Name a more satisfying sound in games

Name a more satisfying sound in games

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The chanting from the Disciples of D'Sparil.
Then when they engage you, they call you an asshole.


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The bling sound when epic loot drops in Diablo 3.


Npc effect at play here.

>No fun allowed
You suck user

i was about to posts these

M1 garand ping

The Quake III hitsound.


DQ 8 critical hit

Every sound effect in Starcraft, all of them are so good that choosing one feels like choosing a favorite child

when this nigga crits

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This or the Tribes blue plate special sound

>when you hear the direct hit sound several seconds after firing a blind rocket or grenade across the room

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That sound when you hit a MAX-ACT with Nero. Followed by DMC1 and 3 Dante's stinger and real-impact with Beowulf which ties with Vergil's judgement cut noise.

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Streets of Rage 2 pipe

>when the one deag connects

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Double hit sound of Battletoad's Big Boot. Along with everything stopping for a moment on every hit, it makes me feel amazing.

The shrieking of the ghosts fired by Wraithverge, followed by the death gurgles of ettin and centaurs and their gib animations.

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oh god hrrrngh

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Hexen has god-tier sound design.

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This game any good? I tried playing it a long ass time ago on N64 with a bro but we would get lost all the fucking time because the game wouldnt tell us where the fuck to go.

The game is really good but it might take getting past the first hub (it's the weakest part of the game), the Seven Portals, for most people to really appreciate it. It gives you minor clues on where to go, like flipping a switch in [level A] might say "a door has opened on [level B]." But really, just pay attention to your surroundings and look for previously locked doors to suddenly be open and you'll be fine.

It's easily playable on almost any Doom source port. At the very least give it a try.

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pure, untainted sex

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i didnt think there could be a wrong answer in this thread but here we have (you) suggesting a totally forgettable sound

F.E.A.R shotgun

>that sound on a 3rd consecutive hit
Good stuff.

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Mortal Kombat II blood sounds.


Literally anything from MK2, honestly.

Is this Heretic or Hexen? I only really know 2 of both series.


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I really really hate the Seven Portals. I also hate the level with the caves where everything looks the same so you dont know where to go.

They use some of the same sprites, don't they?

That like depressurizing "SHWEEP" sound the chests in God of War 1-3 (not sure about 4, probably not) make is really satisfying.

Pft, you can't confuse the two, man, Heretic looks goofy as fuck.

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Hexen uses the Maulotaur from Heretic as creature you can summon for help, the Crystal Vial and Quartz Flasks items, and the Fighter's Spiked Gauntlets, in their idle position, use the Gauntlets of the Necromancer sprite. Otherwise Hexen has all new assets.

Hexen is Heretic's sequel so they tried to connect them in a few ways.

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So they are considered the same universe? I need to hurry up and play through all the chapters. The early parts of Heretic 1 are kind of a drag though.

Heretic looks awesome, especially episode 3. Though I do prefer Hexen overall.

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The sound when you beat a boss in KH3, especially for the data battles/Yozora.
The sound when you land a meteor/spike on somebody in Smash 4/Ultimate.

Same universe, yeah. The main plot of the games revolves around the Serpent Riders, a trio a demon brothers who conquer worlds. The games go:

Heretic > Hexen > Hexen 2

Each game takes place on a different planet with new heroes but the focus is on the Sper Riders specifically. Heretic 2 is the odd one out as its story is a direct continuation of Corvus, the player character from Heretic and has nothing to do with the Serpent Riders.

When they make those bathhouse tiles move, it's bitching.

I might be biased, though, because I played through the mission pack expansions and you're pretty fucking tired of the assets by the end of them.
Tell you what Heretic does scratch my itch on, though, world maps. They're fantastic. I miss overworld maps in fps episodes, really ties them together.

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That CLANG sound of a minecart landing after a jump in DKC and the trolley level from Spyro 2.

I feel you. Gives a slight sense of where you are in the world.

Let the record show Heretic 2 is really good. Or I at least came away with that impression a couple decades ago. I could be wrong.

It's still great, but it's great as proto-Jedi Academy more than the original's TC Doom wad.

Raven brought a lot to the table with their games. Shame they've been absorbed into the Activision COD collective.

The super loud crit sound in TF2 from like 3 of them playing simultaneously when you gib a group of people with a well aimed crit rocket

>but it's great as proto-Jedi Academy
Yeah, I guess I should make note it's definitely a very different vibe from the idtech 1 engine games. 3D models and whatnot, and third person melee. But it hooked me for some reason.

Close, but the water sploosh sound in Heretic is my favorite. It's one of the very few game sounds I'll just autistically play as much as possible while playing the game.

Tried playing this and couldn't find the emerald key.

Artificial difficulty at it's finest.

i want a modern game where i can play as a dark wizard with brutal magic so bad

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This one

>posting bait to bump the thread
Tricky mortal.

My memories of this game were, as a child, unlocking the cheat menu in the 64 version and no clipping through levels spamming the ghost shooting gun.
Looking through this thread though, I really want to give the game a fair shake and see if my adult self needs the cheat menu as well