ITT: Best girls who would be an awful mate in real life

As a man who has already dated a shut-in with zero social skills who was scared of everything, I can safely assure you it is a nightmare.

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yes 3D girls are trash especially white ones, everyone knows that

A girl shackled to a family business is not a good pick

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this, they're also not cute anime girls they are fat and rarely wash or shave

Chie is so much better than Futaba and the Tokyo girls from Persona 5 that it's not even funny.

>can cook
>can clean
>often wants to help you
>looks cute
>has actual hobbies

The japs have accurately portrayed city fags as retards who need everything done for them.

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The funny part to keep in mind about comparing Persona girls and real girls are that in Persona, they've already had to face and overcome their deep-seated insecurities to gain some semblance of self-awareness. Real people basically never do that.

I'd agree with except they botched her when it comes to future prospects
>I wanna be a cop
Dumb shit, best girl other than that

>have to constantly worry that some sleazy producer or photographer is going to seduce her
>will probably be overweight when older, not the lel thicc meme you spout, but literal obese
>will provide no stimulating conversations

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finnish girls are rarely fat and it's pretty much impossible to be fat in japan tho

So in the future will technology be able to cure 3d of it's problems? There's a lot of shit we simply have to tolerate about real women due to technological limitations (Like aging or obesity). Will we really have cute robot ai waifus?

>Will we really have cute robot ai waifus?
It would become mainstream quickly.
I would rather die than see robot waifus getting fucked in pornhub by some random pornstar.

Damn I hope so. I don't want to date real women. I'd much rather stick to an AI that will love me forever unconditionally.

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Here I fixed her traits for you


I feel Naoto would be a really shitty girlfriend, can't quite put it into words tho

Can you please elaborate more?
maybe some greentext stories would be nice.

>can cook

>As a man
>I can safely assure you it is a nightmare.
Nice try, roastie.

A girl like Futaba in real life wouldn't look as put together as her. They would likely have terrible hygiene and diets. They would be fat, greasy, and smelly. No social skills isn't some cute "shyness," it's blurting out inappropriate shit and behaving like a retarded child. That's basically what being in a relationship with a "Futaba" would be. You're babysitting a retarded child.

who cares about 3D whores desu

dating suicidal/depressed and clingy girls actually fucking sucks

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Ann is American

I date a girl just like Futaba irl, she's amazing. I know it sounds like a LARP, but i'm probably going to marry her.

>Can cook
>can clean
Yosuke goes into a rant about both chie and yukiko cant do both in P4 ya goof

I wish I was Futaba!

No she isn't. She's Japanese and Finnish.

Natural skinny even though the person eats like a pig can happen
I know, I am one (can never go pass 64kg)

So a real futaba could still be skinny, but yeah, she would be greasy and smell like sour pussy cause she aint showering

>ended up dating a exchange student that looks like a black hair Futaba
>shut in for most of the first few months
>slowly push her out of her house with simple things like movies or getting ingredients for Sweets
>learn that she's afraid of being made fun of cause of her weaker english
Find out whats keeping them tied to their house and you can slowly learn how to push them in the right direction. Obviously you need to make the call on lost cause or not.

Hope you are still together

Futaba is the kind of girl that would be fun to hang out with from time to time and help her with socializing and mundane stuff (with the optional occasional sex after a while) but would be terrible to be in a relationship with

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Tomboys are best because you don't have to deal with histrionic bullshit. It's a bro and a fuckhole wrapped into one.


>who was scared of everything
But Futaba isn't?
She had a very traumatic experience in the past and that does hold her back at first, but she is shown to be very determined and level headed from early on.
Either way.

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Forgot pic.

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Aigis and the reason is pretty clear

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I dated a Katherine for about 2 years, honeymoon phase was fine but turned real sour real quick after that

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kill yourself low test, Futaba was made for having babies.

3DPD are always shit, but glasses wearing 'shrewd' bitches are a special kind of terrible.

I want to marry and impregnate Futaba.

I actually think Yukiko would be the best wife/mom out of the P4 gang, as long as you wouldn't mind being stuck in Inaba. All the other girls in the group are also going to end up married to their careers, since 2 are/will be cops and the other's an idol. Yukiko's one is the least problematic.

There's nothing wrong with cops, you marxist pig.

Course not, but Naoto and Chie both seem like the type to get Dojima-level invested in the career over family.

running an inn in japan is like running a motel in the US
you pretty live and breath the business because without you supervising at all time it'd fall apart

Nah, I'd keep Chie in line.

No, I get that, but I do feel it's a little different if you're all part of the business together, you know?

like those indian or korean families than run motels together you mean?

Thanks for the thought user. And we are Has been going well and we ended up sharing the same fetish too The only issue is the downside to something like shut-ins is the parents are generally over protective as shit.

Prior to her Kamen Rider fever dream to accept herself I'd agree. She's incredibly self-deprecating, she's constantly trying to be something she can't be, she's constantly seeking the approval of people who look down on her, she's impulsive, and she's an internal mess.

After her acceptance and self reflection I'd say she'd be just fine with some occasional reinforcement and care to make sure she doesn't go back to doubting herself like she did. She's upbeat, she has confidence in herself, she loves herself as she is rather than what she should be, she's less impulsive, and she's more inquisitive I guess. There's also the fact she trusts Yu with her secrets and her timid side so she's able to have an outlet for her insecurities. Plus we see from the epilogue and I guess P4D that she has it all together.

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Could be worse.
Could have daddy issues with divorced parents

She's also stupid as fuck for the ostensible 'genius' of the group. Makoto suffers from this same fatal flaw.

I'd blame that more on the writing than anything relating to a character flaw considering she makes some absurd choices twice that don't even really fit into the character we've been shown.

'Writing' is all we have, because they're fictional characters, you tripfagging imbecile.

basically my opinion of hilda

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Ann. Yeah, she'd be super hot, but models are notoriously high maintenance and incredibly insecure. They have to constantly worry about their appearance and weight and fashion, etc, because it's their fucking lifeline. And modelling isn't as glamorous as people make it out to be. Only the top 10% of models make bank. Modelling is a fickle business, and your career is carried upon the whims of the market. Don't fucking date models, that goes for both guys and girls

Hopefully you get your robot waifus. I just want to abandon this flesh and merge with technology completely.

most models and pageant queens are self-aware enough to realize this and it's why they ends up "retiring" and marrying some schmuck, and they always remind you about who they were and what they could have accomplished but they chose you over that life and you should be grateful and blah blah blah

Hebrew detected.

I'm speaking about how acting like an idiot goes against everything they've set up regarding the character. Yeah, it's all we have, but it's completely conflicting to how she acts everywhere else in the game. It just makes no sense, especially the leading on in the suspect choice. She makes dumb choices but those dumb choices don't make sense with the character we're presented everywhere besides when she gets captured and when you're choosing a suspect.

If you want to use that as an argument then yeah, fine, she has a major flaw of leaping before thinking despite acting calm and collected everywhere else and acting professional and collected even with Yu outside of some intimate moments. Even in her social link she solves a complex puzzle from what I recall so I don't understand how she can act so foolhardy and sloppy in two parts of the main story.

Not a jew, just didn't wanna say "simp" this time

Both are red flags that you're a normalfaggot ape.

guilty as charged

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At least you're self-aware.

Having seen a good friend go through shit with a woman like that, yeah, wouldn't recommend, man. Basically he was held hostage in a relationship, she wouldn't get help at all and before they finally broke up she tried to control him by threatening suicide. Shit was fucked.

>Nerd girl/librarian trope with them unaware they are slim due to metabolism, not their lifestyle
Dated more of those than i can count, and they all end up the same. Fat, shut in, and bad at vidya

Genius IQ and social retardation are not a good combo, had a girlfriend like that in highschool and ended up cheating on her with her best friend

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