a game you're clearly interested in

>He thinks they haven't already
Just look at the way they post user.
If it doesn't remind you of console only players I don't know what to say.

Attached: 1556743883745.gif (240x266, 3.86M)

VR headset is cheaper than the phones you zoomers have

Obviously I haven't played it, I just thought it would be possible to control the camera with an analog stick.

unIronically what some think is a good thing, because "entertainment should make me work!"

But depth perception, manual reloading, leaning, aiming and force pulling is part of the fun KBM can't emulate. It's a gimped experience at best.

>buying consoles

Attached: time to stop.png (800x900, 559.85K)

This is like watching somebody argue that playing Starcraft 64 is totally the same as Starcraft on PC. It's so extremely obvious that the differences in control and input are majorand that one experience will never match the way game was meant to be played that it's hard to believe anyone is saying any of it seriously.

Hope you like pancakes.

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Imagine being so poor you can't afford a console (less than the price of a PC) and need a shitty emulator to play a game you're clearly interested in

Don't worry I'm sure it'll boil down to "N-no it's different because M+KB is the end all be all control scheme"
The type of retards that can't bust out 40 bucks for a console controller to play action games citing "M+KB is more precise" despite literally any fucking body worth half a shit telling you that controllers are better, but in their marble like brain, admitting something is good at one thing is some sort of sign of weakness

dr coomer

you sound a lil salty consolefag

>controllers are better

yeah, if its a shit port.


lmoa coping this hard that you cant afford VR

>its garbage
Still trying so hard to play it its sad. Hahaha poorkeks

why dont modders add SPRINTING to the game

Case and point.

Imagine being so poor you can't afford to buy a game (the price of 10 Quiznos subs) and need a shitty torrent to pirate a game you're clearly interested in

post your vr headset with timestamp.

he's pointing out how retarded the argument is

It's like being a consolefag who plays shooters
You need software and hardware crutches to play shooters on consoles. Bullet magnetism, that sort of shit. It is and inferior way to play FPS.
When gyro aiming was introduced to the gamepads, people were crying rivers about it being some Wii shit. But it improves aiming with a gamepad alot, and the result is FPS on consoles becomes much more enjoyable
Yet Sony and Microsoft refuse to use it even though on a hardware level it is possible.
People resist progress and change because they're stupid and lazy
This is the same situation, VR gives you an insane and pretty accurate control of the game world yet people refuse to accept it, ironically, until they try it because people who actually tried VR would never deny it's great

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You're better off just watching a playthrough.

So with how things are I'm surprised they just dont put half life 2 controls in the game.

1-4 or Mouse Wheel Selects all the guns

R. does the reload motion perfectly and automatically

5-6 Are the pockets for storage like Key Cards Syringes, and grenades.

You can play the game like that. Will it be as good. HELLS NO!!! but its playable.

I'm playing on a $150 WMR and LOVE IT! But I get people with disabilities and idiots can't into VR.
E. grabs things like the gravity gloves would, pick things up and opens all doors

That was pretty terrible if that's the case.

Imagine playing video games with something designed for typing

you can't possibly trick yourself into thinking you're actually getting the real experience of the game playing without vr, right?

it doesn't matter if it becomes fully 100% completeable, you aren't getting the experience of the game as designed

>people who actually tried VR would never deny it's great
VR is total dogshit. It's an inferior form of 50 year old tech which fails at the one application it's actually suited to due to terrible resolution and poor tracking.

Now, playing Alyx without VR is completely retarded, because the game is built for VR and would be a complete cakewalk with traditional FPS controls. But that doesn't mean VR is good, it just means it's fundamentally incompatible.


But dude, the puzzles where you rotate stuff with your hands and point at things with a laser!

>It's an inferior form of 50 year old tech
Why bother spouting your opinions when they're easily disprovable?

you just proved his point
>The story concerns a fox that tries to eat grapes from a vine but cannot reach them. Rather than admit defeat, he states they are undesirable.

Attached: unnamed24.png (357x512, 14.88K)

>You can play the game like that. Will it be as good. HELLS NO!!! but its playable.
And it would be the version a majority of your fanbase plays because only a few have headsets. We don't need them saying the whole game is crap because the non-vr version was.

Missed opportunity to show him failing to insert the floppy disk first.

I'm not even talking about the fucking puzzles, dude. I'm talking about the combat.

What are you on about? Qwak came out in 1974.

I own VR, buddy. It's shit.

>yfw thinking about all those poor peasants who will never experience the euphoria of rotating door handles

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If what you're saying is true, you're still an incredibly vast minority, in that you've tried it and disliked it, maybe you've got some brain eating disease that doesn't let you experience it properly you're not divulging as to not look like a busted human being.
Do know literally anybody that knows what they're talking about thinks you're a fucking retard and having a majority of poorfaggot drones doesn't validate your retarded stance because at least rich faggot drones touched the fucking headsets.

I thought the doors in Alyx were some of the worst I'd ever used in VR. Maybe it's because there were so many of them, maybe it's because they were all retarded double hinged abominations, something about it was just awful.

Hardly, VR is beloved by zoomers who never got to try out Police 9/11 in the arcade. Because if they had, they'd know that VR is a direct step back.