Wtf happened?

wtf happened?

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A pretty cool game was released.

The best game in the series

Like what Quake 2 or as quake as a series?

Romero wasn't involved and this game had nothing to do with Quake, id just named it Quake 2 because it would boost sales.

What a bunch of pussies


2 > 1 > 3 > 4

Quake was the 3D franchise name. Even if it was a step backward in every way from what made Q1 so awesome, it was a 3D shooter that id was releasing. It would have flopped hard if they had called it something different.

I prefer Quake 1 and i don't consider a Quake 2 and Quake 4 as sequels

playing Quake 1 right now. Not sure how to feel. Like it's clearly an ID masterpiece but I still feel Doom is better. Doom has better art style, better enemy design, and a better core them of space marine vs demons. Quake is still pretty cool though. Shamblers are totally fucking me up

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For me? It's Quake>Doom>Doom II>Quake II

Attached: directQ 2020-03-29 13-58-33-097.png (1920x1080, 880.59K)

>better core them of space marine vs demons
You're clearly didn't play this game because Ranger is not a space marine and monsters are not a demons

>and a better core them of space marine vs demons
They're pretty much the same on this level. Doomguy is a space marine against demons, Ranger is a dimensional hopping warrior against otherworldly monsters and demons. I think what you mean to say is you find having an axe to grind against Hell more compelling than having an axe to grind against various beings.

The removal of supernatural/occult themes made it feel blander than the first one

Why are we pretending this game is good?

It seems to be related to the release of Doom Eternal but I don't understand why exactly. Is it because of the port and reappraisal of Doom 64?


Both camps are in the wrong. QII is not a masterpiece, but it's not dogshit. It's okay, which is the worst thing it could be.

hes talking about doom

Best music of the series.

I find it amusing that DE has some of the tracks as albums and even has a book on stroggification on the shelf, but the game itself is conspicuously absent from the others.

Also let's not forget this game introduced the railgun.

Personally I like Quake's environments way more. I do miss all the enemies from Doom though. Just in how many of them you could have and how despite the fact they were all simple, they all had a role and how you dealt with them.

The OST is the absolute best thing about QII.

I like vanilla Quake but I think after you finish it on nightmare you've seen everything it has to offer, that's when you install Arcane Dimensions and realize that it fixes all the game's problems

>the first time you see the Doom Hunter being built is just the thirdperson view of the stroggification in Quake 4

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>Mission Pack 1
>Mission Pack 2
>Mission Pack 3
All those + Arcane Dimensions = hours of fun. Plus there's Quake 1.5, which is sort of the Brutal Doom of Quake. Adds tons of new enemies and can be played with just about any mappack.

I've played ever Doom a thousand times, but I've never played Quake.

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Id without the soul. By soul I mean John Romero

If you ever find the feeling unbearable, don't hesitate to act on it.

What's the best way to play 1 and 2 now? First guess is no, but are the Steam versions any good?

*a cool soundtrack was released for a bad game

I thought there were only 2 map packs unless you count the unofficial episode 5
Use quakespasm, the best sourceport

II works natively on PCs last I checked. Quake 1 you should use the sourceport Quakespasm. I think Steam only comes with glquake.

Attached: quakespasm 2020-03-29 21-30-13-467.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

>Use quakespasm, the best sourceport
Thanks bud.

how are you playing it? I want to play quake but not sure the best way.

If you wanna play Quake 1 the first thing you need to do is buy a game and download a source port.I recommend quakespasm,mark v and fitz quake

>unless you count the unofficial episode 5
Yeah the one by Impel.

>get quakespasm (or any other sourceport but this one is the best)
>either pirate the quake game or buy it from steam
>put id1 inside quakespams's folder

Quakespasm sucks ass for me because he crashing when i'm starting a new game

>Implying anyone who made Quake gets any money for the end user buying a contemporary copy
Just pirate it.

Appreciate it friends.

I think you've done something wrong, if you mean it shows you the console, all you have to do is type "map start", if not, post a further explanation of this crash

I bought it on discount.Have some respect on this game man

No.He simply showed me a main menu and when i pressed a new game he just crashed with unknown reason

>Have some respect
Respect? Paypal John Carmack and co. directly. Nobody who made Quake sees a dime when you get it off Humble Bundle, GOG, whatever the fuck.

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I was raised on Quake II and, more importantly, Quake II multiplayer. Modded multiplayer especially. You fucking niggers have no idea what its like to hookshot around the edge, farming exp, headshotting mooks with your railgun while spawning those foot tapping succ dogs and unleashing hell with fireballs or your 12 foot long cyber dick sword.

Also strogg are cool and i'm playing doom2016 before I play eternal and I would fucking love a new quake so bad. Just make DOOM but have it take itself seriously and have a bit of a jump scare here and there (they already do a good job of it in 2016. I've lost count now of how many times i've yelped to a hell knight jumping out of nowhere since on hard they can kill you in one or two bitch slaps).

Just add a little more horror and a little less adhd rip and tear and you've got a great quake. I used to have dreams of red skies and stroggified brain melted marines crying "killlll meeee... let me ooooouuut"

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that's because you don't have quake itself (id1) or it is under a new name, download this:
then make sure you put a folder named id1 inside the quakespasm folder, then enter the game, press new game and type "map start"

to every new player, I also highly suggest checking this thread to see how to restore the soundtrack, since the digital versions (steam, gog, pirated) don't have it:

Attached: spasm0001.png (1280x720, 1.11M)

I already did that genius.Whatever at least mark v and fitz quake is working properly


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there's literally no reason for it to not work unless you've done something wrong, but whatever, quake is quake

sounds like you played some vortex mod. lol

The only good thing about Quake 2 are the other games that came out of the engine.

the multiplayer and the mods were 1000x times better in Quake 2.
Quake 1 had great single player however.

For me, it's WinQuake.

The pallette and themes that informed the level design for MP was so much better than 3's. I mean sure I love the fuckin jump pads and the zooming of 3. The open air suspended in the middle of bumfuck space kind of maps. But 2's brutalist architecture infested with techno gothic shit. I could live in those fuckin maps.

Winquake is shit, if your PC is old enough to run it without problems you should be using the DOS quake.exe 1.08 instead.

Any RPG type mods for Q2?
I've been binging DOOM RPG + RLA for days but hoping to find something similar to change things up.

For anyone interested, here are two different sourceports of Quake, all fit with the base game, two mission packs, the third unofficial mission pack, Arcane Dimensions, and various fixes for Quakespasm. The other sourceport is DirectQ, which uses DirectX instead of OpenGL. Includes all the same mission packs + AD. If I recall, DirectQ is kinder to lower end systems. I like both sourceports for different reasons, but I find these are the best ones for Quake. Fitz and Mark V can only use the MP3 OSTs of Quake, which is wholly inferior to the .wav versions. Another popular sourceport is DarkPlaces, which adds some fancy graphical tech to Quake like dynamic lighting, fancy blood, shadows, etc, but I would only use it with Quake 1.5 to be desu. I can upload a fixed up version all set to go of DarkPlaces if someone wants, but otherwise I won't right now.

Arcane Dimensions is an enormous mod with tons of maps, new enemies, and weapons. Some people see it as an unofficial expansion pack/sequel to Quake, others as an abomination. You should absolutely only play Arcane Dimensions after at least finishing the base game of Quake.

Should be as easy as unzipping and starting from one of the shortcuts. If you've ever been interested in the first Quake and have been too lazy to sift through sourceports and fixes, now is the time.

Both links contain a total conversion of Quake called Malice. Take it or leave it.

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Also I seem to have left my save files in DirectQ's id1 folder. Just delete them.

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of course its quake that brings out only the most based and helpful anons. ty i may just end up playing this here shortly if Tiger King + shitposting doesn't keep me sucked in for the rest of the night

Not him but try vkQuake, it's a vulkan port.

im playing on quakespasm, episode 1 third level
is the soundtrack supposed to be ominous? I heard that NIN did the ost for quake 1

Quake is a very atmospheric game as much as it is a high octane FPS. The ominous music is intentional.
Oh shit I forgot that exists. Adds AA, AF and shit. I'll fix that up right now.

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>ruins your episode
Heh, nothing personal Sandy

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