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how can it be rushed when it was delayed?
speak on that and say the truth
Don't know about this case but the delays are not a guarantee of a finished product. Just like the initial estimation, a delay has its own estimation of time and it can't fail again to be in a decent enough state to be released.
Look it up
I have a feeling Super Gore Nest and Phobos Base/BFG 10000 were the first levels completed and were originally going to be earlier in the campaign. Hell they left in the "weapon admiration" cutscene where Doomguy looks at the plasma gun he took from the UAC soldier, which is weird because you get it way earlier. They also cut out the pistol
>say a thing
>don't provide any proof
your playing the E3 level in the released game.
I don't care about all the drama or whatever the kids are whining about but is DOOM 2016 better than the new one or more of the same? It's a lot cheaper than Eternal and I want to try one of them. I see no need for both.
Right but they cut out the Archvil reveal
i hated 2016 but loved eternal, so i dunno. it depends.
Yeah, I got the vibe that you were supposed to play that stage earlier. The pistol was clearly cut intentionally though. Their whole design philosophy was based around getting all your resources through combat. Flame belch gets you armor, glory kills get you health, and the chainsaw gets you ammo. The chainsaw regenning and them constantly spawning zombies was pretty clearly the way they wanted shit to work out. Plus that pistol in 2016 is one of the worst guns I've used in an FPS. Beat the game twice and I don't think I ever touched the thing outside of the two times you need to at the start.
Yeah, 2016 is fucking garbage, but Eternal is good shit
Eternal is both better and longer than 2016, I would recommend playing both though, Eternal builds off of a lot of design concepts introduced in 2016 and is actually substantially harder than it, the second hardest difficulty in Eternal makes the hardest in 2016 look like a joke.
You might actually get pissed off with the game if you jump into it blind because the sheer number of systems and new abilities you need to stay on top of to be proficient in combat is a bit overwhelming, it's bordering on being a first person character action game.
Is this the new term shitters are gonna use to critique this kino? It's not rushed, but if you wanna say deliberately unfinished that's fair
I kinda wished I jumped into eternal a difficulty lower than nightmare. It is definitely harder than 2016
Eternal is a step backwards in every way except the soundtrack. Buy 2016 when it goes on sale and pirate Eternal
but the soundtrack sucks
Thanks for the responses. I'll go with 2016 because cheap and the supposed difficulty of Eternal.
Who thought it was a good idea to put water levels in Doom?
2016 has better quality overall than eternal because it was complete upon shipping.
eternal is completely free since bethesda released a drm-free version, by mistake. just download the drm free version.
sounds like you never gave a shit about the games and we're going to disregard good advice for the cheaper game no matter what
>no invasions
>options for things that aren't even in the game yet
Yeah some weapons had build ups like the super shotgun
But some were just...
Like the frag grenade and the heavy cannon or the chainsaw
The pistol could be used in the DLCs.
Even as far back as the Quakecon 2018 reveal, there was no pistol on the weapon wheel.
Not him but Eternal is nowhere near worth full price. He'll spend much less and get a better experience this way
>>no invasions
>>options for things that aren't even in the game yet
Has anyone had invasions? It seems like they advertised it heavily but it never happen.
Was this cut?
Will it be back in a DLC?!
It was announced along with the delay that they would be added as post-release content.
Then there's Empowered Demons, which are pretty much AI invasions. There's an option to turn them off, but those are also going to be added later.
Then you have things like Ultra Nightmare only showing your obituaries, and nobody else's.
In that case don't get either. 2016 isn't even worth it free
I mean you can just say that most any PC game is free with that idea. Plus, what about console gamers..
Yes, you discovered the point of this thread.
You're right. He should pirate both, that way we hopefully won't get any more trash like Eternal
Except they are literally adding Invasions for free before any DLC comes out.
>mfw trying to beat first slayer gate on nightmare
>noting but grunts
>okay this isnt to bad
>Nope after 3 tries
Ill come back when i have more upgrades cause the small mooks are bad enough in close quarters, btu revenant and blades running around.
This is also a perfect exmaple of how glory killing and chainsawing distracts you from the battle.
Every time i glory kill and try to back away from a monster or keep moving forward you just get hit in the back EVERY FUCKING TIME!
The last try i got cut the fuck up by blade guy who was right behind me after i chainsawed for some ammo.
Shits annoying and just lets me know the faster glory kill ruin will be a must for nightmare mode
what about 'em?
ignore comments like this
there are video tutorials explaining each system and the final boss literally has pop ups telling you what to do
>they cut out the pistol
get good
I'm getting old if this came out years ago I would've beat it by now but I'm only on arc complex
I like eternal enough, though
The game is actually funner if you just put it on low.
Don't think, just shoot and pay for the DLC that will fix the game
DOOM 2016 is good if all you want is mindless shooting
only content missing is dark souls invasions and rest of master levels, i am fine with that, nigger
doom 2016 is eternal but its more linear and has less depth mechanically
its still a great game
>Game immediately tells you how to defeat each new enemy
Do they think the little of me?
>play on hardest difficulty
>it's hard
who woulda thought
This....The game literally can hand-hold you throughout the entire game if you have the tuts turned on.
you mean like in 2016 where you just get frag grenades like 1/3rd through the first level and they just unlock?
or you just find a body on the critical path with the chainsaw in it, or a dead guy on the critical path holding the rifle with no build up in the second level?
Better in every way, here's why:
>more movement options, everything is faster overall
>new demons actually look like demons and not chitinous aliens
>varied environments instead of just grey techbase and pissyellow hell
>more resource management (limited ammo, etc.)
>every weapon has a purpose and you're constantly switching between them
>classic armor is available very early on
>campy on the surface with lore deeper down if you're into that sort of thing
Game is still linear, but what can you do?
Eternal is 2016 but improved in literally every single way. Only autists will tell you otherwise.
>pay for the DLC that will fix the game
what the fuck are you screaming about this time michael?
>anime tranny is seething
Yes, they do. DOOM up until this point has just been shoot enemies until they die. There's a chance that you can go through the whole game without taking advantage of the weak points. Who would ever think about throwing a frag grenade at a Cacodemon?
you're about to get filtered
eternal doesnt have it
>"bro i miss the pistol such a fun iconic gun :(("
I used the pistol a lot more than I should have..but it was fun as fuck to use fully upgraded. Saved me a lot of hassle.
If Eternal was rush, then damn. Its better than 2016 in almost every way possible.
But they had to then nerf all the other guns because you don't start with a pistol
Yes because nuDOOM is made for dumb zoomers
>ok we'll remove the pistol and make ammo trivial for you :)
Yawn Eternal
>multiplayer games having more views than single–player
No evidence?
>multiplayer game
look at this fucking cope
not complaining its hard im more complaining about glory kills freezing you in place when it ESSENTIAL to keep moving
doom is losing to teamfight tactics
Theres are runes to make them go by faster and to quick a speed boost whenever you use one.
Virgins Eternal
doomfags are in damage control
It explains this stuff piecemeal but SSG-ballista-rocket chaining while flamebelching and shitting out 3 grenades mid-dash and mid-air takes a lot of practice to get a hold of, it's the difference between cyber-mancubus being an imposing threat or transforming into an armour pinata in under a second.
>when it ESSENTIAL to keep moving
you must have this confused with another doom game
eternal is designed around sitting there doing nothing until a boss executes a mechanic that allows you to deal half their health using whatever weapon the developer chose for that boss
>>multiplayer game
Yes, it is
there both garbage
I didn't say I needed it. Frankly it would be useless
>hes playing
>they're posing for a picture
simple as
>visiting someone is considered multiplayer experience
doom has also multiplayer you fucking mouthbreather ahahaha
>In ETERNAL, The armor can be destroyed with a single Blood Punch: without this, the difference in HP to a regular Mancubus is fairly negligible.
very difficult!
I don't think he's complaining, he means that there is a pistol in the game you can only get with console commands.
It's fully modeled and animated, with an alt fire mode, and it used the same ammo as the heavy cannon.
I love the linear levels. So much better than 2016.
wow what a fucking loser holy shit
yeah but let's be honest, Doom's multiplayer isn't worth playing
a lot of games don't have drm-free versions though. eternal does. at that point, it's barely piracy. you don't even have the crack the game to play it.
Are you autistic or something?
>hurr what the fuck an enemy with an open mouth can have something thrown in it for high damage???