If it was directed by Hidetaka...would you play it?

If it was directed by Hidetaka...would you play it?

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Police officers / SWAT members running into gruesome paranormal monsters is such a great concept in fiction.
I'd love to see a SWAT game with disgusting atrocities from hell thrown in, but i guess thats essentially what GTFO is

what is it

Attached: oleg-vdovenko-stork-3.jpg (800x1000, 192.78K)

Only if they're not just cannon fodder.
It's the shittiest trope ever.
>"hurr durr, this evil being is a true menace because look how easily it can chew up and spit out the most prepared and equipped people in common society"
Some casualties are believable, but having everyone torn to shreds and some pipsqueak loner MC somehow manages to survive it all and fight through is overdone.

Is it any good?

Artwork by some guy named Oleg Vdovenko. Just RGIS it.

Not a game, just some homo's art


Attached: oleg-vdovenko-stork-5.jpg (800x1014, 182.39K)

Yeah that really breaks immersion pretty quick.
Its best if the monster could easily take on an armed human 1v1, but a 2v1 would surely make him hesitate

the opening to REC 2 was so good

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Cry of fear multiplayer is the only game that I can think of that has this vibe too it.

what's with the giant chicken man?

Its a stork. Peep the cribs.

Would it be about ordinary officers responding to what they dont know to be some other wordly horrors ifesting everyday places or a task force sent by some sort of organization specialicing in handling these anomalies?

>Its best if the monster could easily take on an armed human 1v1, but a 2v1 would surely make him hesitate
I'm imagining something like this. God the parts where you had to separate from the squad to be on your own and do an objective were terrifying to younger me, something done like this in current gen could be an absolute fucking blast

Attached: Area_51.jpg (220x283, 12.33K)

stop trying to make everything about the SCP
it jumped the shark years ago and now it's full of trannies

So we can all agree that we need to remaster The Thing game from ps2 yeah?

Thats why I asked which of these two would you prefer.Feel free to suggest your own concepts.

Unsuspecting normal police officers is superior. Bonus points if they are in a rural setting.

Ordinary. Task forces have been done and are way too overused. Dead Space 1 was a success because of this.

Would it be always the same group of people or perhaps entirely different crews for each incident.

Slightly related, reposting my old vidya idea for shits and giggles.

Attached: horror coop 1.png (1865x212, 66.64K)

So the story is like Xenoclash?

part 2

Attached: horror coop 2.png (1871x199, 77.22K)

The FEAR sequels should have been this instead of focusing on the retarded Alma bullshit.

Wtf I could've sworn those are ingame RE3 screenshots

>Paranormal shit happening across the country
>Each mission is a different police force
>Scenarios such as trying to kill a single monster ravaging a house or trying to reach the back door of a mansion that suddenly locks its own front doors on you
>Ammo for your starting weapon is impossible to find, you have to make good use of the pistol mags you start with or you have to start the mission from scratch
>Maybe if you're lucky you can find weapons on rare occasions but it'll be something like a kitchen knife or a family's handgun in a lockbox in the closet or something of similar realism
>Loading screens have protips but if you progress enough they tell your certain secrets such as safe combinations that let you access better weapons in specific scenarios
>Even worse loading screens will occasionally turn spooky and the hints/tips will be replaced with instructions to perform in early missions you completed
>Doing these turn the scenario into something else completely
Example: there's a loading screen that shows a bunch of officers messing around in the office, a lighthearted scene. On the bottom right is a protip "Don't expect to find magazines for your pistol at the scene. Make every shot count!"
If you progress far enough the loading screen has a chance of instantly distorting revealing a monster in the background. The soft music that would normally play is replaced with a horrifying prolonged scream that only gets louder. The protip changes into "Take the remote in the Carter household and enter this code"
The scenario in the Carter household was originally a simple search and destroy to kill a single monster that caused the disappearance of a family. Going back and entering the code opens a portal in the television set leading to where the family vanished to. The scenario becomes a rescue mission and there are multiple stronger versions of that single monster.

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This is my favorite pic. Just imagine being a rural cop, sent to a distress call with your mates and running out of bullets pretty quick so you have tp resort to a fucking knife.

coomer and his coomlets

Forgot kmage

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man these images are so well drawn its like they are just 3d models passed through a filter

I think ordinary but highly competent officers, maybe small city SWAT like STARS in Resident Evil.

S.W.A.T. 4/Deathwing seems like the perfect fit for this type of concept. If you see the monsters first, are in place and working together with your teammates you're powerful, but when disoriented and on your own you're hosed and outmatched.

Attached: Indianapolis SWAT.jpg (480x360, 14.08K)

Artist? SourcE?

>literally on the filename of some of the pictures

this. i played fear 2 for the first time today and holy fucking shit what a shit show.
but atleast alma has fat tits and the DUMPTRUCK, GODDAMN

>Monster in media
>It's made of flesh
>It gets shot
>Nothing gets blown off, the bullets bounce off
anything that does this is garbage.
Man of steel had the kyrptonian get shot by an A-10, and it blew her across the street. It's a nice compromise.

You can already have this with The Hunt: Showdown, but a modern day twist would be badical.

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>Police officers / SWAT members running into gruesome paranormal monsters is such a great concept in fiction.
give me 10 examples of this.

>guns aren't fun to shoot now
>game is so disappointing that it kills any atmosphere of tension
>stupid "scary" ghost enemies that run around on rails spawning more monsters and take 3 minutes of being shot to finally fucking die
>stupid power fantasy mech section
>really cringey humor from the radio dude that does nothing but drive home how shit the sequel is

is this concept art for an upcoming horror game?

>Horror from beyond the stars
>Cletus plugs it in the face with a 12 gauge slugs and mounts it on his wall
Roaches will outlive tigers,elephants, and every other "apex" predator species.

Being able to kill something having any correlation to the threat it represents is mental midget shit
Like you said, cockroaches will outlive everything, but I massacre untold numbers of them at one time, and over the course of my life probably have stomped dozens in total
But they're still gross and unnerving to see, and when they suddenly fly it's shocking.

Parasite Eve
City Hunter
Discworld's City Watch subseries
Maniac Cop
Exorcist III
Army of the Damned
30 Days of Night
Wolf Cop
Slither (and Tremors)
Planet Terror
House of the Dead

FEAR 2 suffered from consolitis

literally me

My point is, just because something is big and scary that doesn't mean it's going to outlive the less scary shit. I'm comparing the aliens to apec predators and humans to cockroaches. There's no reason for a universe to be kind to eldritch horrors either, if it can bleed, it can be shot.

What is this and where do I buy it? Although judging by some of the poses, this is probably just stuff made in Blender, right?

american police indeed

Wasn't Perseus Mandate kind of close?

basically resident evil 1-3 techniacally

Isn’t this exactly what the afraid of monsters coop game is?

I actually came up with an FPS with a similar idea a while back, where SWAT/DEA raids an apartment full of drug dealers, but a zombie apocalypse starts happening outside and they get trapped in the building by waves of the undead. The police and the criminals must work together to survive and defend the apartments from hordes of zombies.

Hidetaka who, retard?

Why not just call it even and have it a clueless Private Military Contractor squad that's hired by a secret organization?

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>rednecks vs alien creatures

We need a game like this.

I don't think there's a fight scene that exists that is more asinine than this one. Not even in bollywood shit or neil breen movies.

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Because you can't sympathize with the fucking Merchant Marines. Evolve was pretty trash.

im from the army
this is exactly how they train us on close combat

fucking love this scene lol

im a doctor
this is how we perform appendectomies

Multiple human beings watched this during production and said "Yeah, this is fine."

I hope RE8 has this kind of stuff.

maybe only gigganigga vs guns work

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