Why was it forgotten so quickly?
Why was it forgotten so quickly?
I enjoyed the game but it all honesty it was kind of mediocre. It gets a 7/10 from me.
No kinocest subplot.
Because it was genuinely mediocre as fuck. The gameplay gimmick carried the game and even then the actual combat was super clunky for some reason.
The legion gimmick was the only good part of the game. The artstyle was ok but generic and the story was fucking dog shit
It was sandwiched between Fire Emblem and Zelda, and then it became obvious it wouldn't get ported anytime soon, even with the W101 port, so portbeggars lost interest.
Played it, had fun with it, stopped playing it. Probably in my platinum top 3.
Bad release time. Hope it gets a sequel
Because it was a relatively short single player(ish) game without a lot of replay value or reasons to go back to it after finishing it. Compared to Platinum's other games there's not a lot to it. And the fact Smash skipped over it didn't do much to keep it in the spotlight.
It did sell over a million copies though.
The pacing is what killed it for me. Combat was fine, but it took too long to get some of your core abilities and a lot of it wasn't explained particularly well.
It was up against Sekiro and DMC5 so of course it's gonna get mangled into bloody pieces and gores. All those 30-minute anime cutscenes and filler police patrol shit aren't helping its case either.
And yet you remember it
>relatively short single player(ish) game
And Nier A Tomato sells more than 4x that no. This is ARMS all over again, with good sales no. but the playerbase dying just 3 months after its release and it was completely forgotten 6 months after its release.
i really liked it, but it was very mediocre. it'd be cool to see a sequel since i think they'd definitely be able to iron out most of the kinks with the gameplay, and hopefully go for a less fucking retarded story
>broad shoulders
>tiny hips
>flat ass
>sticc legs
No wonder the fan art never catches on. Meanwhile, thicc lass like Reisalin Stout has like more than 3K artworks as of today.
Shiny turd, P*'s calling card
Forgotten games dont get into smash
the worst major platinum game, need W101 to wash the taste out of my mouth
Nintendo spent a majority of last year promoting pic related.
Will this game get a weird revival and push like ARMS did?
Depends on if it gets a Smash Rep.
And this still sold more than that did in the West.
>1 ARMS character will be playable in Smash so p-please get back to ARMS
Nah, more like Ninty trying to shill the game by shoving it into Smash
Overall I liked AC, but it was a love/hate kind of play thru. When the arenas were open and allowed you to do your thing I loved it for most enemies, but when the arenas were cramped with stupid shit in the way I hated it. Sometimes the legions just felt limited with how you have to use them and the energy meter. I'll say I didnt enjoy it as much as a straigth forward action game like DMC5/MGR/Bayonetta, its interesting mechanic wise but it like W101 where platinum put a system between you and the action. I do like AC more than W101 especially in that regard.
not all games are meant to be remembered forever you stupid retard
you play the game and finish it
you don't spend the next 10 years listening to youtuber essayists argue whether its the best game ever made or the worst
you got less of a life than people who do play video games. so shut the fuck up
also wasnt a fan of the excessive main character recoil animations and the relistic "weight/motion" to things like the second it takes to start running
even if Sekiro and DMC5 didnt come out, it still will fall flat. its just too mediocre and boring
Its quite a long game(took me 20 hours to finish it, and I still haven't done everything File 12 onwards) but its tedious to go through. I ended up S ranking I'd say 80% of the game without even doing much. Sync moves are cool but functionally boring once you see how limited they are. Dodge sync, chain sync, multiple attack sync, delay sync, charge sync. Sure depending on the legions you get a different move but for the most part unless its an enemy you need a specific legion to defeat you don't really have to switch Legions all that much. The only times is when you got to go through the level.
The story was a by the numbers ones where from first scene, you can tell where all this shit is going to go. It was only amusing and fun in the fact that you could pinpoint all the story beats to a generic list. The combat wasn't solid but not great, the story was boring, and the length of the game had a lot of tedious content which no reward really other than cosmetics or ranking which don't really amount to anything since you don't need to bother with any of it unless you're a completionist. The game effectively leaves your memory once you finish it. Thankfully, I only paid 25 bucks for it on eBay and didn't pay full price for it.
I mean you can pretty much finish everything the game has in like 30-40 hours, and while I did enjoy the combat, it's not got the depth of the true classics (and hell it's not like we have many threads about those either)
i hate people who are more addicted to video game discussion over actually playing games
Officer Howard (female) is cute. Cute!
Not playable in smash
Get off of /v, mate. You're just torturing yourself being here.
It wasn't forgotten. I played it just the other day. Slowly making my way through the postgame files.
It's a really fucking fun game.
>but the playerbase dying just 3 months after its release
but that didn't happen with arms
And I'm not sure why you wouldn't expect it to happen with an exclusive singleplayer game. People played it and beat it and moved to the next game.
Terrible marketing.
> Beaten by Game that was left for dead
You think it was forgotten but it was actually a complete game that didn't feel the need to artificially extend it's lifetime with shallow dlc. You're either too young or have forgotten what it used to be like.
and yet, no porn.
>but the playerbase dying just 3 months after its release
This isn't a game like ARMS which has a competitive side to it.
Instead of being a dedicated action game it's more of an action RPG
The combat takes a lot of getting used to at the beginning but really opens up and finds a nice rhythm when you get more Legions and fight late game bosses
The problem is there are long stretches outside of combat doing detective work, shit side missions, and even stealth(who the fuck thought people wanted this?), the pacing is fucked for most of the game
Pair that with a very weak writing and the most generic character designs and it doesn't leave a strong impression on you
It's a single player game and a new ip
do you expect daily threads several months after release?
that rarely happens, like Life is Strange which has kept a general alive for years, mostly powered by fanfics
Mediocre as fuck with sloppy controls and meh content. I honestly disliked it more than their transformers game.
The fuck is happening at Platinum?
The final boss is fucking great, easily up there with Armstrong for Platinum's best boss fight
>The fuck is happening at Platinum?
shitch hardware.
You can't really make an action game at 30 fps with dips.
>Platinum's best boss fight
Nothing will ever top W101 final sequence.
it was a good game, just not a masterpiece and not shit, which are the only things Yas Forums like to talk about
yet Nier Gestalt gets attention.
Automata was the latest installment of a series of cult classics and was heavily advertised be SE, of course it outsold Astral Chain. But still, AC was a new IP that barely got any marketing, especially not in the west. The deck may not have been as stacked against as W101, but the odds definitely weren’t in its favorite. The fact that it managed to do even a fourth of Automata number in less than six months is impressive in itself, especially since a lot naysayers here were saying its lifetime sales would be around 35k or something at most
>Implying Nier isn’t complete kino
It has flaws like any other game. Aside from the game part which most people agree is pretty garbo, the story is often too melodramatic. Tomato sort of got it right where you play as 9S instead of retracking with 2B again.
Was the main reason why I bought a switch when the first trailer dropped. It wasn't that great, but fun. Story was meh, know the art style because of the artist who does it, music is great, combat was clunky and fun but a bit interesting. 7.5 for me. Still fun with some small problems
30 fps alone isn't enough to turn a game from good to mediocre. Even at 60 fps, all the issues with AC would remain.
>final mission is actually a laundry list of challenges, the last 10 of which are genuinely bullshit
I felt gatekept by the game for the entirety of its duration, so much so that by the end of it, I hadn't mastered a lot of the high-level mechanics
It was fun and polished, but felt too much like Nier: Automata rather than any other Platinum game