This shit is just singleplayer Overwatch with blood

This shit is just singleplayer Overwatch with blood

>six fucking cooldowns to manage
>flashing rainbow HUD
>Doomguy does shotgun cocks, punches monitor again (soooooo epic :OOOO )
>Any semblance of subtlety from any previous game is gone
>"We want to create a DOOM Universe" aka franchise the shit out of it
>if you don't collect any of the dozens of Lore Collectibles the story makes zero fucking sense
>have to play in the Developer Approved "Fun Zone" to survive past Nightmare difficulty
>Season Pass for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME

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Doom Returnal

Who's bright idea was it to put in a bunch of third person cutscenes when the entire point of D44M was you're in the Slayer's boots the entire time

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>singleplayer Overwatch

This is either an elaborate shitpost or weapons-grade autism.

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I agree this game was made for the ADHD koreaboo crowd

I bet you retards never go to /vr/

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The management between everything does fee like a puzzle and is satisfying when you gitgud. I can understand not liking it but it's been apparent from the beginning that's the direction it was leaning towards. Go cry yourself to sleep playing the original, it's not like this replaced it

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They had four years and they still had to delay it

Overwatch's pretty good game.

It was rushed


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OP is legit autistic and insane. See

I enjoyed the game but it seems to appeal to obnoxious redditniggers

>OP was filtered lmao
>If you care about the story you'll care enough to collect the lore tabs and if you dont you'll just skip the cutscenes.
>The fuck is this "developer fun zone"? Is this just you getting filtered again.
>Season pass for a single player game isn't awful. Doom already provides a shitton of content so I see no issue with paid DLC. Witcher and Skyrim did it? Why can't doom.

no really, what the fuck is a "developer fun zone"? is it the ripatorium? you're not required to go there after your first mandatory visit

Shitposting aside I can't figure out why I don't like this game. I think the combat is fun, but the weapons and ammo scarcity feel worse, I assume to make the abilities more relevant. The story seems to suffer under it's own weight, and it kinda lacks a compelling villain. I didn't expect it to be better, I guess it's just a little worse than 2016. Kinda a shame.

The "Fun Zone" was a quote from the head designer during an interview. They have an idea of how they want the player to play the game to maximize how fun much fun they have. They even give you meta tips in the loading screen

I don't mind necessarily because it's a fun game, but there's a lot less freedom available to you unlike 2016. If you aren't playing the way the devs intended then you're probably going to get fucked

It feels like a puzzle and some people find that satisfying but that doesn't make it good

>overwatch invented abilities on cooldowns
>op is too dumb to customize the hud
>op cares about the story
What's it like to be a zoomer?
Fair point on the DLC, I'll give you that.
Absolute nonsense. There's leagues more options available to the player.

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yes it does

>more options available
Yeah, but if you don't use them in the same loop of gameplay in each fight then you may as well not play at all.

OP here

I agree that the game is fun, but these issues undermine almost everything about it. Change is fine but it's a completely different game from 2016.

How so?

>but there's a lot less freedom available to you unlike 2016
Ah yes, the freedom that was spamming Siege mode with the Gauss Cannon with the Rich Get Richer rune equipped.

You could do that or you could use any other weapon available, every one was viable at any moment in 2016.
In Eternal if you aren't using specific weapons to kill specific enemies then you're put up again damage sponges, then you run out of ammo and have to chainsaw to try again. There's no wiggle room to use anything but the same weapons to counter the same enemies every single time.

game's fun but seriously fuck the platforming, boring shit that doesn't even work right half the time and doesn't do anything useful. at least in 2016 it felt like you were going through a big facility or building, now you're playing Super Mario Bros in space with zombies.

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How did they fuck up the soundtrack coming off of D44M, no recognizable tracks, everything sounds the exact same, none of them fit the mood of any of the levels. Shit's boring

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In what universe are you forced to use specific weapons on certain enemies in this game? Only ones I can think of are cacodemon and arachnotron, and even then it's not detrimental to not use the shotgun grenade mod on them.
I honestly think you're just shit at this game cause I was switching weapons all the time just cause, and on nightmare difficulty to boot.

what? everything uses new models and the weapons all play differently from 2016, not even the mods are similar

>Seethe Eternal
move on to the next game already tortanic fags, FF7R is your next shitposting target

its just a single person, this michael guy who has like 20 videos on his youtube channel about how RE3make is bad

Does he have time to seethe about doom as well as resident evil?

i haven't seen levels of seethe like this since botw came out

Nade launcher or Arbalest, or you may as well eat a sponge
Sniper or nade launcher
Sniper or nade launcher
Sniper or nade launcher
Super shotty unless you like doing trash damage with literally any other gun because lol 0.5s opening
Super shotty to the back because no other weapon will take one out that fast

This is all on Nightmare by the way, not saying the game isn't fun but if you think you have the freedom to play with whatever weapon you want to actually beat the game then you're fucking retarded. If you don't shoot off any of their weak points then you're objectively at a disadvantage and 99% of the time it will get you killed, you can't ignore that

Friendly reminder there is STILL new content being made for originals

[Spoiler] also reminder that if doom 1 and 2 had been made with todays standards and limitations they would've been dead and forgotten by now because producers see modability and custom content as lost sales for their shitty dlcs [/spoiler]

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>singleplayer Overwatch

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>giving Doomguy a voice

Literally just alt+tabbed out of the game, what the fuck?

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this is one of those times where success gets to the devs' heads and it perverts the game
it's really unfortunate

Mancubi is easier with ice + super shotgun
infinite minirockets or minigun melt both the revenant and the spider thing
you can use the remote rockets to kill pinky without having to wait for it to charge at you

also i think the lock on missiles can be used against the maruder if you time it well

did you just give up on the Overwatch comparison after point #1?

Where did this meme come from? I'm playing on nightmare and I'm finding that the heavy cannon(at least with micro missiles), plasma rifle, rocket launcher, SSG, ballista, and chaingun can all be used effectively against pretty much any enemy. I barely bother actively going for weak points anymore because it's easier to just dodge their shit and shoot them until they die. Have you tried gitting gud?

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Didn't read

Not your new TORtanic

Kill yourself

Everything you mentioned but the marauder can be easily dealt with if you could aim properly.

yeah pretty much
4 rockets, 2 arbalests, blood punch + ssg for cybers
2 ssg's, 2 rockets, 2 arbalests all work great
honestly anything can kill these guys, plasma gun takes a while but can charge heat blast good and they dodge a shitton instead of attacking because of it
ballista, rockets, ssg, combat shotty grenades
ssg, arbalest blast, chaingun burst

don't know why you're exaggerating this hard, i ignored revenant/mancubi weakspots all the time because it was just easier to blast them with a few rockets and kill them, as long as you're moving around and occasionally LOSing revs/mancu's they won't hit you particularly often

i swear its either from one or two autists that didn't actually play the game shitposting about it or its similarly autistic people who can only do things however they think it is the "most efficient" and then complain about it despite the problem being their crippling autism and not the game

Why would I choose weaker weapons that take longer to kill enemies when I could use weapons that are stronger and more effective against them to kill faster?

I've figured it out, ammo hoarders hate this game

Aside from hitting cacos with a sticky bomb/arbalast I guarantee you switching to those "specific weapons" doesn't save you much more time than just shooting them with whatever would. Also you're not factoring in blood punch, it can destroy weak points instantly and straight up kill pinkies in one hit.

>>six fucking cooldowns to manage
Stop using tve same two weapons most of the time. They give you a bunch for a reason.
>>flashing rainbow HUD
You can change the hud to any form that suits you in Settings
>>Doomguy does shotgun cocks, punches monitor again (soooooo epic :OOOO )
What's wrong with this?
>>Any semblance of subtlety from any previous game is gone
There was no "subtlety" to begin with.
>>"We want to create a DOOM Universe" aka franchise the shit out of it
It was franchised long before Eternal and 4.
>>if you don't collect any of the dozens of Lore Collectibles the story makes zero fucking sense
Lol imagine actually giving a shit about Doom's "story".
>>have to play in the Developer Approved "Fun Zone" to survive past Nightmare difficulty
git gud fgt
>>Season Pass for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME
It's for the Multiplayer no one will play or like.

I bet you never made a coherent argument in your entire life.

I'm using every weapon in every fight, all of them are better at dealing damage to specific enemies than others

You can only change the color of the HUD in the settings

Doomguy's Epic Moments suck ass

Doom 2016 was subtle, not nearly an attempt to make it an arcadey shooter

The current state of the game is what was franchised, it was never to this extent

I don't give a shit, but they're pushing is harder then before with this one

I'm wiping the game on Nightmare now, it's easy when you get into the Fun Zone that the developers explicitly stated is how they intend the game to be played. It's also easy as shit

It's official people are already refunding doom eternal.

I bet you don't even care about arguments and just want (You)s like the filthy skank you are.

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>Weapons and ammo are scarce to make abilities more relevant
That sounds awful, what abilities?

It's official people are absolutely obsessed with doom eternal.

>has to manage cooldown
>use other weapons

So, you're telling him to manage the cooldown?

>Season Pass for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME
Retard multiplayer zoomer detected
Doom 2016 had backlash for being lack luster in it's single player campaign, people wanting more.

Well, at least you're not denying it.

>Flame belch (shoulder flamethrower, does no damage but makes enemies drop Armor)
>Grenade (Ice for freezing, frag for damage/stun)
>Chainsaw (ammo+health+etc)
>Dash (quick movement)
>Blood Punch (heavy melee damage, regular melee does literally no damage)
>SSG chain (Pulls you closer to enemies)
>Plasma Rifle (shoot to charge free damage blast)

>You can only change the color of the HUD in the settings
as opposed to fucking what else exactly????????

I don't get the "you have to play the way the dev intended" complaint. Every fucking video game in existence besides pretentious indie arthouse shit is about the devs constraining you and hoping you find working within those constraints satisfying. It's like complaining that Nintendo doesn't let you just infinite moonjump to the goal in Mario. The whole fucking point is that they put obstacles in your way and you beat them.

Have another (You) for the road faggot, don't spend it all in one place now.

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Sounds like they fucked it up big time. One of the best things was the simplicity and gunplay

yeah but my original doom game wasn't like this ignore the fact that it was

How does it make it bad just because you don’t like it?

Literally anything else

where in the absolute fuck would you be able to change the color of the hud besides in the settings? some weird in game menu? a config file? are you actually a fucking retard?

>haha, all you want is (you)s, I'll show you by giving you (you)s

Ok, retard.

extremely low iq post

im fucking stupid, im a dumb fucking baby retard, im a niggerbrained chimpanzee neanderthal, please fucking enlighten me as to where it would be convenient for someone to change the color of their in game hud that isn't the settings menu of that game

actually i get it now i actually am a fucking dumb baby retard who can't read
still you can change the ui pretty extensively, you can't move the individual elements around but you can disable/enable just about everything individually

>You can only change the color of the HUD in the settings
Literally false. The hud is fully customizable.
>Doomguy's Epic Moments suck ass
It's literally just an angry dude being angry.
>Doom 2016 was subtle, not nearly an attempt to make it an arcadey shooter
What the fuck does "arcadey" mean?
>The current state of the game is what was franchised, it was never to this extent
It's literally been like that since 64.
>I don't give a shit, but they're pushing is harder then before with this one
They really aren't. The fact that they went from Doomguy getting teleported into an unknown place to being in a floating castle is an example of how little they really give a shit. Most, if not all of Doom's writing is entry-level at best.
>I'm wiping the game on Nightmare now, it's easy when you get into the Fun Zone that the developers explicitly stated is how they intend the game to be played. It's also easy as shit
If you were wiping anything, you wouldn't be complaining about certain "zones" that you need to survive.

Sorry shitposter but you're not getting any more of my (You)s, other anons need them too and you've got plenty.

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also has that blizzard artstyle just look at the spider mastermind, oh wait he's called shao kahn now lmao