Any oldfags, neets, or otaku want to talk about video games?

Any oldfags, neets, or otaku want to talk about video games?
What are you playing? What are you up tonight? How are you pkanning on spending your trumpbux? How are you holding up?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah sure. Oldfag here. Gonna play Doom Eternal. Trump bux are gonna go to family expenses if I even get any. I live overseas so that could get complicated.

are trump bux actually real
I've never had a job or done taxes or even know how to do them
am I getting money

>posting since 2005
>don't really consider myself "oldfag"

rune factory 4 mostly, unsure on my island's layout in ACNH so might restart
been shitposting on here/talking on messenger with friens
things stay bad, saving them probably. if things open up relatively soon, probably getting a new computer a bit sooner than would have
i'm managing

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been playing RDR2
trumpbux probably going towards yakuza collection and sakura wars and whatever games i can stock up on
and you op?

Still playing what ive been playing all week which is ragnarok online that my little sister got me back into its trash renewal but whatever I cant say no to her
as an ausfag im spending my neetbux on games and maybe a VR set

>am I getting money

How are you liking D:E?

>never done taxes

I've been posting since 2006, I don't feel like oldfag either more of an oldfag of the internet in general. I'm also thinking of getting a new pc with my bux.

I'm either going to use them to buy a new computer or just to have money for every game releasing for the next 6 months.

I'm going to sleep
Good night

goodnight user

Been playing a lot of Escape from Tarkov lately, tried some Half Life:Alyx today and that shit was polished as a motherfucker, really good visuals for a VR game too.
Shame about the loading but that's the price of progress I guess.

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ys viii, paladins, fgo. Right now going through zbrush and blender stuff

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Is Tanigawa still writing LNs? Has he done anything since Haruhi?

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was planning on getting it this year bc i had the money. well for me, it'd be a gaming laptop bc 1) light up keyboard(got into it with my current one) 2) I tend to play less intensive, not saying /toaster/ type stuff than alot of Yas Forums

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I wish a shitty version of Alyx would come to psvr. Maybe it'll get ported to ps5.

It's been a while since anything new but there's quite a few ln's since the anime.

I wish this was on switch, I haven't been using my ipod much since taking the switchpill.

I'm looking at an 800 dollar prebuilt from best buy that some friends swear by. It's more of a transitional pc until I can afford to build my dream rig. Just need something to last me until mid next gen or so. I also mostly play less intensive with the exception of total war games.

D:E is alright so far. Haven't got very far in it yet.

We are definitely oldfags though. We're talking like 15 years on this damn site.

for me, thanks to my current one it's lenovo laptops, specifically their gamign ones.

china can make computers and plagues well, even if they can't get masks/baby formula/corona tests right

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Shoulder is fucked so playing games for long periods hurts. All I can do is lie around and it's suffering. Thinking about getting a switch just so I can mount it and play it in bed.

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2019 oldfag here, I really want to upgrade my potato PC and its GT 545. i mainly just play whatever porn games show up on F95 Zone.

I'm emulating that Vampire Hunter D ps1 game and the combat is shit, probably gonna drop it for that.

Guys it’s finally happening. My dream of making a YouTube channel again after doing a yugioh channel for a year in 2011 is finally done. I won’t post it since I don’t even have the channel up but it’s gonna be fun and I already know no one will watch it and that’s okay with me :-)

Recently been playing the following with my newish gf:
• Ice Climber
• Bubble Bath Babes
• Animal Crossing New Horizons
• Dark Souls Remastered
• Puyo Puyo Tetris

• Binding of Isaac
• Desert Golfing
• Castlevania
• Dragon Force
• Ocarina of Time on my N64 now complete with the ultra HDMI mod

Also now that I have a nice PC to edit 4K footage, I’m gonna start working on an iPhone game for fun; but I need to pick an engine. I don’t love Unity but I might go with that unless any anons have recommendations for working on an iPhone game. (iOS because I don’t like working with Android Studio and I don’t like Java)

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>We are definitely oldfags though.
You're here forever.

I've been suffering with occipital neuralgia and buying a switch to play at comfortable positions legitimately helps. I'd recommend it. Hope you feel better user.

speaking of the plague do you expect it to affect you getting your new laptop? I'm afraid the trumpbux wont arrive fast enough and I'll have to wait on my new pc indefinitely.

good for you user, wishing you luck with it. Don't let your gf fuck it up for you somehow.

Playing FF6 Brave New World. Looking for more romhacks that give the classics new life. Probably not gonna get Trumpbux because unemployed student, but I'd get Trials of Mana or Ys 8 or something.

Used to jerk it furiously to bunny Haruhi. Never watched the show.

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>What are you playing? What are you up tonight?
Been playing through Final Fantasy 12. I like Balthier, he is calm under pressure always has something witty to say and doesn't afraid of anything. As for what I've been up to tonight, was trying out Remote Play on Steam with a friend, it's pretty fun when it wants to work properly.
Man I wish
>2019 oldfag
Got a giggle out of me

Oldfag from Yas Forums circa 04

Just playing a bunch of Animal Crossing New Horizons and Tetris 99. For most of my life I’ve been the type of person to collect a bunch of games and not play three-quarters of them, but after my 150+ complete-in-box PS2 collection got water damaged in a bad storm that took out a friend’s shed that they were stored in, I decided I’ll try and stop the collecting and just focus on a handful of games at a time. I’ve won 33 games in Tetris 99 after putting nearly 60 hours in so I feel pretty confident when I hop in these days, and Animal Crossing is definitely a long-haul type game that should be rewarding to return to for the rest of the year.

I find myself missing a real good MMO type game tho. I keep thinking about me in that 04-09 era when I was playing Ragnarok Online or Burning Crusade-era WoW and I miss how easy it was to just hang out and feel like a welcome part of that online community without the cliques and insularity that modern internet social clouds tend to have anymore. I think that’s why I still come here. As rude as the average user can be, it isn't any worse than any contemporary social media website, with the added bonus of not having to fork over my email/make an account or deal with people who have some kind of head trip because of how many likes and followers they have. Everyone’s a loser here and that fact is what keeps Yas Forums contrarily way more welcoming than other “social” websites

Thinking about getting a new PC since Doom Eternal isn't running on my ten year old toaster, but that probably won't be with trumpbux because I doubt I qualify.

Brave New World is fucking cool.

I'm a NEET on SSI so I get trumpbux. Going to spend it on upgrading my PC that I haven't been able to use in a year: - Currently not playing anything yet due to a lack of monitor so I'm just on Yas Forums waiting. Pic-related is what I'm gonna play when I can use my PC. No first person games though as I don't have the room to use a mouse for gaming and I don't like playing first person games with a controller. Any games I should add?

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>roommate's girlfriend has all the symptoms of corona
Aside from that, all systems green. Working from home and playing video games all day every day.

Honestly its been a bit of a drag, not because of the story but because the events are getting more annoying . The release timing has been unforgiving to people that have jobs, like doing short reruns that start midweek. Your Switch has been a liberator

These threads are so fucking shit. Nobody cares what you're playing, go and die already.

not in terms of money barring the road war/real social collapse/certain sudden deaths, thankfully

in terms of stores open? Yeah. that and willingness to go out? yes. would rather stay in and play i guess openttd vs minecraft with 500 mods and get corona

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>I miss how easy it was to just hang out and feel like a welcome part of that online community without the cliques and insularity that modern internet social clouds tend to have anymore.
Try Eve Online. Free to try, and the community has been amazing and talkative. You can go to any system that is populated and generally start a conversation, even in PVP zones.

ok zoomer

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I also have a channel that I share with my friends. We do content occasionally, one of them uploads a lot of Sega Heroes stuff, but I don't care because its just for fun. I havent produced anything myself in a while tho.

Hell yeah, its cool. The only thing is sometimes the characters will say things that make me feel like Im reading a fanfiction. Like Sabin saying "No shit" and being crude. Gameplay is fantastic otherwise.

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i wish my sister and her kids would get corona.

Played some Warframe, currently waiting for Bannerlord to release so I can start the download for that.
I'm gonna spend some of my Trumpbux on a new microphone, a new chair and maybe a new SSD. I'll probably save the rest and spend it sparingly until the hyperinflation hits.

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I came here in roughly 2006 or 2007, didn't really start browsing regularly until a year after that. I used to spend a lot of time on /tg/ I'm actually the OP of the Los Tiburon story and to date it is one of my favorite things I've ever done

Playing the new animal crossing, enjoying it very much. Busy with work (Amazon) and I'm considering going OTR now that I have my class A CDL, maybe once this whole thing blows over and I get some hours on the road and some practice driving under a company banner.

The only way out of hell is through it, Anons. We're all gonna make it, I promise.

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For the past week or so I've been playing Animal Crossing, Tetris 99, and Final Fantasy 99 daily, cycling between them when I start getting tired of one

It's a decent way to kill time

I'm playing Octopath Traveller
Also some user seemed to be worried about you, Haruhi-user, at least until it got deleted

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I don't PC game anymore sorry user I know I’m gay

Been playing Escape from Tarkov lately.
Very fun and is holding me off until Bannerlord comes out.

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Yas Forums used to freeze at night, so you could post in a thread and find it in the morning.
mostly playing ninja gaiden 2004 xbox and thinking about running though the snes goemons.
gotta save the trump bux in case the this quarantine shenanigans stays longer than expected.

reminder that if you haven't done taxes the past 3 years, you probably wont get trump bux.

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I've lost my first family member to the virus, about 3 hours ago

This shit is serious, it's not just another flu. Be safe guys

Doing good user, found out about the Trumpbux today, gonna use it on the 30 series when it drops. Waiting for RE3 atm.

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>Used to jerk it furiously to bunny Haruhi. Never watched the show
based, but it's a good show from a better time. Worth a watch.

FF12 is on my backlog, any tips for me?

You're an originalfag, user. Glad you're still here. I never got into mmos until this year, but I can feel your pain. Outside of Yas Forums the internet and vidya lack any sense of community. Hope you're enjoying AC, it's my first one and it's been great imo.

That's a pretty solid list, anything more would become an overwhelming backlog. Maybe give Death Stranding a try when it comes to pc.

tell him he has to self quarantine with her

>No first person games though as I don't have the room to use a mouse for gaming
How do you have room for a PC, but not a 10x20 flat surface for a keyboard and mouse?

Been playing Borderlands 3 for the new DLC and just beat it today. Might start mopping up the side quests and farming for my loadout now that I'm 5 levels higher. Tonight, I'm doing a layout for a city in a simulator for some other people.
As for Trumpbux, that really depends. If I can throw it straight into my bank account, it can cover bills. If not, I might just use it for normal day-to-day stuff and let my bank account grow more.
I'm holding up alright. I have an essential job, though, so I don't get to stay out of work. If something happens that's related to the pandemic and I have to stay home, though, I get full pay for my time off, so I'll be fine.

>People have been posting here for 10+ years

could have had a good life

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i slept for 18 hours last night

I had been saving for a house downpayment right before this happened, so I'm sitting on a cool 10k to ride this out with if necessary. But I can entirely work from so I still have my job. Trumpbux are going straight into savings

I'm wondering what will happen to home prices once this clears a bit

Were they elderly? My grandma has it

Based. I can't wait for that week with RE3 and FF7. Gonna be the last awesome week for a long time.

Seriously user? Who was it and how old and was there other health complications? I'm sorry to hear that, I've been aware for a month that it's much more serious than they're letting on.

I remember before 2016 Yas Forums was super slow, I thought the site was genuinely in jeopardy again for how little traffic it was doing. Crazy times, sometimes I wish it just ended there.

Worried about me? Why?

50's, but healthy 50's.

Godspeed, bro. May your rolls be 20 and your grapples get you to lvl 5

been playing a lot more boomer shooters recently since friends have been getting more into them and just started blood tonight

This is a better life than I could have wished for. My roommate bugs me about how I could be a "heart throb" for a girl and I ask him how much video games he spends ever since he got his girl and he shuts the fuck up immediately.

I have a mATX case which I can put on the floor, a monitor is easy enough to just fit on a stand. I don't have the living space for a big desk and I don't like playing high DPI (I prefer 600dpi) so a small mouse space is pretty uncomfy for me. Plus I'm not big into first-person type games these days anyway.

You got me, I saw that on the catalog, and when I clicked on it it had 404'd.
I'm simply assuming he's talking about you, since the Haruhi picture and all.

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Fuck, that sucks. Sorry man.

Cheers, user

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I do have a good life. I enjoyed the internet culture of ten years ago and have a small cadre of like minded people irl that I love dearly. I regret nothing save that I have been frivolous with my money and did not fully appreciate the lifestyle I currently enjoy earlier.

To stay on topic I'm playing dragons dogma.

>wanted to get comfy in ACNH
>local currency crashes hard and prices for everything skyrocket due to memevirus
>cant afford to spare a cent or else I starve

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I'm watching asobi asobase and I won't get any trump bux.

>Your Switch has been a liberator
thats good to know atleast

whats going on big guy?

>in terms of stores open? Yeah. that and willingness to go out? yes. would rather stay in and play i guess openttd vs minecraft with 500 mods and get corona
thats what I'm worried about, I was hoping maybe getting it shipped and handling with gloves would be okay

not him but eve seems so overwhelming

cant wait for bannerlord, you've got a good plan for your trumpbux user, take care.

>>The only way out of hell is through it, Anons. We're all gonna make it, I promise.
amen user, take care

>i have to graduate into this mess.
I was going to apply to be a flight attendant too, which is an almost comical idea right now.
I've somehow memed my way into a Japanese degree so let's see where life takes me.

On the topic of vidya I'm finishing Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice right now. Trying to complete everything on the backlog.

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>The only way out of hell is through it, Anons.

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>What are you playing?
Been playing Torna dlc for xb2
>What are you up tonight?
Video games
>How are you planning on spending your trumpbux?
No trumpbux for leafs
>How are you holding up?
Wu flu making work a motherfucker but okay otherwise.

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Comfy thread, good job OP

I've been playing genesis alpha one. It's been pretty awesome and it gets really crazy when your ship gets boarded or something lays eggs under the deck. I just wish I could aim down sights and the pc version was better. Also playing dont starve for the first time in 4 years good shit. Also define being an old fag? This is 4channel now

No good life to be had in this world

>online purchasing for something that big
not for me user, but good luck

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we aren't fucked because we're on Yas Forums, we are on Yas Forums because we're fucked


RIP, sorry to hear that.

My whole family is sick. We haven't been tested, but we think we have it. Tomorrow will be day 7 for three of us. The aches and pains are so bad it's hard to sleep.

Playing Animal Crossing New Leaf. Replaying Breath of the Wild on Master Mode for thr first time. Going for 100%.

I have a lot of games I really want to play right now too. It's hard to juggle them all. I want to replay Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, and Metroid Prime 3.

I'm a bit of a Nintendo fag. But I genuinely love video games and am happy you made this thread. It gets frustrating trying to discuss them here at times. Things aren't the way the used to be

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I've thought about bringing him back to the ring, there's a build in 5th edition I've been meaning to try out. But I worry that bill be trying to recapture that faded glory. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.

Then again..

A heel turnabout would be fun to explore. And a final face turn would be a grand finale for our wrestler of dragons.

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I enjoy these threads

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>Japanese degree
Depending on how things pan out I would seriously consider moving to Japan after corona-chan blows over. They may come out of it in better shape than the west, and probably with demand for western English teachers after they all went home in the last month.