We could have had bone life-half works if it wasn't for valve's pussy ass play testers

>we could have had bone life-half works if it wasn't for valve's pussy ass play testers

Attached: Boneworks.PNG.png (622x309, 94.52K)

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It was in the game at one point there is still a chance we can mod it back into the game.

is there any proof behind this claim?

There's a video by VNN.

Also, I'm sad this didn't happen. Boneworks has better gameplay by far. Even with all the jank.

no and actually the opposite is quite abundantly clear. HLA is SO fundamentally contrary to boneworks '100% physics based' design philosophy that there is no way adopting it was ever seriously considered. and melee was cut precisely because highly physics-based enemies are exactly what is required for good VR melee combat.

This is something Valve needs to hurry up and catch up on, though. HLA is hilariously 'antiquated', in this particular way (actually almost entirely animation based, with only simple physics props and doors the exception).

>No proof.
Stress Level Zero approached Valve, and got turned down due to comfort concerns.

Yes, Stress Level Zero themselves have stated they originally pitched the game to Valve as a third-party Half-Life game, but Valve turned down the request because 1) Valve was making their own VR Half-Life game and 2) Hunt Down the Freeman happened and made Valve much, much more conservative about giving out Half-Life licenses


when you have real evidence, let me know

HLA plays endlessly better than Boneworks.

boneworks fucking sucks. Melee is terrible compared to thrill of the fight. I hate swing with all my might at a soft target and having the weapon stop like I hit a brick wall.

And the guns are meh.

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>valve playtesters meme
>tylers wild baseless speculation taken as gospel
see it had NOTHING to do with playtesters and everything to do with the fact that Valve had/has a fucking decades worth of half-finished HL3 stuff to use. Which is the major reason Alyx is predominately Source 1.

Listen here fuckmuppets, OP is a queerbait who doesn't know what he is talking about.

Want to know why HLA doesn't have arms? Want to know why it doesn't have melee? Because they are fucking trash. Valve has game designers who know what they are doing. More so than Boneworks. What happens in Boneworks? Your arms glitch look and look terrible. Your body gets stuck on doors because its fully simulated. Melee feels terrible because there is no weight on your impacts.

Boneworks is made by people wanting to put every piece of tech they could into a game, HLA is made by game designers. Its why Boneworks has more technical nonsense but is a terrible game compared to HLA.

End of. Drop this playtester meme, don't listen to the faggot retard from VNN who throws guesses at the wall and claims victory when he gets something right.

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retard it's because HLAs engine is significantly still just Source (modularized bits piled up on top of the Source 2 core architecture). and it is that way both because of simple convenience of familiarity, and because they want to make use of a ton of work made over the decade of failed HL3 projects (animations chief among them).

Arms are shit. Melee would've been great but it was possibly cut out to manage difficulty better.

There's many anti-full-immersion-like-real-life-vr-wow descisions and they are all deliberately made.

Even the gun holster just works and feels better than some games with a holster.

>half works

There is a gamedev talk about doors in HLA, where playtesters would get their melee weapons stuck on things around them, so they cut them out.

Attached: 1558136898962.gif (200x200, 2.9M)

SL0 are very inexperienced and small studio, they lack the resources to pull off a game that can be worth giving an ip out to.

Even boneworks was a fucking mess.

>Hunt Down the Freeman happened and made Valve much, much more conservative about giving out Half-Life licenses
Are you telling me that HDTF is officially licensed and therefore actually canon to HL?

>the devs talking about playtesters being so dumb that they couldn't figure out how to open doors, even with empty hands
>mocking and joking how they even got into the building to playtest

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We care more about the creative integrity of the art than any of these fuckholes ever did. Hate that you found out so late.

melee would have ruined any sense of tension they created with the limited ammo. going back and forth and waggling a crowbar would have detracted from the experience. you can pick up all sorta of object and swat headcrabs and shit

Yes, HDTF got an official license from Valve, because at the time Valve was rather careless about their licenses: literally anyone who with the money for it ($50,000) could buy a license without any problem


as a gamedev I understand.

Players are so fucking dumb, you spell out everything even the most basic navigation skill for a game without a mini map location and they all become full fucking retard.

They are literally standing under power lines and looking at them and the map which shows the ONE power line on the map and they go "I wonder where the fuck I am"

>Hunt Down the Freeman
Really?! I just looked at this on Steam and it looks awful.

Bone Works isn't polished enough, it makes me sick. It's good, but

It shouldn't have only acceleration based movement
It shouldn't move your camera so much
Climbing shouldn't be so finnicky
Inventory should be handled better

Are you saying HDTF paid 50k for the license?

>It shouldn't move your camera so much
Haven't played it. What exactly does it do?

That's what the kickstarter was for bro.

It just gets worse and worse.

One example is if you walk into geometry, it just moves the camera in a way your head doesn't. It does this a lot and it's usually subtle so it slowly makes you more and more sick. Every other game just blurrs your vision when you walk into something like a wall, which works much better.

Another example is all the swinging when you do something like climbing because it's completely physics based, meaning you fly around doing something that is nausea inducing.

the playtesting bullshit keeps getting worse

That sounds awful. Is it really worth it to make the body totally physical like that, if it means doing that? Why can't the arms and stuff be physical?

That and the Youtubers voicing characters.

Why do these "playtesters" keep getting hired?

The whole "completely physical body" thing is insanely overrated. It's completely useless and just gets in the way more than it helps. There really is no reason for most of the body to be physical. Most of it should be far more constrained for better gameplay. Also certain stuff should be toned down, like carrying a heavy box with two hands. Once you use two hands, it should work far better. It just makes a clunky unfun experience.

That being said, the game IS pretty fun, but held back by these issues.

They should get hired cause they are a cross seciton of the playerbase. You want playtesters to be retarded because your avarage customer will be retarded.

You think "use movement keys to move" is a dumb thing to put into tutorial but no, people are THAT stupid.
(to be fair most of those kind of complaints originate from america)

>You want playtesters to be retarded because your avarage customer will be retarded
No, i don't. I want to return to the days when the devs would playtest their own shit, resulting in harder and more challenging experiences.
Having retards playtest for you is if you want to just sell as much slop as possible, not if you want to actually make a good game.

We went from "let's try to make this less autistically cryptic" to "we need to design this game so grandma can beat it." And I don't see it getting better, only worse.

>I want to return to the days when the devs would playtest their own shit, resulting in harder and more challenging experiences.
You haven't actually played many games from that era, have you? Unless you're some kind of autistic masochist who loudly and desperately argues Wizardry 1-4 had good puzzles and game design.

>t. retard playtester
Fuck you.

Enjoy having an inventory of wire coat hanger, wire cutters, tuna and cheese and then having to combine cheese with tuna to get a flying machine that can get a key from a shallow drain to proceed through a very weak and rotten wooden door

So, more games like Grim Fandando? Day of the Tentacle? Good.

>Pick up a hammer in the game
>Swing at headcrab
>Does nothing and just slides off

Genuinely a good thing because Boneworks is fucking horrible.

The physics interactions in Alyx all make sense. From living things to pouring out boxes to pulling out planks. In Boneworks every single aspect of the physics is horrifically janky or broken. Not only do things jostle around in incredibly unnatural ways, but because your camera is tied to your body your PoV is constantly shifting based on how your ingame body moves or reacts.

Boneworks had an opportunity to be something really great, but the devs were far too stubborn with their full body integration and instead the game is a perfect demonstration of why it's a shitty idea.

Boneworks was on the valve master list for a long time, and it's just fact that stress level zero pitched them a half life game.

>The physics interactions in Alyx all make sense
Read the post above yours, and try again.

Motherfucker. Just another reason to hate that game.

It's obvious that Melee is not at all a focus in Alyx for reasons that Boneworks demonstrates very well. If you're upset that you can't hammer a headcrab to death, then go buy Boneworks and you'll quickly realize how hard it is to get melee done right in VR.

>in a game where the crowbar is the single most iconic weapon of the entire series
>no melee focus
>moreso, NO MELEE AT ALL
>in a fucking VR game
I don't even need to explain how absolutely fucking retarded this is.

Then go buy and play Boneworks you dumb faggot. How many times am I going to have to repeat myself?

Go play Boneworks and you'll realize how bad of an idea melee combat in VR is.

I've heard there's a VR game that does melee pretty fun. A couple actually. Blade and Sorcery and Gorn.

>how they even got into the building
by hand-holding obviously

>j-j-just play other games!!!!!!!
Nigger, every fucking VR game has melee, blade and sorcery, gorm, boneworks whatever the fuck.
The fact that valve literally made melee do absolutely fucking nothing is hilarious, and shows how absolutely fucking clueless they are.
Cope with it, kiddo.

Literally everyone is retarded if you work in any kind of customer facing job.
>Big sign on the doorway "book sale, all cheaper than marked!"
>Standing sign in the doorway on the inside "book sale, all cheaper than marked!"
>Sign stickey-taped to the bookshelf of books "book sale, all cheaper than marked!"
>Customer comes up to the counter "Oh wait, are these on sale? Maybe I should go and get some more then."

I really want there to be a short game that's just entirely navigation and cartography style stuff. "Here's a map and a compass, you have to find out where you are and how to leave the valley through the exit to the north. The map is slightly old and so occasionally you'll find road-blocks with notes or markings in clear view left by the rangers telling you how to go avoid blockages."

I would be so curious how many people just couldn't hack it.

vnn cultists deserve to hang

>play b&s
>melee is fun
I dunno user

Gorn is able to get away with melee combat because the game's physics has everything be incredibly rubbery and cartoonish. Your mace bends at odd angles and your spears contort themselves in your hand. That combined with the cartoonish reach of weapons makes it easier to deal with.

Blade and Sorcery has similar problems with melee in that it can feel very, very janky. The game is also not trying to go for more realistic physics.

Then go play those games and come back.

Alright, i'm back!
Valve are still complete retards.


>the playtesting bullshit keeps getting worse
The playtesters were the reason the Jeff section existed, which was the best part of the game.

You sure are.

Okay playtester

>in a game where the crowbar is the single most iconic weapon of the entire series
Its iconic to GORDON. This game is about ALYX.

>tfw valve employee said in an IGN interview recently that whether or not they make a game depends entirely on the playtesters

Attached: valveplaytester.jpg (1280x1024, 264.08K)

inb4 employee of valve of 36 years is lying


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It's iconic to HALF-LIFE, this game is called HALF-LIFE.
Fucking retard.

No it's definitely iconic to Gordon, stop being retarded.

This type of thinking is how franchises get shittier over time.
>durr I clapped when I saw the crowbar!!

No, it's people like you how gloss over devs pulling retarded shit like this that allows games to get shittier over time. Stop being such a complacent little goy and expect better, faggot.

Valve designs games for one armed retards with palsy that get motion sick when they get out of bed

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I feel like they had melee at one point since the hammer can break. It would have been nice maybe if they were one-time use environment things .

Wait, the retards at Stress Level Zero actually had the ball the ask for a Half-Life license? Jfc.
I'm am so grateful valve told them to fuck off.



>I am a slave to iconography because I am a pleb faggot.

>Just make literally everything physics bro, more physics = more fun
Do you guys not think that valve tried the physics based options for each of their mechanics? I'm sure that sometime in their 5 years of fucking around they tried any given mechanic using just a bunch of force vectors on Ragdolls
It's not actually that difficult to make everything just a solid body and force they player to just figure it out.
Watch the like 2 hour long talk were a valve guy says how they went from HL2 press E doors, to physically modeling the entire bolt latch system, and finding out both were shit

boneworks fucking sucks

>i am fine with inferior products that i had to spend $1000+ on just to play one game
>valve is my god, i am a slave to consumerism

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People who wanted melee weapons clearly never played Trespasser

Attached: trespass-2002-08-17-13-36-22-44.jpg (640x480, 55.09K)

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