Why does it feel like every game in the franchise is actively losing features from the Gamecube game...

Why does it feel like every game in the franchise is actively losing features from the Gamecube game, while only gaining features based around customization instead?

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I've been waiting since the DS game for them to make the multiplayer both not a hassle, and also actually worth doing so beyond just 'visiting' and seeing what others are doing (and stealing their fruit).

Hell, may as well just emulate the game on PC at this point.

Honestly I'd recommend waiting until the Animal Forest e+ translation is done and playing that. That would be the best way to go about it since it has extra content. Then you can supposedly fake the e-reader for even more extra content.

Yeah I'd prefer less customization and more life sim focus/villager interaction/events/comfy. The whole crafting thing is okay for a while but it's annoying, as are breakable tools and the locked gameplay.

the gamecube game had no content, you just liked the dialogue more

To be fair, the villagers in NH are way more animated and reactive in general. They also have a lot of interesting contextual dialogue.

I'd honestly prefer both. The customization and town customization are fucking fantastic and seeing the stuff people make it awesome. But I feel like we're missing out on so much.
Like, we had to trade the shops being naturally placed at angles and such for a grid system that lets us customize the whole island like pic related which is cool as fuck.

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I thought I was having a fever dream at first but New Leaf let you check out random players’ houses and I really miss that. In general I wish you could just fly to random open islands to hang out, but after going to one user’s island today the way everything stops every time someone joins the island was giving me whiplash. It’s such a shame they botched it so hard.

Is that the Gamecube game but with extra content? I remember rather well hearing about something of the sort.

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The villagers are way better than they've ever been in a lot of ways but are still kinda lacking in things to do with them. It's so rare to gets quest from them if you even can, I haven't gotten a single one. And they all start out on great standing for you, so you never have them acting mean or grumpy, even Wolfgang would start out nice since you invite him first. It makes it feel a bit more stale.

The reason it does that is so the plane cutscene can play. I think the best alternative would be to have the plane cutscene just happen during active gameplay.

They do have quests and all that. It's just something you have to naturally encounter over time. Like today I had a quest about giving medicine to a sick villager and it was nice.

>His residents live on a river canal

based as fuck

It was the localized version of Animal Crossing, translated back into english because NoA ended up adding way more content than the original + version did, so they translated it back into Japanese at e+ and added some cool extra features and some extra villagers who have never actually showed up in any games since.

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>but New Leaf let you check out random players’ houses and I really miss that.
It was Digby's thing up North in the town no? Showing different houses and what not.

It’s cool that they made villagers engage in a range of activities so they’re more lively but I wish they would still ask you to deliver stuff and complete tasks for them.

They do, just not as frequently. It feels like they're living their own life instead of revolving it around you

They still do that just not as often

because the same team that worked on Splatoon is handling Animal Crossing now, so expect a 2 year dripfeed of content
the only people who really care or even know about what's missing right now are time travelers, and who cares what time travelers think. there's going to be a ton of content added to New Horizons

What happened to the old team?

I got a bug request, 2 fish requests, and 2 deliveries today
the favors unlock over time and with your friendship level with your villagers

It was the dream house where that lady hypnotizes you into a dream state. You can enter a code to visit someone's village or one at random. You also save your village into a perpetual state of time so that when people visit yours, it will always be at the moment you saved it.

Well that’s good to hear. I’ve been playing a ton and haven’t had anything like this happen.

I hope they update the game with even more house upgrades. Having each side room be the smallest room is incredibly limiting and cramped compared to every game before it. (excluding the OG because no side rooms of course)

I imagine they got split up and reassigned after New Leaf's post-release support was over

They are focusing on the wrong stuff, customization is neat but characters with more depth is what the series needs. A lot of the social aspects of the game are based on projection by the player. Which is fine but could be improved or added to greatly.

>puts their shops at the furthest point from the airport

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>not forcing visitors to see your entire town to go shopping

You silly lad you.

Weren't they the same team to begin with? I thought that's why New Leaf had amiibo support for Splat stuff.

Maybe, they could have done the support for New Leaf while also doing Splatoon

>1/2 of the map unused
They'd better let us have more villagers, add more buildings or both soon 'cus that's fucked.

The gamecube game has no content and the gameplay is fucking terrible. You only have nostalgia for the dialogues and that's it.

soulless tryhard island

>no hour-by-hour soundtrack shift
fucking blunder of the century
the rest of the game is good

It's there. Just progress further to the point where you have the city hall built. Don't know why they made it that way, but man was it a breath of fresh air to hear the music since it's so fucking good.

>he doesn't know

seriously? thank fucking GOD
that base soundtrack just keeps looping in my head, it's infuriating


What features were lost? GBA islandabd ereader doesn’t count. Lack of NES games bothered me with Wild World but nobody cares now

>they add NES & SNES games to ACNH
>it's just the stuff already on the not-Virtual Console
>requires online subscription to access them

The crafting, customization and terraforming is the best thing they've added to the game. Gathering resources and creating your own stuff when ever you want is 5x as rewarding as just walking around checking random stuff and praying you get the set piece you want. My house doesn't look like a fucking clowns nest of random assorted garbage furniture.

It's really difficult to compare it to the GC one since it was so different than the rest.

Every game after is just building off Wild World and not necessarily sequels per say, more like upgrades.

I'd love another biome to visit, kinda like the City or the shopping district type area from New Leaf

Unlocks with the community center upgrade

They do but for whatever reason the team was stupid and decided to make the first week as barebones as possible.

They only start asking you for requests and quizzes and other fun things once you get the town hall. Same with hourly tunes, etc.

You minecraft kids

Gamecube version will always be the favorite of course. It's got the best music and the best dialogue by far, which is important for a singleplayer game. I will say, though, so far New Horizons has much much better music than New Leaf. NL's soundtrack was just garbage.

Biome was not a fucking word invented by Minecraft

Very nice, except your neighbors have no room for outdoor furnishings, and no yards.

New leaf has much better music than Horizons


Wild World is still the best AC by virtue of being the only portable release with a non-shitty battery life

Guess what my dude, New Horizon has every song that New Leaf did, you just need to unlock them first. Your point is invalid.

That's where you learned it lol

Not him but how do you unlock them?

I dunno, being able to put stuff outside and being able to design your town however you want is the single greatest thing the series has ever done.

Also even though the dialog is just as repetitive as its ever been, at least you see the villagers do activities and react when they see you doing something which gives them a whole hell of a lot more depth.

Look, I'm nostalgic about the GC version too, but what has been gained is a lot greater than a few things lost that were lost even the next game after it and a lot of the stuff that was cut since then was really just added fluff and it's great to streamline it away.

>villagers actually get in and out of chairs, they don't just change state when offscreen
>villagers change outfit for different activities like exercise, bug catching, yoga, and even going to bed
>villagers will smell the flowers, water them, research them, and look at bugs on them
>villagers will attempt to catch bugs, often following them around for a while
>you can actually see villagers casting their line when going to fish instead of going into their fishing state while offscreen
>villagers can wear things other than tank top-ified versions of shirts, including long-sleeved shirts and dresses, along with hats and glasses

It feels amazing, but it's really weird that it took nineteen years for villagers to ascend past what they were like in an N64 game.

>another GameCube nostalgia thread
You people are blind

Honestly this is the only really big feature I miss. I can't think of anything from past games that I miss that badly that hasn't just been reskinned.

I suppose the NES games but who wants to fucking play Tennis for the NES in 2020?

It's a Nintendo series, modernization only comes to them kicking and screaming.

The main lost "features" (if you can call them that) are:

>Cafe, plant shop, barber, house decoration store, Dream Homes, Redd
>Nintendo items
>Some classic furniture sets (replaced by new ones basically)

Anything else important I'm missing?

>no nook shop upgrades in base game
>removed 5/6 tropical fruits from new leaf despite the game taking place on a tropical island

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