Why does Jill have a man's face?
Why does Jill have a man's face?
cute beard, did you draw that yourself OP?
you know why
if you have to draw a beard onto a woman to prove that she has a man face then she doesn't have a man face
Why are Switch incels so obsessed with shitposting Capcom games? This is getting annoying.
To subconsciously make otherwise straight and healthy boys into effeminate gay faggots.
So I'm not the only one who caught this.
Claire looks weird in pic related. Claire looks like a cute chick with a beard. Jill looks like a FUCKING MAN.
man is the new female
with beard and neo vagina
claire has always looked like shit
Claire made me so fucking horny in the riding suit. I don't mind Sarah Conner/Ripley for a while so my dick gets a break.
Fuck off fag. Claire is beautiful. Jill looks like Bill.
This is the only place on the internet I see people shitting on this game. This an echo chamber or what?
both look like chicks in beards
what does Yas Forums have to do with it? those fags hate vidya that isn't touhou or some other gay shit
holy shit its fucking johnny depp
noooooooooo not my shitty cash grab
Are BRs the new Australians?
Chris, stop making excuses so you can keep pushing your sister onto me.
Jill Valentine.
This is the only place on the internet where you won't be buried by 'downvotes' for saying the truth.
you underestimate the new zoomzooms from Yas Forums they are just generic coomers with a predilection for 2d girls
australians are just the brazilians of asia
>I see
It's called confirmation bias.
old Yas Forums is dead. The netflix wave destroyed them forever somtime about 3-5 years ago. It was a shitbath.
Why is this board so obsessed with manly women and chicks with dicks? Everyone knows the patrician gay prefers actual men, there is nothing attractive about femininity. Why are bifags so terrified of masculinity?
I wish twinks looked that good.
Not sure what does this have to do with the thread but yeah females suck.
please stop trying to groom impressionable young men on image boards.
still kissable
It's an observation, stop projecting your indiscretions at others.
i knew i seen this dude before, this dude is me
>Game will still sell millions
>Will be universally loved just like RE2
What's the point? If anything you are making people buy it in spite of you.
If the mere mention of faggotry makes you question your sexuality I got bad news for you bud...
Who the fuck are you talking to, retard? Nobody's telling you not to buy it. Stop getting triggered over people not liking what you like, holy shit how much of an insecure little bitch can you be?
>buy it in spite
Thanks for letting me know I'm in your head rent-free 24/7.
reverse psychology shills.
Looks like Dave Navarro + Chris Cornell
rent free
I knew there was something "off" about Jills face. She looks like a faggot trying to look like a female.
No. Jill looks like Conchita (A MAN)
sex free
>Resorts to insults
>Doesn't answer the question
>i can only define peoples looks by their hair
facially looks nothing alike
>i feel the need to endlessly crusade against the design of a fictional female character in a video game because I have standards that are far beyond anything i could ever obtain
love this shit
>Doesn't answer the question.
You mean this question?
>What's the point? If anything you are making people buy it in spite of you.
That question?
I genuinely don't know how to answer that question. I never told anyone not to buy it so them buying it to spite me, how would they spite me? I don't oppose buying the game. My post that you quoted had absolutely nothing to do with telling people not to buy the game. I'm honestly confused as to who the fuck you think you're talking to here.
She did nothing wrong! She did everything correct...
>I have standards that are far beyond anything i could ever obtain
I don't think it's hard to obtain your standard of not fucking men.
I mean, you'd literally have to be raped by another man for that standard not to be fulfilled.
I can't post in a few boards already, don't do this to me, guys.
t. weeaboo who grew up watching women with needle-point chins. Here, this is more your speed.
t. nigger
The thread earlier telling us to not buy the game unironically reminded me to preorder a curbside pickup at Best Buy. I don't know what they're trying to accomplish.
that's a very feminine man face