Hey Yas Forums!

Hey Yas Forums!
Tyler Mcvicker here from Valve News Network, and I’m doing a report on the response from Half Life Alyx. I’ve already gotten most of the reception done from my email and Reddit, and Half Life fans. But I have not explored the dark part of the internet. What are your thoughts on Alyx, even if you have not played it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I want to play it but need a new video card.

Hey user! Thanks for the response. You can get a 1060 for pretty cheap on eBay.

Kill yourself you autistic LARPer.

My name is Tyler.

Prove it faglord!

Too many niggers.

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Stop making VR games, I don't own a VR headset.

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Show Electra's tits.

ur a nigger lover

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You're really disgusting and cringy in every way. I remember tuning in to your stream out of sheer curiosity but turning it off after you said but a few sentences, kill yourself no matter if you're a LARPer or not.

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>valve news network
Imagine covering only one game company ever

No, you buy.

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Gordon is white and has been replaced by brown Alyx.

Post your trip code on twitter and I will believe.

Fuck off.


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No, RTX 2070 or bust

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If you are who you say you are you'll put a shoe on your head and take a picture with timestamp

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Fake tyler, Tyler already browses Yas Forums without a trip.
Post your GF's tits with a timestamp if real tyler

Proof or gtfo.

its shit faggot. everyone who paid for VR especially Index? they are all sitting in a drawer somewhere as dust collectors now.
now fuck off.

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It was a good game. You should have been here yesterday. There was a guy on here named "The Slayer Of All HLA Shills" embarassing himself by lashing out at everyone who said the game was good, calling them retard trannies and shit. Every time someone replied to him he'd say some dumb shit like "THAT'S WHY YOU PAID 2000 DOLLARS FOR A TECH DEMO! PWNED TRANNIES, IM FUCKING TEA BAGGING THIS WHOLE THREAD WITH MY BIG DICK!! NOW SWALLOW IT!!!" Someone called him a nerd and he literally went on a tangeant about how he's "6'2, great looking face, amazing personality, girls love me". I thought he was a troll but he was literally on for at least like 5 or 6 hours, and his responses were too sad to be a troll

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You are not Tyler McVicker.

Tyler used to come here anonymously but stopped because all the hate he was getting on Yas Forums made him depressed and suicidal.

lose some weight you fat fuck

>4,378 In-Game
amazing tyler.
why have 4 million or hundreds of thousands of players during this virus pandemic when you can have 4000 and like a 40,000 peak?

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Play the game you fat fuck.

my 9 proves it

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>off by 1
Fuck off spyler

Fuck you, you fucking fat faggot.

>getting this easily triggered


>It's so easy to port HL Alyx to keyboard & Mouse. Modders will do it in two days
>It'll be a janky mess
>Shut the fuck up user. It's better than nothing
>It's as janky as I always said it was going to be.
>You need to use console commands and the fucking numpad just to find out puzzles are uncompletable. without moving your hands.

Poorfags continue to cope.

>poorfags seething
>vr owners seem to love it unanimously
now fuck off

Die racist

Shove your VR set up your ass, moron. Eat the rich, down with the bourgeoisie. You'll be the first one to get raped in the incoming revolution.

esch farming yous has been the trolling meta for a long time, especially since random drive-by comments have been normalized as jokes and not trolling

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Yas Forums is full of dumbass contrarians and literally nobody here has a valid opinion.
You're wasting your time.

Based valve

VR is for trannies

I bought an index for it
I played it
It was my first VR game
Honestly I thought they held back. No poison zombies, no fast zombies? Not even ONE fast zombie? Lame.
Antlions walked around like goofy fucking disney animatronics. I was expecting to get rushed, I had my shotgun out and all the bullets I saved throughout the game and everything
Not many large scale combat encounters at all
Jeff chapter was cool but the monster looked derivative of other creatures like from last of us or stranger things. Wish he looked more birdlike like the fungus and not had a horizontal mouth. Also no explanation for why he's unkillable. Felt like frictional games designed this segment, it was the best part of the game but felt almost out of place.
No melee is terrible for the game honestly
Overall the game showed off a lot of the cool stuff you can do with VR and the whole thing was a great experience, some parts blew my mind like the scale of the actors in front of you but as a half life experience it felt small scale, slightly disappointing, and like it was just warming up before it was over. It's maybe like 2/3 the length of HL2 and I spent a lot of time in those rooms. I give it an 8/10. Didnt mind the story retcon, I'm okay with time travel as long as the story is moving somewhere

Yas Forums is the only place you'll hear honest criticism because on reeddit you would just be downvoted, now go back faggot

you need to get a job first tranny

Nice joke laddie...

>honest criticism
>Yas Forums

Maybe if you're twelve and you don't remember what it was like before everyone became a fragile faggot. If you did remember you'd realise Yas Forums anons just post contrarian opinions for (you)s

Imagine having Yas Forums culture so ingrained in your personality that you think this is a valid thing to post.
It's honestly depressing that there are people like you in this world.
I pity you.

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if all the posts i've read in this thread were directed at me i'd be pretty sad tbhdesu

just ignore them then, be smart enough to realize what's stupid and what isn't
if you enjoy sterilized environments and backpats go to r/games but redditors are too afraid to be negative for fear of their stupid points going down and I dont want to interact with niggers on twitter. I fully know im sifting through trash here and I enjoy it, I'm only here for the nuggets of gold

But you literally are gordon at the end as a setup for the next game. The black woman got the shitty spinoff

>redditors are too afraid to be negative for fear of their stupid points going down
and Yas Forumstards are to afraid to be positive for fear of looking like a redditor.


any tyler news?

Alyx got put into stasis, she's officially a damsel in distress
Nice going Campo Santo

I'd rather fuck around in Bonejank's sandbox than play through HLA again

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I think Half Life Alyx fucking sucks!

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You ruined Episode 2's amazing ending for a cheap unearned twist, the writing is awful and alyx feels like a whole new character, and the new va sounds generic, uninterested and like she's reading the script instead of acting and make you believe her character, also you don't need to blurb out unfunny uninteresting dialog for the sake of saying something to keep the player entertained, that's what the gameplay and visual storytelling is for, something HL is all too familiar with. Get Laidlaw back, you've already done a lot of damage lore wise with just 1 game.
Gameplay is fun tho, wish you could melee, make the guns looks more iconic next time, like HL2s.

he's right though

Dunno if you're real or not but I may as well say it.
Half-Life Alyx is an absolutely pathetic and disappointing display as someone who's a heavy advocate for VR and only exists so the Index Knuckles can be messed with and to show off Source 2's graphics and capabilities. A $60 tech demo that's already dated by the growth of VR at launch, if it came out when the Vive was new it'd be a far more impressive title but it instead comes off as them ignoring years of VR games and their various evolutions to put out a half-baked midquil just so people give them back a shred of the respect they had back in The Orange Box days. Boneworks is half the price and while also a tech demo when you boil it down, had all the mechanics a VR Half-Life would need to be considered a pioneering killer app but Valve thought they knew better and so this is the result. I pretty much gave up on it entirely after it turned out to have no melee functionality whatsoever. You can't just ignore the past 5 years of progress and expect gold stars.

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looks cool and I had a fun time watching it. I have never tried anything VR. I like the idea of half life coming back.

It's awesome but poorfags around her are still butthurt.

I can't believe I bothered to take home my works VR for this game, waste of the effort of even packing it up and setting it up and then taking it down and setting it back up again.

Fucking waste of money, effort and story.