Is Etna still Yas Forums's favorite girl, or has that changed?
Is Etna still Yas Forums's favorite girl, or has that changed?
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I prefer Laharl
she's such a good girl
Laharl's wife is pretty cute!
kill yourself
Ok seethe.
I remember the user who posted this one said it was a rare image and it stuck with me. I will give everyone the joy of hair-down Etna.
>Laharl's wife
But this isn't a Flonne thread
Not even best girl in her own series.
Yes and her game is still my favorite Disgaea.
You mean Laharl's other wife?
No one ever liked Etna. Not even the lolicons liked Etna.
No it's Aigis, but she is pretty great
Pretty sure it's Midna still.
Etna is cute. I want to that 1400 year old demon.
Shit character, plus 2B is more popular.
Shit taste my man
GOD I wish I could draw.
She's a Rei ripoff in an Evangelion ripoff game. She ruined the team dynamic and feels shoehorned.
I love Etna but her series should have ended at 1.
Good to know your just shitposting if you think that,. That it a pretty outdated shitpost.
Thanks for posting this it's very cute.
you just have to start, user. no grinding, just study what art you like, make things to challenge yourself and rely on references when you get stuck, that's all. i wanna see what you make.
Then practice, you retard.
How is it outdated? The game didn't change, dipshit. She's a ripoff character with no personality.
Why do just say things without facts to back them up, nothing you are saying is really true user.
I didn't know shiteaters had their own opinions until now
She's completely flat. How is this attractive?
good and FLAT
Damn, Laharl has game
How is she not? She's also a fucking brat which is prime spank material.
Have you seen his dad? He comes from good stock. Etna is just waiting til he hits demon puberty.
She's a generic doll/robot character, she was shoehorned in and suddenly the entire party dynamic revolved around her taking up any time that could've been dedicated to characters that didn't appeal to fucking losers and had any sort of development other than caring about door-kun I guess? I don't exactly remember but being obsessed with MC sounds like a shit personality for a fanservice doll character for ronery self-insert waifufags.
Because when I hug her, I'm closer to her heart.
Literally perfect.
Etna has eyes for Krichevskoy only, m8.
there is a lot to the anti-shadow weapons just in their existence, and Aigis breaking her own brain and programming because she used him as a desperation move and regrets it is the most interesting thing you can do with a character who by virtue of being a robot is always going to have an arc of "but how do i human tho". Also the fact her Ark goes more into she knows she wont be human and getting over the fact she won't die well everyone around her fits with theme of the game of instead of her getting over her mortally it more get getting over everyone else's mortally.
Really she is very core to the theme of the game itself and I don't how this goes over your head so hard.
Yes, emphasis on "girl"
does this video have a penis or is it just an over animated skirt?
Should I play disgaea on ps2 or psp?
>nothing showing
What is even the point?
psp has more content but is missing the like 2 licensed english songs
>no one mentions Asagi
He mentioned Asagi being the best Disgaea character.
Agrias would fuck that ho up
The best NIS girls are in The Witch and the Hundred Knight, prove me wrong
Etna does not have a big ass.
Clothed girls doing erotic things are infinitely sexier than nude girls.
>The best NIS girls are in The Witch and the Hundred Knight
Who, exactly? Metallia? Dogslut?
Is not easy to dethrone the queen of Yas Forums.
Who do you think is next the Etna in the picture? The one he’s referring to? Take your tumblr gif back home, kid.
You can't make a joke about how no one knows who a character is if you open by preemptively telling everyone who the character is.
DISGAEA PC has been sitting in my library for a while now, is it actually good or do you guys just fap to the little girl?
It's actually good. It's not an especially complex grid strategy game, but be prepared to do some light grinding for the campaign mode.
>do you guys just fap to the little girl?
what do you think user? where do you think you are?
Metallia is awful. Nice tits, but an awful waifu.
No, Metallia is perfection.
What little girl is in the first Disgaea?
She's certainly ONE of them, but Gardevoir (male) is still best waifu.