Destiny/Destiny 2

Why isn't this better? I feel like this should be better, but it really isn't.

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It's exactly as good as it needs to be to milk whales and semi-whales, that's what matters.

It's a game with no direction/vision, it barely has an identity.

Bungie themselves fucked it all up

I unironically prefer the rng of the 1st game compared to this shit grindfest of a game

>Why isn't this better?
Bungie are either diverting all their internal resources away from D2 and on to another game they're making (presumably D3 seeing as how they went to all the trouble of buying the franchise back off Activision), or they simply lack the manpower to maintain a live-service game now that they don't have High Moon and Vicarious Visions making content for them.

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Why strive for greatness when you can just exploit brain dead whales and lifeless grind autists with seasonal content?

Bungie made the game a bit too slower and accessible with D2 at launch, and they've heard that people complained that there's not enough to grind for, resulting in the current state of the game.

it's because of the genre.
there is no way for a "looter-shooter" to be a genuinely good game.

those games are genuine shit, desu

just play Warframe

The story narrative at times bounces between decent sci-fi and Saturday morning cartoon intended for 10 year olds. Integral characters like Zavala and Ikora are really poorly written, poorly voice acted.
The real gameplay is PVP and Raids. PVP has enormous issues which aren't being addressed. Only one Raid actually gives pinnacle gear, and we aren't getting a new raid until season 11 at the earliest.

d2 is pretty much dead at this point, theyre adding little to no content since going f2p, they dont even add the cool stuff like pinnacle weapons anymore. all they care about is eververse. d2 y2 was amazing, d2 y3 is shit.

The loot aspect of Destiny is so mediocre it might as well not even be there. Keep the set exotics, but the rolls of every other gun might as well not exist. Just let people put resources towards building or customizing a gun frame they like. For PVE the shit doesn't matter at all. For PVP everything should have set values based on weapon type so it'd be like playing a match of Halo just with each user having different skins.

The reason why games like Destiny and Warframe implement the grind is because they know the players are sticking around for the rewards. They aren't kept in by the gameplay or story being top notch. They're chasing a trail of bread crumbs.

>poorly voice acted
The only thing that keeps me playing is Lt. Daniels' sweet honey voice flowing into my ear, youre an absolute faggot

Hes a tryhard that only has one tone, and its the exact same in every part hes ever done. Hes a bad voice actor. More importantly his dialog is just bad. Hes more cartoon character than military commander.

Imagine being such a contrarian that you think Lance Reddick has a shit voice

He has zero range and that makes him bad. Every line delivered exactly the same, and its not his natural accent or meter of speech. He does this as a character. He constantly plays this fake American character no matter what he does. Hes just flat out bad, and if you can't realize that then theres probably something mentally wrong with you.

i uninstalled this as soon as i figured out it doesnt let you solo anything but story missions

You're really shit at baiting. Its like claiming airplanes are a shit invention because they cant take us to mars, so why bother, lets hang ourselves. You have to be more subtle than that if you want to troll.

Besides, why the fuck would a stoic military leader sound like anything other than a stoic military leader? What do you want him to do, dance and cry for you? Get bent.

>if you don't agree with my retarded bad opinion then your post is bait
Low IQ. Should have expected as much.

is borderlands 3 better?

Because Bungie hasn't been good since they left Microsoft.

This pretty much.

I liked year 2 a lot, but year 3 has been a very bumpy ride. The game is mostly centered around doing bounties and the seasonal content has been extremely lacking. I'm sure they worked hard on this season but between
>No badge
>No rituals
>Seasonal title is a joke
>Only new activities are bunkers, towers and lost sectors
>Story is still going in a circle and not advancing at all.
This entire year is starting to feel extremely phoned in.

i got used to play D1 on PS3 for 4 years and now D2 makes me dizzy at 60fps what do i do

Every decision they make is so obviously stupid you have to wonder if the people people in charge are just retarded or trying to see how far they can tank the game before people have enough.

I'd 100% believe you if you told me the devs are being intentionally retarded for whatever reason. Some of the stupid shit they do is insane, almost like they're purposely un-learning the 5 years worth of mistakes they've made with the game.

>not hard to improve on garbage

they were developing 2 concurrently with updating 1

problem is they had 2 different teams working on it and they for some reason or another didn't communicate with each other
so as 1 updated and became a good game with the oryx expansion, 2 was being developed in a bubble
so when 2 came out it was stripped down and missing all the positive changes the first one had made

ALSO 2 was designed with professional gaming in mind so they turned the crucible into a generic 4v4 shooter instead of the kuhrayzee 6v6 special spamming /fun/ of the first one
in doing so turned their back on the niche they carved out

it was focus tested to cater to retards

it is a solid okay average forgettable game

doesn't do anything amazing but it isn't awful either. Best lootershooter grinder mmo game on the market right now because the looting and grinding parts aren't obscene and awful and the shooting parts are actually fun.

but it still just lacks something

looter shooter will always be a garbage genre

diablo was okay but it wasn't fun because of looter mechanics, it was fun in spite of them.

trail of breadcrumb shit is how you keep a mediocre mmo alive and siphon as much money from paypigs as possible

it's purely a psychological addiction tool that exploits human instinct in exchange for profit. It works, but you never get a good game doing this.

The game was kino during Forsaken but they are shitting the bed during this year so fucking bad bros.

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>sign in to grind bounties (because what else is there to do) and strikes since the seasonal activity doesn't give decent amounts of warmind bits
>start building my loadout for the millionth time (because D2 still doesn't have ingame loadout presets)
>realize Felwinter's Helm is disabled
>check Bungo twitter
>realize 2/3 of this seasons Exotics are currently disabled due to unintended behavior
Not gonna lie to you, Anons, I'm pretty fuckin mad. Felwinter's Helm was basically the only part of this season I was still having fun with. How the fuck do you even trigger the effect on any kill? I've only ever done it on accident.

No more activation to fix Bungie's incompetence.

>Not Shax


>originally supposed to be a 3rd person game
>heavy weapons in 3rd person
>class skills in 3rd person
>supers in 3rd person
>hub in 3rd person
>emotes in 3rd person
>melee weapons in 3rd person
>item carrying in 3rd person
>vehicles in 3rd person
>bungie wasn't feeling confident in their ability to make anything other than an FPS game so they made the same gameplay mechanic first person despite designing it around a 3rd person concept

This whole seasons been a giant clusterfuck and a waste of everybody's time.

Never played d1, but d2's pvp is fucking garbage. just a mess- spawn, use overpowered ability/weapon for free kill(s), die to overpowered ability/weapon in return.

TTK is too low, too many effectively one-shot weapons or abilities, too many weapons stepping on each others' niche, too many movement options making it impossible to predict people, there's no strategy to the game, it's just a murderfest of people cheesing each other with ridiculously broken things.

it's like the pvp was designed with the express intent of allowing even the shittiest players to get kills so they don't feel bad about anything

>heavy weapons in 3rd person
>melee weapons in 3rd person
Swords are the only melee weapons and are heavy weapons and they're the only heavy weapon in third person, why would you double-dip on such a weird thing?

Worthy and Undying were shitshows too.

I honestly felt insulted when they announced that the season would ship with bugs, like what the fuck is the dev team even doing that they cannot even start the season without an shitload of bugs that take fucking weeks to fix?

>we all thought Activision was forcing the cash shop and microtransactions
>turns out Bungie were the real kikes all along

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They've updated the game a lot so the pvp is a mess much closer to what it was in the first game. D2 on launch had a much higher TTK, but it was still boring.

>we all thought Activision was forcing the cash shop and microtransactions
Who's "we all"? Three weeks after Eververse hit Destiny 1 it was confirmed by one of bungie devs that they're the ones that told Activision they want to add microtransactions because "making games is hard and a cash shop would allow them to finance content more freely."

This game would be alot better in third person but interestingly enough they still haven't implemented it as an optional way to play.

My only guess is that they were so retarded when they were making the first game that the idiots over at bungie didn't notice how easily exploitative their trash was in third person.

Good thing I didn't play destiny 2 past the beta lol and I remember that being a huge reason why I lost interest because they have this game centered around customization yet I cant even see my guy in-game during activities

Because Bungie sucks. Plain and simple.

They already said they're not doing it because it would create an unfair advantage for people. Those in 3rd person would have more situational awareness and people in 1st person would have more prevision.
The argument is full of loopholes, obviously, people can still switch third person at will using emotes to gain more situational awareness and you can use a controller on PC to be at a disadvantage compared to mouse users. There's also the fact console is locked at like half the FOV of PC, and FOV has like almost a nonexistent impact on performance so there's literally no reason not to allow consoles greater FOV.
They're just incompetent and coming up with excuses in hindsight.

>What do you want him to do, dance and cry for you?
I mean, yeah.

disable it for pvp, boom. If not then there's another reason and its most likely one that'll make them look retarded.

>disable it for pvp, boom.
Boom what? The complaint doesn't change AT ALL, "Why is it not in 3rd person".

reminder: in the original game the calculation for where bullets are fired from comes from the POV of the shooter, NOT where the avatar is in space

this matters because if you have a gun with a 2x zoom, it makes the damage calcualtion as though you are 2x closer to the target and it works this way
so an 8x zoom calculates as though you are 8x closer to the target than you are
this makes guns with a scope have virtually no drop off when you ADS, and also requires you to ADS on every gun for optimal damage even if you are in hip firing range because there is always a little bit of a zoom and the game treats it as though you are that much closer

this is just incompetent programming

bullet magnetism, aim assist, spoofing aim assist with an adapter so you can have controller assist while using a mouse. game is trash and most guns look stupid. i tried it out because some anons said the pvp was good. i enjoyed the pvp for awhile then i started to become aware of the issues i just mentioned. also the radar is totally cancer. there's no real outplaying or flanking since the radar always has enemies revealed on it so the best way to play is constantly watching your radar. it's lame and stupid, clearly made for consoletards

>Console treated as second class citizens.
>All balancing done around PC performance.
>Entire weapon classes made useless on console because of minor nerfs to PC

>bullet magnetism, aim assist
Console cuck can't even comprehend an argument against these, how sad.

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Because it's incoherent as fuck. I've been playing it since it went F2P and the storyline is just a mess of fucking garbage.
>run strikes
>dropped in to a random mission on a random planet
>bunch of npcs are talking, no idea who any of them are or why i should care about them
>le quirky ghost says something dumb
>shoot the bad dudes for some reason, no idea why other than they're shooting at me and the annoying guy from firefly tells me too
>treasure chest at the end opens, its another set of pants that is a 100% downgrade from what you're wearing now
I've done the Red War and Osiris stories and have a little more context now, but there's still at least a half dozen literal who's constant talking about shit I don't care about even in the slightest bit.

d2's pvp isn't boring it's frustrating bordering on rage inducing due to the unpredictability of the gameplay. its a chaotic mess and yeah you can be good in a chaotic mess and pwn noobs but as a measure of fun compared to other fps games I've played d2 pvp is a fucking joke

it's not the dying or losing that makes it suck dick, it's the lack of map flow and control, the sheer randomness of abilities, the inability to effectively plan or prepare for what another player has or will do, and the huge number of quirky snowflake weapons that remove any semblence of predictability about anything

look in halo, I know exactly what to expect if a dude has a shotgun. You have strategies dealing with that, movement is constrained, and shotgun dude has massive disadvantages he needs to mitigate, but in destiny its like every element of predicting what your opponent can do had to be reduced or eliminated and players had to be given as many options as possible for every situation. the game is a shitshow of have your cake and eat it too

it just feels unfun to play, the only part I could stand for any length of time was the co-op. Playing what feels like singleplayer but getting to randomly meet and group with people is the only good thing destiny accomplished

I was talking about D2 on launch being boring. Read user.

He's absolutely correct. The game's PvP was doa on PC because of bullet magnetism.

everything about the game is a mess

it's like someone took a working game and smashed it into pieces

>>bullet magnetism, aim assist
Exist on PC.
But oh no! He disagreed with me! Better call him a console cuck!
Where did the console player touch you?

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its way more than bullet magnetism, that's not even a big deal since a good 30% of pc players are going tobe running aimbots anyways

there's a shitload of problems every else besides the easy aim

destiny has some of the most extensive lore you will find in a game and NONE of it is actually in the game, you just need to read it on the website

you should read the books of sorrow

shitty way to make a videogame

snowflake wannabe writer leveraging the game to sell their stories rather than the other way around

I prefer Destiny 1's over seriousness over 2's Borderlands lite, every character now has quips every other line, cringe fest. And 1 just had a better ost as well.

Destiny 2 is trying to be too cute. It all started when they added a robotic voice filter to Dinklage because retards complained he was too dry, then they just go ahead and replace him with Nolan North and now he's just a quirky cartoon character. They turned this universe into a fucking joke.

I've been playing since launch and the story isn't much clearer for me either. The most characterization we've gotten about any Vanguard was all about Cayde and it was all right before he died and shortly after.

There are so many loose story threads that lots of people have pretty much given up on seeing resolved or at least elaborated on. How long has it been since we finally saw the face of The Darkness? We've learned absolutely nothing since then and it's supposed to be the primary antagonist. What the fuck is the Drifter up to? Why is the curse on the Dreaming City still running and how do we stop it? What the fuck is Mara doing? What the fuck is the newly Risen Uldren doing? Whats up with the House of Light and how would peace with the baby-eating Fallen even look like?

And the most egregious hanging thread, staring you right in the face every time you go to the Tower, has to be what the fuck is up with the Traveler now that it's "woken up"?

I used to run strikes for hours in D1 just to get exotics and because the strikes were fun.

In D2, they literally limit your rewards and force you to play shit game modes you don't want to play for shit rewards anyway.

I just want a mode with no ults. I'm sick of getting panic buttoned 8+ times a game.

>Exist on PC.
Because of consoles. Try to pay attention little cuck.

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He's really not. Game's PVP was doa on PC for the same reason it was doa on Console, it's not aim assist or bullet magnetism, it was the fucking garbage dual-primary teamshoot meta with horrendous TTK where if the stars aligned and the prime gods of the the void noticed your existence, they deigned it to bless you with enough energy for ONE fucking super per match.
If you think bullet magnetism was the issue, you know nothing about the game, let alone about the issue of PC versus console.

Because of controllers. PC version wasn't a port. It was built from the ground up by Vicarious Visions. Grownups are talking, if you wanna shitfling console wars, I hear reddit accounts are free.

no ults, no sprint, no jump abilities, no double jump

would do the game a mountain of good
and also kill what makes it unique

game is in a shit state because of that. dunno how they can fix it, but as an example titanfall 2 had tons of movement options for players and a low ttk and still doesn't feel even a fraction as shitty as d2 pvp does

For one, there was no sense of growth. Mainly talking about when the game went f2p and your power level was set to a certain level. I suppose you originally started at zero?

>Because of controllers.
Yes, unlike other games on pc that support controllers but don't have such a ridiculous amount of autoaim and magnetism that you barely even have to aim. Stay delusional cuck.

How could it be because of consoles if PC version was made specifically for the PC and had nothing to do with Console version?

>no ults
They should've made the ults utility ults instead of offensive ults. Invisibility, overshield, teleports, etc. That sort of shit.
Stay delusional, cuck.
Done feeding (you)s. If you're too retarded to understand past this point, then that's all PC players are good for.

>being this illiterate
>does nothing to address the argument
so this ... is the power .. of console asshurt