The Great Debate

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What are we debating here, exactly?
Which game is the best? Which character here looks the ugliest? Which screencap is the shittiest? All four screencaps look god awful and compressed

Is it the character models? If so, bigger is better. Manlets need not respond.

Which game is best

The one you like most

It'll quickly turn into jerking off GC, as do most AC threads when they aren't people playing NH. So that one.

Soul-wise, the original is probably the best
Feature-wise, I could see arguments made for both NL and NH. There's a lot of cool stuff in both that the other is missing, and to be honest I'm very confused about a lot of the stuff that NH removed suddenly.
Swimming removed, why? It was a pretty simple addition that made things a little more fun
Gyroids, why the FUCK would they ever get removed?
Artwork, sucks but maybe there's some kind of licensing thing with using the likeness of real paintings? Admittedly I have no idea how that works.
Perfect fruit was a nice system to earn extra money in your friend's towns, since you could only grow your local type. Dunno why that's gone now.


Never played GC so can't give opinion

is NH really that bad or is it just new bad old good?

It's a good game but with a lot of questionable design choices that can really break it for you
I find it just fine, but I can see why it pisses some fans off

No, it's really good. People just get mad when they remove 1 mediocre feature despite adding 2 good ones.

Why did the horns never return?

judging by the extremely active NH threads (first time in years we have actual discussion threads of a game), people sharing codes and doing meetups, all the rave reviews and the sales, it looks like it's not bad at all.
But I made this thread to compare new leaf to its predecessors really. Since my gf owns NH, I can't have my own island so now I'm torn between New Leaf, WW and GCN. No way I'm buying another goddamn switch just for one game

They removed features to put in inferior features. Like all switch games, people are pretending it is good when it really isn't.

It's fun.

I know there is a lot of nostalgia and 'soul' for the original GameCube version, but I really enjoy a lot of aspects about Wild World too. As the first sequel in the franchise it set a lot of new ground but also retained a strong sense of that whimsical mystery for me.

The notes from unknown other towns in bottles on the beach. The donations you can make to some ran down other town. The presents floating by on balloons. I always would like to wonder about how things were going on in these mentioned places and how the person sending notes/presents lived. The whole attic and phone for the menu was pretty strange, but neat.

I wish New Horizons had a model for inside the mode.of transportation. We've seen inside the car, the bus, the trains, why not the seaplane? Why a shitty flyover.

Have you guys ever read that spooky Wild World let's play?

>they like a game that I don't? they must be pretending for no reason

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Because they look dumb as fuck.

I did read that years ago. It was very spooky and ended in comic-drawn murder fanfic right? I remember it being good. In other news, I’m glad UFOs are gone. As much as I like the metroid furniture piece, I hated how hard they were to hit. It was too stressful.

i dismissed it for years as a boring snoozefest made for women and women only. I started playing new leaf this year and it's really fun, even though describing it on paper sounds boring. In NL at least, you're the mayor of a town of animals. You fish, dig, catch bugs, play special games during events, play in bug-catching competitions, create town projects, collect fossils for a museum, buy music, furniture, clothes, you collect gyroids, go to KK Slider's concerts, and pay off your housing mortgage to a raccoon. You talk to the villagers and become friends with them, or ignore them/treat them coldly until they move out and another random villager eventually moves in. Each villager has a specific personality and they all have unique dialogue. As dumb as it sounds, talking to them, doing favors for them and trading gifts is surprisingly fun. The game's time is based on real time and the things you find depend on the hour, day and season you're playing in. There are also whole minigames you unlock (they were released years after the game in a big update) you can play to win money and prizes

Old thing good! New thing bad! UNGA BUNGA!

Animal Crossing e+, any other answer is wrong

Because that way they get to keep stringing you along by patching that content in as time passes. And people will actually defend the practice because of time travellers.

So do you, but you're still here.


But how much of it will even be added again? We have no idea if the updates will be anything more than the holiday shit

There's no way to tell for sure now. All we know is that there's data for the café and an art gallery, more features are likely to follow the pattern, but there's no guarantees.

wild world, Obviously

>Artwork, sucks but maybe there's some kind of licensing thing with using the likeness of real paintings?
are you legitimately retarded? serious question.

A lot of features were removed, people don't like that.


Do people forget the fact that the Splatoon guy developed NH? Shit was removed, but everything's going to be added back in the form of free updates down the line. Just like Splatoon, just like Arms. The game will only start out barebones, then improve a lot over time. The froggy chair was just taking a vacation, will be back soon.

I like city folk because of how funny it looks all squat and shit. I like new model because of how expressive and cute it is.

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Population Growing JP > Population Growing = Wild World > New Leaf > New Horizons > Animal Forest > City Folk

Why tho? Why not just release a complete game from the get go?

Quit beating around the bush, the game is out GC fags

Where the fuck have you been Mr question?

>Is this minority opinion actually a majority? Someone please give me false affirmation

>Population Growing
If I could engineer I virus specifically to wipe people like you out, I would.

It is complete. They're just going to add in both new and old shit in due time. This isn't like Pokemon where they shit on you for wanting old features but then sell those old features back to you as DLC. You're going to get new NPCs and new furniture for free. Scoot WILL return.

Each has its own charm. They've upped details and customization so I don't understand why there aren't more facial features, the default expression has always looked pretty stupid to me

Also the lack of eyebrows now that they've abandoned the doll aesthetic, maybe Nintendo sees everyone's adding their own and will put them in the next game

source: your bootlicking ass

i really liked the sound effects in GCN. do the other AC games have them? only ones i've played are GCN and NH

stringing you along for what purpose exactly? it's not like there are mtx and you don't need NSO to get the updates. if they're doing it to keep the playerbase engaged and get the base product out earlier, what exactly is the problem?

>no journal
You were just too low IQ to use it.

>New Leaf > New Horizons
Opinion immediately discarded. Outdoor furniture is what PWPs always should have been.


they already said the mid-april update adds "new features, including Earth Day". emphasis on the "including".

Eat shit


This, but without consoomer autistic screeching.

I'm sending Jin-Roh to your house to liquidate you and your family. Nothing you can do about it, redditor.

is the fan translation really good?

to meet the March deadline

More like deductive reasoning when you consider the splatoon team is behind this game.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me.

just looked up Jane from Animal Crossing e+. What the fuck? this character looks like a terrible Yas Forums meme

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I don't know, you decide.
>Only one shop upgrade
>No cafe
>No club
>No shoe shop
>No hairdresser
>No police station
>No dream suite
>No home exhibition
>No custom museum exhibits
>No gyroids
>No art
>No daily pitfall seeds
>No villagers visiting your home
>No buying furniture from villagers' houses
>No villager friendship pictures (posters are NOT the same thing)
>No unique home layouts for each villager, they all use DIY
>No nicknames
>No fishing or bug catching tournaments
>No island minigames
>No random multiplayer islands
>No shrubs
>No island fruits or bananas
>No whole-home exterior remodels
>No feng shui
>No constellations
>Tools break constantly, even golden tools
>Online functionality regressions with ridiculous load times
>Can't access your storage or ATM from another island
>Can't craft in batches
>Crafting benches don't use materials in storage
>Arbitrary customization limits (items have color variants, but you often cannot change between them for non-DIY furniture)
>Can't put turnips in storage
>Can't put duplicate DIY recipes in storage
>PWPs downgraded to basic furniture
>Can't disable awful pixel scaling algorithm on designs
>Designer not compatible with touchscreen, while the bulletin board is
>Literal mobile game design with login bonuses and dailies
>Forced to do repetitive tarantula grinding to keep up with exorbitant town development costs
>Several fish and bugs cut
>Most major NPCs cut, replaced, or minimized
>Most old furniture series cut

Yeah, it's much more logical to assume that they'll just leave NH as is and watch as sales and interest dies, instead of drip-feeding content to keep the game relevant.

N*ntendrones in absolute fucking suicide mode, holy shit.

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there it is

Good but lacking in content.

>you can't like old things
>it's just nostalgia
Okay retard.

I think we got our wires crossed, buddy. I think old things are better.

Dayum son, this completely destroys the game, what even is left with the base game with them putting this out?

It's pure shit. A fucking joke. Nintendo is literally laughing at your gaijin ass for buying this half-assed trash.

Gamecube version had the best dialogue, no doubt.

As someone who's been playing Animal Crossing since I was 9, and who owns and has put thousands of hours into each rendition, this is my take on it:
>Graphics: Very nice, but that AC charm has been downplayed quite a bit, especially with the patterns on the tree trunks and the complete lack of texture on the river water. Doesn't feel fully like an AC game in this aspect, but it's far from ugly.
>Activity level: By this I mean, what is there to do? A whole lot of fucking nothing just like the past games, but this one is quite in your face about it on the first day. If you don't time travel, you will literally run out of shit to do in the first 2-3 hours. And I do mean literally. Now, after that, there is shit to do, and it's almost overwhelming how much shit is thrown at you on day 2 and 3.
>Charm: Here's the hard part. The fact the animals can do all these little things like hunt bugs, fall asleep on benches, and all have their unique outfits? Fucking beautiful. Charming. Soulful. But dear God whoever wrote the English script needs to be slapped upside the head. Anyone else notice how many fucking "lol meme xD" shit is in the dialogue? There's screencaps all over of villagers mentioning how it's trendy to hate pineapple on pizza and for reasons not worth explaining that shit pisses me off. Animal Crossing should give off a timeless feel. Stop fucking dating it, localization team. And going back to the graphics, I'd give it a lukewarm charm there. It's been stylistically downplayed in some small yet vital aspects.
>Customization: Quite a lot from what I've seen so far. It might have more or less than previous games and I'm not sure which but it's still at a satisfactory level. I will say, it's a lot harder to get your hands on some "wacky" furniture, which really kinda sucks some of the soul out of it. Too much normal furniture, though there are still a fair amount of weird items from what I've seen. Terraforming option is terrific.
It's a 7/10 for me.

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Jesus christ, I was thinking about getting it but why did they remove so much shit?

I don't know why you would go to all this effort when I can pop your argument with a pin called "grown men don't assert their age."

Actually, fuck...I hate to do it to an AC game but I'm knocking that down to a 6.5. I tried to be excited for it, because when New Leaf was first announced I fucking hated it, but then I got it and fell in love instantly. But this game is just so lacking in the vital aspects that make Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing.

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new content instead of the same recycled game

I even like the game but holy fuck do I hate that villagers don't have unique homes anymore. What the fuck were they thinking?

You see, you think that's a "got'em" moment, but it really isn't due to the simple fact I mentioned my age only to showcase, conceptualize, and reaffirm that I have, in fact, had no fucking life even since I was a nose picking shit for brains little kid.

They said that there will be new content from online updates, but anyone who thinks it's more than just holiday content is in for a rude awakening.

What new content? a tutorial for the first week or two?

>you will literally run out of shit to do in the first 2-3 hours
you play Animal Crossing for more than 3 hours a day?

>villagers don't have unique homes anymore.
>No villagers visiting your home
>Only one shop upgrade
This sounds like shit.

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I've honest to god probably spent 1/4 of my life playing AC, so yes.

It's fucking terrible. The game looks like ass, homogeneous typical nu-tendo afraid of having an artstyle, there's like 2 fucking songs and they sound like shit, the island is tiny as fuck, they removed a shitton of features, most the game takes place in menus with miles and crafting, it's just fucking terrible.

Not to mention there's literally no villager dialogue. They get like 2 screens of text per conversation.

>grown men don't
blanket statement, opinion discarded

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oh look it's this retarded bait again
>No cafe
>No gyroids
>No art
They're coming
>No club
>No shoe shop
>No hairdresser
>No police station
All unnecessary, and you don't have room for all those buildings anyway
>No daily pitfall seeds
They're a DIY recipe, and did you really enjoy digging up a useless item every day?
>No villager friendship pictures (posters are NOT the same thing)
>No unique home layouts for each villager, they all use DIY
>No fishing or bug catching tournaments
These are literally false
>No feng shui
It's a hidden mechanic, we don't know if it's there yet
>PWPs downgraded to basic furniture
implying this isn't a good thing in every conceivable way
>Literal mobile game design with login bonuses and dailies
you're logging in daily anyway, and nook miles give the game more structure
>Forced to do repetitive tarantula grinding to keep up with exorbitant town development costs
no, you're not forced. you can sell turnips, or time travel 50 years and live off the interest, or just go at your own pace without using exploits. AC progression is meant to be slow.
>Several fish and bugs cut
There are still more than new leaf
>Most old furniture series cut
Also straight up false, they just made the redundant sets customization options

>there can't be blanket statements
Die on this hill.

>there's like 2 fucking songs and they sound like shit
>he hasn't even unlocked the normal hourly music yet
>i have barely played the game but need to voice my shitty uninformed opinion

new horizons sucks because it was obviously made to just be a photo taking/aesthetic simulator: prove me wrong

Roastie dress up

Get to know them better and they'll have more to say and do more with you. You know, like real life.

I mean, you'd have to be an easily suggestible moron to buy a Switch in the first place.

Real Chads play Rune Factory instead.



I swear the only reason Yas Forums new horizons threads are so negative is because everyone else is actually playing the game
I see more switch friends online every day than I ever have since launch.

well done providing further evidence that all the anti NH fags are just seething jealous trolls who don't even own the damn console

>come into switch game thread
>post this
Attention whore begone.

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