What's your opinion on the last two Assassin's Creed entries, Origins and Odyssey?

What's your opinion on the last two Assassin's Creed entries, Origins and Odyssey?

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they're shit

They are fantastic time-wasters. For someone with autism who likes to watch numbers get bigger and having my character be as optimized as possible (bonus points for heavy customization) i can easily sink 5 hours into it every time i launch it

I didn't play origins
Odyssey was decent overall. I just wish it felt more like ancient greece and less like whatever the fuck they were going for

They suck but I like Kassandra's face

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the best assassins creed games they have made

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Origins is better

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Never finished them, origins was better, odyssey has the worst stealth out of all the ac games and the retarded spear tip weapon looks awful and leads to worthless assassination attempts because you can’t ever assassinate someone in one blow. Story was ass too and your characters family sucked.

They're good but Yas Forums hates them. Remember always do the opposite of what Yas Forums says.

Not Assassin's Creed, you can't really call any of the games Assassin's Creed ever since Assassin's Creed 4.

Aya was the worst part of Origins, cunt almost ruins the story. Actually, she does ruin the story. Ending had me fucking mad as hell. Odyssey was made by the Ubisoft C team, the same guys who made Syndicate. Completely shit. Origins at least had some semblance of soul and effort put into it. Bayek is one of the better, more likable protags too. He gets upstaged by massive cunt Aya though

I'd argue Unity was the last good one, but that gameplay design being turned into a literal collect-a-thon... damn, I'm so glad I'm not an autismo completionist

Bayek is probably the most based character in the entire game series
>Doesn't care about politics
>Doesn't care about war
>Doesn't care about organization
>Doesn't care about philosophy
>Doesn't care about nagging wife
>Doesn't care about the Isu
>Doesn't care about the prophecy
>Only care about helping people and upholding his duty

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Odyssey is Origins with all the fun and soul sucked out of it. Also Origins was already practically carried by it's main character and setting, both of which are vastly superior to Odyssey.

Pretty much this
The worlds are beautiful, but everything else sucks.

Origins is great. Odyssey is an improvement but has shit story and to much grinding.

I remember one side mission where he basically says I fucking hate all this bullshit, I just want to go home and drink beer with my friend but he's dead

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Too bad he got shafted by Aya in the endgame.

I feel like he would prefer that and not be remembered. That way he would truly be a hidden one.

Layla is trash

>being turned into a literal collect-a-thon...
They're completely optional.
Chests and the ribbon thingies don't give you anything worth a damn anyway, so you're free to skip them.

Isn't that the point, you're supposed to empathize with Bayek by seeing the wedge driven between them

haven't played it. what happened to him?

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>throw your father off a cliff and kill his adopted son


I have no opinion on them because I didn't play them.

how do people get off to this

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Cool games aside from leveling system and terrible lods

Origins is objectively the better game, not saying that Odyssey is bad or anything. Bayek is probably my favorite main character and ancient Egypt felt alive and beautiful

Too bad they forced you to play as his wife which took away from the game.

something about chicks sweating is the hottest shit of all time

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By being a heterosexual

Obviosly you never played either of them because Origins have no story you literally just kill some bosses for revenge and that's it. Odyssey on the other hand have multiple plot twists and multiple layers of story.

>not saying that Odyssey is bad or anything
You may not say it, but it's the truth.

Weird pacing.

the Ezio trilogy was the peak of the series and getting rid of the modern day plot after 3 was the worst thing that happened to the series

If they wanted to keep sailing after 4 they should have just made a new pirate franchise

I freaking loved unity. After they patched it up it was fantastic. My favorite in the series.

As others have said if origins/Odyssey didn't have the ac name it would have been better since it would have been able to embrace the mythological side more. More interesting enemies, better loot and better combat

seems pretty shitty series both for minmaxing and build customization

The Ezio Trilogy really has an issue with being so easy you'd have to fall asleep on your controller to die. Not that AC1 was all that difficult either, but they made the games too braindead and buttonmashy.

Revelations, despite the story being probably the most interesting of the three, also seems to not have much of a vision behind it gameplay‐wise. You get things like the den defense and bomb crafting that are more a hassle than anything to invest into since Ezio can instakill anything that looks at him funny.
More on a personal note but I found Constantinople to be bland and samey, everything looks the same and I get lost a lot, which didn't really happen in Rome and Florence/Venice.

They're also guilty of making the Assassin-Templar conflict way too black and white.

dark souls tier battle

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I never played the game but how you describe him it seems as though he was the true assassin in ability and Aya was the true assassin as in the progenitor of the entire creed.
Is this correct or am I off? I'll buy the game soon to learn more but that's what I presume.

>Spawns the four boars three separate times.

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>and better combat
You talk like Origins didn't do away with the whole combat system to shove in this RPG monstrosity.

It's been a while but if I remember certain collectables in Brotherhood coming with writing and short videos that had this Grand Conspiracy to it, with the Templars being the ones to crucify the Christ to take piece of Eden. If the series remained focused on this and pushed it more it would have been amazing but it got scrapped when Desmond died and the series has declined since

havent gotten around to playing them yet but have super special deluxe mega versions of both. been playing every ass creed game in order, gunna start unity dead kings tomorrow. I fucking love this franchise regardless of bad writing in later games and all the flaws. I'm more excited to get to odyssey I think cus then I'll finally be all caught up and can fuck around roaming the world doing whatever comfortably.

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Unity is top 5 for me.
avoid syndicate. I couldn't get through more than an hour

I'm 60 hours into Odyssey and I wish I was the type of person that can just ignore all the side content that keeps popping up. Doing the same shit over and over again has become really exhausting. Especially the fetch quest design of most missions, that have the tendency to split into three more fetch quests before reaching an unsatisfying conclusion 9 times out of 10.

Kyra and that chick that gives you that legendary hunting quest are pretty cute, though.

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The Truth and the clusters, some of the best bits in the entire franchise. I wish the games had kept some of the conspiratorial tones

Yes, both AC2 and Brotherhood had Subject 16's glyphs to find.
They were honestly a treat, they had a certain creepy atmosphere to them and the conspiracy theory angle is something that really helped AC have more of an identity to it. It's a damn shame they didn't keep up with it instead of going even harder.

How the fuck is this even possible on higher difficulties? The pattern is non existent, it just attacks whenever it feels like it and gives you no time to block

I'm the opposite. AC has too much fantasy shit already. I want them to drop the shitty Asscreed lore and go full history RPG.

for games I played so far, my ranking goes 4>rogue>3>revelations>brotherhood>unity>2>1>freedom cry>liberation.

I like unity but the movement can be a struggle sometimes and arno deciding to randomly exit combat so you can't dodge bullets that hit like a truck sucks. Plus the collectibles went maximum overload this game. And the nostradamus riddles were insane to the point I solved a couple on my own but ended up saying fuck it and looked them all up after. One of them lead to a random unmarked graveyard with the clue being so vague if you didn't get your degree in French history you're just SOL. And fuck that ending, god damn. It's still really fun with best customization by far though.

I'm gunna at least play through the main story for syndicate, I heard from a ton of people it's really bad though.

Uhh, she's the one with grand ideals, he just wants to protect helpless people and avenge his son then be forgotten

Shit, just like all the others before them.

I played 1 up to about the first half of 3 when my PS3 broke. Dropped the franchise there until last year. Picked up all the games over several sales starting with replaying 1 in summer of 2019. Spent probably about $200 on everything so think it was a good deal all in all.

>mfw my daily dose of the best vidya trailer of all time

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This, totally takes me out of the experience when I have to play as some retarded female character in a modern setting like reeeeeeeee let me have my historical open world game

Been years since I last played Origins so maybe other anons can correct me, but if I remember correctly, Bayek decided to keep his business local whereas Aya wants to spread the Assassin's tenet to the whole world. When Bayek saw that there were still injustices in Egypt alone even after the Ptolemy or whoever that final boss was dead, he decided to keep his oath as a medjay to protect the people of Egypt.

So tldr Bayek chooses to be medjay, Aya to be Assassin.

They're fun, can't wait for the next gen asscreed game.