Born 2002

>born 2002
>tfw when I can enjoy modern games without nostalgia blinding me

Feels good

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I was born in '95 and I enjoy modern games without nostalgia blinding me.
It's called being critical, but not retarded.

>I can enjoy modern games without nostalgia blinding me
congrats on not knowing what the word 'nostalgia' means, little zoomzoom

You'll never be an 8 year old who convinced his dad to buy fucking San Andreas the day it came out.

I'm assuming that you were born between jan 1 and march 30th.....correct OP?

Yes i'm 18

>Born in 1991
>All I play is autistic low end graphics games on my pretty good spec computer

>tfw had an older sister who let me play it with her when I was 6

Thank you sis

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post em

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>born in 2000
>I've been allowed to post on Yas Forums for 2 years
What the fuck guys, when did it happen? I was underageb& for so long, where does the time go

>born in 98
>Only enjoy playing obscure single player games

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>Childhood defining game
>Current favorite game
Get the fuck out.

>tfw 30
>gaming barely interests me anymore but i still shitpost on Yas Forums

Actually I'm running through MHW (again after like 100 hours on ps4) and just got to Iceborne so it's not all bad, this virus shit has driven me to rediscover games if only to stave off boredom

>born '88
>older cousin setup a gaming pc for me with doom when i was 4-5 years old
>98% of games within the last 2 decades are complete shit because my bar is set too high

its all so tiresome

>tfw 30
>games interests me but I can't play anymore because in my brain I should be doing something productive
>somehow my brain can bypass shitposting on Yas Forums all day

>Born 87
>Having a blast playing modern releases
>Still enjoy some older games

you won't have a problem of hating every modern game if you don't play shitty ones

>also 88
>complete consolefag until 2006
>still prefer based consoles to support glorious mother nipponland

Truth. Born 1979, and there are plenty of modern games that I love. It's easy to avoid games I won't like.

>doom when i was 4-5 years old

Lol I remember when I was 9 and we went to the store to get ninja gaiden 2 and the cashier asked my mom if she was sure she wanted to get the game for us and she replied "they've seen worse"

okay, literal retard

When you're our age you will be decrying the fact that they don't make battle royale games anymore. I can honestly say I am grateful you don't know the feels youngblood.

Shitpost when there's fuck all to do, like a reward for being a completely productive normie

It was supposed to be better, Yas Forumsro

>born 1989
>I can enjoy games from any era, it just takes more digging to find the good ones in the here and now

It makes me chuckle internally when I see young people talking about not having nostalgia. You'll see (if you don't die).

>Born in 98
>Games I play are either completely mainstream or no one else on earth plays

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>there are people on here who grew up with a 360/ps3/wii as their first console
How does that make you feel Yas Forums?

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You missed out on 1998 though, user. You might as well kill yourself. If you weren't at least 6 years old that year, you don't know what enjoyment even is.

>It makes me chuckle internally
You're a faggot

Pretty fucking bad.

I got to grow up in a household where I was allowed to play nes games like kirby and we had a snes for super mario world/metroid

At the same time my dope ass uncle was finishing highschooler and set me up with zsnes when it first released with absolutely fucking everything on it.

He gently nudged me towards chrono trigger/SoM/Trials of Mana and the FF/BoF games early.

He even let me try D2 when it came out and I would go around fucking about on his necro and pvp people at like the age of 5.

>Redd*t spacing

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How old were you when you played r&c? I tried playing it with my nephew when he was about 5 or 6 and he never really liked it, he was obsessed with the skylanders p2w shit and then eventually moved on to even bigger garbo like fortshite.

I've been posting this way before reddit has been mainstream

Fuck off and stop trying to fit in.

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based 95oomer

Yeah whatever grandpa.

I also bought him bloodborne for xmas when he was 7 and his mom conveniently lost it only a month later. Won't raise my kid like that to be honest.

>People on here are actually 18
How did you guys find this place?genuinely curious

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Ignorance is bliss, yes.
If you didn't play the glory how can you tell it apart from absolute shit? Obviously you can't.

Stand aside, zoomers.

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Yeah I've never gotten the whole "new bad" shit. I played great games 30+ years ago, I've played great games in the past week. Just like there was abhorrent shit games 30+ years ago, there are abhorrent shit games today.

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In 192 years they'll still be talking about the games you played 30+ years ago, nobody will be talking about the games you played last week.
That's why IGN is so desperate to retcon their top 100.

>Time continues
Wow holy shit I'm going to fucking bawl my eyes out, how could Father Time pull such a heinous act on us?

God damn my negroid, UO as an adolescence defining game is fucking top patrician tier. Just Kal Ort Por'd right into nostalgia on this end.

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Just by this taste in vidya I can tell you're a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE faggot.

I started posting when I was 13, am 24 now. Found some references to it in some forums and decided to try it out.

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Assuming this is true, why do you think that is? I don't personally feel like the quality of games I played in say, 1987 is somehow inherently superior to stuff from 2019.

Yeah, hollow knight absolutely btfo out of ori, but even castlevania sotn does everything better than ori, over 20 years ago.

>tfw you see a Dreadlord glowing red saying "Corp Por"

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i legit have using this site my entire life and im probably the youngest in the thread
i went on /loli/ to troll my friend's mom

Good god user

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Fuck you

You can buy and play them on GOG for under 5€, zoomie.

Tell us, smegma huffer, what are those games?

>went on /loli/ to troll my friend's mom
You have got to tell this story user

This thread is fucking depressing. I was underage b& in 2013, now look at me. Fuck this, fuck you, I’m fucking old now. FUCK

I used to think "I'm not going to turn up like the caricature of those people (virgin and alone)" and then I turned out to be worse. Such is life.

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So serious question, did you ever see your full death animation at any point after T2A? I swear to god I never actually saw myself die at any point from Renaissance onward.

Started at age 14, now I'm 26 years old. Nothing has changed in those years.

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I'm indecisive so you're getting more than one game for each. I played the shit out of the R&C series on PS2.
The new DOOM games feel a lot like combinations of my past favorites.

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oldfags shit on it all you want

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I was born in 1990 and I can enjoy modern games as well. You're really proving you're an immature 18 year old by the fact that you think older people can't appreciate new things.

>dad bought ultimate doom and gave me the poster when i was 5
i had nightmares but fuck i miss that poster, he would always talk about making it so we could play LAN but i know he was just a bitch because he wouldnt be able to use god mode since i was already better then him

I can’t fucking believe I share a board with people going into college. This blows my mind. Goddammit

Assuming you aren't bullshiting, WC2 as a first game is pretty good.

i go to college and it blows my mind there's people on here in high school

You really think Yas Forums of all boards isn't going to be full of zoomers?

Pretty much same, except an IRL friend told me.

>mfw first game as a kid was Steel Panthers WaW

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Are you me?

Except it wasn't a forum it was erectile dysfunction

Early 2015 right before/during the first wave of tourists. Knew about it for a long while but started posting because I got fed up with being censored on r*ddit.

>turning 40 in seven days
>seen most of the good stuff
>whatever i missed due to not having the specs or hardware to run can still surprise me

Feels good, only missed the vector age of gaming for a couple of years.

I started browsing Yas Forums when I was like 12 or 13 years old because this was one of the only websites that mostly worked on the shitty PS3's web browser, which was my only access to the internet at the time.

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It just doesn’t feel that long ago when I was barely old enough to be on here. I was in high school for the shazbowl. Now I’m engaged and own a house. And every time I remember how long I’ve been here I can’t help but think about how weird it is that I’m a grown ass man with responsibilities, still here. Am I going to be doing this at 30? 40? Am I going to be posting between executive meetings at the office on a fucking Chinese finger trap enthusiast forum? Surreal

Same actually, went on Yas Forums before the tourists then Yas Forums, then here. Yas Forums had some pretty interesting shit back then but now I don’t rly use this site.

Being a 20something yr old manchild out of collage doesn't make you old user. If your parents are still alive and and you've never held a full time job for more then a year or 2 you don't know anything about the pain of age.

>there are people younger than the wii on Yas Forums right now

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My son was born two weeks ago. I posted here on my phone while waiting for hours at the hospital. Didn’t even think it was weird at the time. Been here over 10 years and I’m still a newfag technically.

Now if I could learn how to respond..
No, just heard the death sound, screen went black, and then standing over my corpse as a ghost. God I miss UO

please don't fucking let this be true

It was just making her browser default to open to /loli/ because my friend broke my Xbox. Nothing special.

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I remember reading those depressing threads we still have today about being a jobless fuck up and that actually scared me straight into making something of myself before it was too late

>makes extremely retarded post "outing" themselves as reddit invaders
>neither one posts any weebshit
Ask me how I know you fags are lying.

>born in 1990
>raised on super mario world a link to the past super ghouls n ghost and zombies ate my neighbors
>rented shit for n64 all day every day
>demo discs on ps1 showed me tons of great shit like tomba and Metal gear solid
>player way too much ps2/gamecube/xbox
>loved way too many 360/wii titles
>dont have current gen consoles
>play and enjoy tons of modern titles on my PC with any controller I want
>emulate all the games i never knew existed
Feels good to love video games.

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Now that I think about it, most of the games I grew up with are pretty shit, actually. I can't even remember half the games I've played through my lifetime as well

I had some really shitty parents and siblings and was left almost completely unattended for most of my childhood, lucked out and got put into a really good school when I was still a kid. I didn't have many friends because everyone else didn't seem to care about videogames or the internet that much, and by the time I started meeting people who cared I had already grown jaded and bitter.
My most fond memories of the internet are rage comics & thread simulators from 2013, they're actually the reason I'm here as well.

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1994-born reporting in.
Nintendo console games as childhood/Adolescence defining games?

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>tfw your parents actually heeded ESRB ratings
my childhood was deprived

No need to be ashamed, it's a good game.

i was born in 1992. and had the privilege of my mom buying a dad a Snes one year before i was born. i grew up playing Snes and sometimes NES games from other relatives. i grew up playing every fucking console of my age growing up. i probably have some crazy nostalgia for games but as someone who actually got to see the progress of gaming technology, i don't get hung up on nostalgia as much as others.
Honestly, if kids were lucky enough to have a relative show them the progression of gaming as they age, they would have some great respect for how far we've come. but we don't have that because everyone seems to just care about modern graphics. fuck man. even games from PS3 are going to be lauded as nostalgic to some people when it really shouldn't.

Glad to know my friends and I aren't the only ones to notice this. I just assumed it was due to my shitty internet and the massive OPness of Kal Vas Flam, but now I'm wondering if they changed it at the game level. And yeah, I miss it a lot, but the official servers are just a shell of their former selves and even good unofficial servers don't have the magic for me.

You didn't come in with the wave of tourists so that counts for something but 2015 is not enough to make you an oldfag.
Nostalgia is one of the many words that's getting sacrificed to the meme machine and will lose its meaning through overuse. There's goddamn kiddies talking about nostalgia for things less then 10 years old. It just shows their lack if life experience if 5 years is a long time ago for you.

>born '98
>hate anime posters
>simple as

>oh, and i like bayonetta and rain world

How's the definitive edition? Worth "upgrading" to from the 2013 remake? I'm getting a bit wary of them rehashing this shit over and over.

>reddit invaders
Never got into reddit, having to make an account and all the people bitching about mods shadowbanning turned me off from it. Also a lot of the games I liked that had boards were total boneyards.
Not much of a fan but the normalfag tier ones like Overlord and Konasuba look pretty fun to watch.

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