MB = Timeflop

Mountain Blade Warband will be a Timeflop. You cannot prove me wrong.

Cancelled my preorder its going to be buggy trash, theres still time bros dont fall for the swedish meme.

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The fuck is a "timeflop"

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Honestly this game is a joke, everyone saying it will be good with the cut features, horrible graphics and buggy gameplay is in denial and refuses to see the truth. . . im done with paradox . .

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Could you please stop shitposting about the best game to come out in recent years? Christ people like you need to fucking stop wasting all your time here just jonesing for (You's) like fucking animals and get a life.

>Cancelled my preorder
you can't even preorder it, shitposter

>only 9,000 pre-orders
8 years of work... down the drain...

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Announcing reports is against the rules retard.
sage goes in all fields

literally me

>dumb boomers excited about a sequel to an autism LARP game that came out when I was still in elementary school
Grow up grandpa, move on and get a life...

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Anti shills shut the fuck up I dont care its in early access SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!

quality thread, faggot.

nothing you retards post is going to stop me from enjoying this game. holy fuck do something better with your time for once. it is quite fucking literally every game in existence that you retards come out of the woodworks to shit on because you don't play games anymore and just post threads for pointless fucking (Yous) that have no bearing on your post history or fucking anything in your life. KYS. honestly.

>doesn't know how to check how many posters are in a thread.
You must be new here.

using insults like incel does fucking nothing. do you know where you're posting? you honestly think anything you type is going to make anyone the least bit salty?

There is no way this game will be good. . . . I want to go home . . but I cant . . . . . f*ck this im done with games, FOR GOOD!

>b-b-but you're seething.
no im just calmly telling you, you're full blown retarded and no one takes you seriously.

>using insults like incel does fucking nothing. do you know where you're posting? you honestly think anything you type is going to make anyone the least bit salty?

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lol you're cringe and seethe dude... just lol @ ur life man take a chillpill and maybe get laid haha

Yeah, i'm posting in MY thread loser, this is an INCEL FREE ZONE, back off!!!

What is this stupid fucking thread?
Is garbage low-effort shitposting all you retards know anymore?

this thread has 1-2 retards who are shitting on a game they were never interested in in the first place. like 90% of threads on this shithole site.

second thought, incel-free zone, yet you're posting here? lmao.

put your glasses on grandpa you replied to the wrong person



rofl, deleting posts now? nice coping method.

I can't believe With Fire and Sword timeflopped, bros. 7m breorders fucking cancelled. How are Paradox and 3DO ever going to recover...

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This thread is pathetic.

sorry thats the janitor idiot n00b

yeah, im sure it is.

>This thread is pathetic.

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You dumb niggers got bored of making tortanic RE3 threads already and have to latch onto Bannerlord? lmao

ok... this is epic...

holy based btfoing the shills so hard

games gonna blow but they refuse to accept it, maybe after they drop it in a week they will come crawling back

nice post b

irony isn't a personality

its honestly just a minority of retards who have the need to shit on anything in any thread. imagine living a life where you just shitpost in threads and piss/shit in bottles because you have nothing else going on.


Honestly one of the best posts I've seen in a while, keep up the good work man.

People like this need to project their bad homelife on others cause they said something that might be taken as bad about their shitty game LOL what a joke

put me in the screencap

Ok this is epic

lol this is going on reddit

should bannerlord be added to this?

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Hell yeh, shills out in full force tonight seething!

kraid cat.

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>all these losers responding to this post
get a life

Yes 100%
Yes 1000%


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What he means is that the game is mostly interesting for fans which have already waited way too long for release and lost intereset. Consequently most people won't even notice when the game gets released and sales won't be good.

Personally I agree, that sales likely won't be too amazing early on.
Though that really doesn't matter for me or anyone who just wants to play a better mountain blade.
Also eventually and if the game is good, word will get out and more and more people will get it. Basically just the same thing that happened with the original game.


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Holy BTFO!

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Blessed post! fuck Banterbored fans get a life losers!

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one word - epic.

Best post I've seen all night, some reddit gold for you sir!

stupid fucks replying to this post. 15 fucking unique posters with 21 fucking replies. lmao.

not funny

Haha! BanterBored I like it, gonna start using that one for sure
Love this post B god damn

sickening piss of a post mlord

More posts like this
Less like these... Next caller!

>these blatant samefags
stop living with your parents and being in debt from college you fucking incels, you have never had a girlfriend and blow every chance with your coworkers that you get


Haha so funny


Is this really the quality of this board? it really went to shit since it went from CHAN to CHANNEL

seethe harder

Put me in the reddit screencap please!

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is he alright?

Blahh blahh blahh yeh greentext my post you sure are funny shut the fuck idiot bannerlord is going to be great and there is nothing you and your little discord tranny friends can do about it


This was me
Ill do it again too so don't tempt me, also no it wasn't me posting all of this idiot! I'm being targeted or something

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>thread is still up

This game is going to be a huge wakeup call for these sheep, just cause a game took 10 years doenst mean its good, especially with over half the old features removed, this is just a cashgrab for what little money they can make back now. what Im trying to say is that its over cause its wrong

A forced meme