Attached: THIS IS THE ULTIMATE.jpg (480x360, 21.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

am i retarded if this was the sole reason i wanted shadow playable in the new smash, just for this one stupid joke

You never cease to surprise me blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space


Muh ria...



my retarded ass thought this shit was epic back in the day

Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!

I’ll use your CHAOS CONTROL




The actual lines are "THIS IS THE ULTIMATE power" and "I'LL USE YOUR TECHNIQUE", but the word "power" is extremely quiet and the word technique gets cut off because the dialogue is all timed to the japanese audio.


its still epic dw
Are you saying it isn't now?



SA2B is the greatest video game of all time.


I'll use your ULTIMATE surprise

So did Shadow really die in SA2 and his consequent appearances are a copy/android or what?

Attached: 220px-ShadowTheHedgehogSA2.png (220x301, 74.05K)



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I think it's better to not think about the continuity of Sonic

The Shadow in SA2 wasn't even the original, user.

Stars don’t twinkle the moon doesn’t shine

Guys this is important to me, please answer my question in the most autistic detail possible. In Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog, they repeat over and over that that Shadow may not be the real one and in multiple endings of Shadow they say he's an android whereas in other endings he just learns to accept that "lol idk"

Attached: sad squirrel.jpg (358x442, 77.38K)

The Shadow from Heroes and Shadow is the same from 2.


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An Eggman's robots saves him from falling and he loses his memory. Eggman makes some clone robots of him in heroes. The death is retconned and he's confirmed the real shadow in a dialogue from eggman during the super shadow boss fight in Shadow the Hedgehog.

Attached: A6432017-C55E-4C4D-B1E6-E15353D25C3D.jpg (752x560, 67.92K)

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Proof that Shadow and Eggman are buds in some type of way
>Android ending
Not canon so fuck off

ThIs Is ThE uLtImAtE!
tHiS iS tHe UlTiMaTe!

Why was the audio mixing so god awful in the english version

Shadow died in SA2, but since he was so popular he survived
The thing in Heroes about being a "clone/android" was just to mess up with kids and bad writing, since Sonic team didnt had the balls to say "he just survived"

What this user is saying is that Shadow was based off the mural of S3K because Gerald traveled around the world about ancient shit so could he save Maria from "space aids" with the immortality of the ultimate life form. Which is why Shadow looks like Super Sonic(since the mural is Super sonic vs Eggman/Robotnik), why there are artificial looking Chaos in Ark, why Biolizard feels similar to Perfect Chaos and why there is a sanctuary with Emeralds like in SA1 Angel Island. the problem is that SA2 doesnt explain much, you have to link the things. I think in Battle(GBA) they explored more the idea Gerald travelling around the world and how he met the ruins with Emerl

in shadow the hedgehog eggman reveals that he found him almost dead on the earth and he begining to make these Android's,the shadow who was found by rouge was the original,still I don't know why Omega trough he was a faker, maybe he saw some of the Android's before or someone (metal sonic) changed his memory a little

anyway they fucked up since this crucial fetal only appears on the true ending of the game after expending 8 minutes on the final boss fight, that's why everyone who played or maybe are going to play these games would never know the truth

The Shadow game addresses this.
In the neutral routes Shadow will ignore the alien invasion to go hunt down Eggman and question if he's one of the shadow androids. Eggman will till him that he is an android, but in the true ending during the final boss, Eggman will say he was just fucking with you and that he had one of his robots snatch him up when he was falling.

Attached: Shadow_the_Hedgehog.jpg (960x1200, 494.63K)

Man as much as game grumps sucks that bit in the old 06 let's play was great
That was back with john though
Atleast we still have oney plays

Ever since SA2, they've always had this odd mutual respect for each other. Last time we saw it in action was 06 and I wish we had the chance to see more of it.

The ending of Heroes does imply Shadow is still alive despite the robutt thing since Omega says that to have copies the original must still exist.

They sort of just half assedly say...yep it's him in Shadow's final boss fight and then dropped the plot forever.

>The thing in Heroes about being a "clone/android" was just to mess up with kids and bad writing

It was actually them re-using ideas from SA2 about Shadow not really being Shadow, which is what is hinting at, there's actually a lot of planned LORE and shit in SA2 via supplamentary materials and the original Japanese script which the localization butchered.

To get this, watch this 2 hour narrative analysis, and this shorter, less serious but still touching on real stuff video; and this excerpt of a in universe report from Rouge from the Japanese guidebook

Here's a tl;dr though:

>GUN and the government are basically separate factions, and Rogue is a government spy sent by the president to spy on GUN and Project Shadow, as established in supplamentrary material, where her reports (combined with dialog in the Japanese script) calls into question if the Shadow we see in game is the actual finalized result of Project Shadow (since Gerald was apparently still working on the project even after/during the Ark was sieged and Shadow was allegedly captured) or a prototype/replica, with altered or fabricated memories

>Furthermore, we see through the Artificial Chaos enemies, the Ancient Ecidnia/Maya iconography around the Eclipse Cannon's control center and the Cannon's Core, and the Chaos Drives which power the GUN enemies that Gerald Robontik was studying Angel Island and the Master/Chaos emeralds as well as Chaos himself, which has made people theorize, as mentions, that Shadow is based on the Super Sonic mural, and the Biolizard is on the Perfect Chaos mural (though the latter theory here is disputed by the Rouge Report which established the Biolizard is a Lizard due to their regenderative properties



>The Japanese script has Gerald saying Shadow's memories were altered, and there's more lines in general establishing that Shadow may not be the real Shadow at all; with Rouge's report also noting that there's discrepncies which makes it make no sense for Shadow to have been sent down from the Ark after it's raid when Shadow was already active and with Maria, while Gerald was in custody, yet for Gerald to have still been finalizing shadow after that point

>Lastly, During the final fight against the Final Hazard, if you take long enough, it also is stated by Shadow that he';s having trouble keeping his super form up, whereas Sonic is doing fine (which is why Shadow ends up dying at the end of the game) and that he thinks SONIC is the ultimate life form, not himself

There's a few potential ways to interperet all of this

The most basic is that the Biolizard is the prototype and Shadow is the final result, and his memories were just altered by Gerald to make him think Maria wanted revenge instead of the people of Earth to be happy so Shadow would execute Gerald's revenge plot, and that his comments of Sonic being the Ultimate Life Form was just him saying Sonic is better then he is, or that if Shadow was indeed based on the Super Sonic mural, that Sonic is the propheized ultimate life form that Shadow was an attempt at creating by Gerald

But the more interesting possibility is that Shadow IS an earlier prototype or replica: Either created after the ARK incident/while Gerald was on earth in Prison Island (hence why Shadow was also stored there), with totally fabricated memories (Something the Sonic X anime implies); or that he was a prototype left on the ARK which was then captured by GUN as the capsule was sent down by Maria, while Gerald continued his work and made the Final Shadow; or that there were in fact TWO capsules sent down (again, something Sonic X implies by showing two capsules)


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With THOSE possibilities, it would mean the ACTUAL, real shadow was...

Sonic himself.

This isn't just crazy fan speculation: This is what would have been meant by Shadow saying Sonic was the True Ultimate Life Form, would explain why Sonic could use Chaos control, and ties into the whole dialog Sonic and Shadow have throughout the game where shadow keeps commenting that sonic "Isn't just an ordinary Hedgehog" and asking who hs is. You even see Sonic pondering what "the ulitmate life form" means in the credits with Amy.

In fact, the game's writer OUTRIGHT replied to people asking if if this was the original intention on twitter (, where he said that it was all intentionally ambiguous, as in that was one potential interpretation they had written the game around alongside the others I mentioned. Subsequent Sonic games threw out this sort of intentional ambiguity and LORE since Heros wanted to go in a simpler direction and Shadow was never intended to come back, but the idea of Shadow not really being Shadow was re-used in Heros and Shadow the Hedgehog's plot, and Gerald researching ANcient Echidna stuff was confirmed in Sonic Battle.


Hah, what can I say? I die hard

I mean in order to hear this you need to be a minute away from the time over (where Black Doom would've killed everyone), so it seemed like Eggman was just trying to get it off his chest while he still had the chance. Probably the most remorseful you'll hear him in a game.


Only thing I never got about this is, if shadow's memories were implanted as fake how did he end up recovering 'real' memories of maria asking him to protect everyone.

Who knows? Maybe those were fake too; maybe it's the simpler explanation that the fake part was just her wanting revege but it's still the real shadow, etc.

As I said,k the writer said it was made intentionally ambiguous all around, with both Sonic being the real Shadow, Shadow being shadow but with fake memories, etc all being possibilities. ,

It's been said but I do wish they were willing to kidna go all out with this sort of thing again. Forces likely shut down that possibility for another few years though.

The problem with 06 and forces etc is just the games themselves sucked ass. Like with 06 I think the story is stupid and melodramatic but if the game was good that would've been part of the fun for me.

am I a faker?

>watching Gay Grumps' LP of Sonic 06
>not based pokecapn

The mattmcmuscles/risingsuperstarliam 06 and sa2 lps are based

>like every other episode of the sa2 lp they remark how well the game has aged relative to how they thought it'd be
>other youtubers btfo'd

based, at least they actually finished the fucking game (and in 24 hours, no less)

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I knew pat and woolly are still on good terms, didn't know liam and matt are still doing stuff together but that makes sense.

Still like that song even though I've never play it for anyone else. Has a weird quality to it.

Why the fuck do you faggots always just post the audio? Post a video of someone actually playing it and it would still have the music.


Because the real memories were still there. Sometimes we remember things we completely forgot a couple of decades later, or we remember some event in some way and decades later we realize it was completely different.

With all these theories we are forgetting that Shadow was inside of a capsule for 50 years, that shit could fuck someones head.

>player is either totally inept or the fight is over in like a minute tops
The cutscene leading up to the fight is what really elevates the whole thing anyway

End of the World was wild, they were so tired and done with it.

>Look at these blacks
This is so fucking funny to me, I have no idea why

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Years ago I tried to play sonic chronicles and it was utter dogshit.

The loreshit sounds pretty interesting though. What's the best way for me to get that without having to play the shitty game? There a good LP I can skim? A text dump I can just read through?

I still dont know how they fucked that game up so bad. Even setting aside the terrible music, the action commands are so fucking boring and everything is so incredibly slow. These should be like the most basic easy to do things.


>uh oh looks like shamu can't get out now
>jon becomes a chicken

because then you get HUT HUT HUT (bling! bling! bling!) THIS IS THE ULTIMATE HUT HUT HUT DISAPPEAR! HUT HUT THIS IS THE ULTIMATE (bling!)
layered over the music

>tfw I actually saw that text on accident because I kept missing my attacks
god that boss was tedious.

Exactly which is not included in a fucking audio post with a static photo.