What went wrong?

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They didn't release the full game until 3 years later.

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The writing

nothing, it's a fine JRPG that is appreciated by a wide range of fans. only contrarian Yas Forumstards pretend it's not a fun game.

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Nothing. Royal on the other hand...

most palaces are horribly designed,with futabas being the worst torture imaginable

Best JRPG of that 2016.

The story and writing gradually kicked in halfway through and by the end the game fell on its face and ate shit so hard that it forgot what it was and turned into gurren lagann

4 is better.

No Vita version

Not much, really.

Not on steam and not 144fps

>uses a pic of the sjw gay posterboy

>96 on Metacritic
Nothing, user

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Kanji literally is not a homosexual though. You outta try actually playing the game'
I agree, 4 is awesome, but 5 is a perfectly fine game too.

I know he's not actually gay, that's why I said he was the posterboy

Next you're going to say naoto ain't trans, faggot. And 4 is garbage

>Next you're going to say naoto ain't trans
but that's wrong you retarded faggot

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Yeah, because society's expectations and shit not being accepted. It's backwards jap culture but it doesn't mean "he" isn't a real he inside, bigot


??? Futaba's palace is one of the best and has the second best track

takuto is final boss of P5R

>character finally realises her tranny delusions were just a phase
>waaah bigot
I know you're baiting but I can't wait you to make part of the 40%

Did you miss the entire point of her arc? I thought she embraced her feminimity at the end, no?

How do you know YOUR societal expectation of immediately transitioning anyone with gender questions would be what Naoto wants? Why are you presenting in such a white imperial nature over Japanese culture? Kinda being racist here. Yikes.

She embraced that she couldn't change to be who she really wanted because of other people's expectations vs your personal truth. Let me break it down. If kanji is gay and he wants to bang naoto, that makes her a "real" man, despite what society defines gender as. The whole game was about other people's expectations vs reality....

To be fair Persona never had good writing. The problem is that 5 lacks charm.

Boring characters
Mixture of good and terrible palaces
The entire Akechi plot
Shit dub

Turn-based gameplay is outdated.
It should be realtime. Scramble is a step in the right direction.

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Not him but once you enter the pyramid you're basically walking down a corridor until you reach the next brainless puzzle and then you move up the pyramid steps and repeat the process twice.

Also the final boss is just you guarding until she's brought down and then you burn her down.

Um, actually, yikes, but I'm not going to project colonial ideals on a character that literally presents as a man because I can't wrap my mind around people struggling with expressing their true identity and realize it's safer to pretend they're "normal" as bigoted a term as that is


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>September 2016
God damn it really has been 3 and half years.

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Wtf Yas Forums told me trannies hated persona?

they do since it's not on their beloved switch

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the interactions between the main cast are lacking, particularly compared to 4 which was a high point of the series in this regard
the morgana subplot in okumura's dungeon is terrible and the dungeon itself is poorly designed
the main plot in general is debatable, more happens compared to 3 or 4 but it kind of falls apart
still a top 10 all time RPG


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Really unlikable cast especially in the main story. The characters who aren't are just boring and forgettable.

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stay salty and delusional, nintenkiddie

Wrong, though persona's watered down battle system leaves some to be desired. Mainline serves as a pretty good model

It always reminds me of that guy who said they regret it so much because it smells so bad.

Lmao that has to be satire

>Royal features the original music, the new songs and the concerts

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Mostly the writing, weaker than P3 and even P4, if they're running out of ideas they should get fresh writers or director.

Akechi story-line was half baked , waste of time that lead nowhere.0

0B0arely any of the social link stories hit home, most were just all over the place to be effective.

Futaba is a non character, pandering taken to extreme levels.

Lots of things went right though.

You realize anyone who wanted to play it has played it on pc already right?

Has anyone got their hands on Royal yet? Is it any good?

Didn't realize turn-based combat being dated was now exclusively a nincel position.

you realize you always use that same line, right?

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two days to go and they're still holding out hope for a port

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you got the original for this?

please tell me they somehow make this stupid fucking character work, because way too much time is wasted on him

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Why would people expect royal to fix P5 flaws? Did P4 golden fix anything in P4 ? It's a way worse game, better off not existing

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>It's a way worse game
t. SEETHING 3dsfag who did not own a vita

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>if a girl is really not a girl and is instead a duck and you find that duck that is actually a girl attractive then you are basically a fowl fucker.
this is why no one flinches when you kill yourselves.

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>Did P4 golden fix anything in P4
yes actually, it handles the final act better and fixes some of the most glaring gameplay issues like skill inheritance

Charm in the writing you mean? I think there's a lot of charm in the combat and thief asthetic. But when all of the phantom thieves start speaking like a greek chorus with no individuality, that's when the shallowness hits.

Gigantic post that explains all of my issues with Persona 5. The only issues I have budged on are that it's part of Ann's character that her beauty is "intimidating" and no matter how stupid and unrealistic that is, I guess it makes sense.

Another point against Persona 5 is that it's so limp wristed and impotent when it comes to critiquing the status quo. It touches upon how power structures and hierarchies in society are bad but portrays all of the villains as being "lone actors" and doesn't attack or critique the systems that allow them to gain power in the first place.
>"Kamoshida is a bad teacher that sexually abuses his students, to the point of one of them ATTEMPTING SUICIDE"
>"But he's just one bad guy lol just a lone actor, let's not make commentary about the power that teachers have over students or god forbid the power than men hold over women."
>"Wouldn't want to get 'political' in a game that's tagline is literally, 'YOU'RE A SLAVE,' and 'REBEL AGAINST SOCIETY'."
Also, please don't come at me saying:
>"Japanese girls are PURE, they don't have sex! The men are herbivore men!"
because this isn't fucking true. Japanese High School girls have sex. They have sex just as much as American High School girls. All of your information about Japanese High School comes from Japanese Anime written by older Japanese men.

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>can follow the logic perfectly but pretends it doesn't make sense with an insult at the end
Enjoy your transphobia. Don't lash out because you're possibly dealing with your own questions of sexuality as a result of the game or this discussion

We mocked the ninkeks so hard that day lmao I still remember it

>Turn-based gameplay is outdated.

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The only problem I personally had with P4G was that the epilogue killed the emotional value of the OG P4 ending and Marie's social link but otherwise, everything else was a welcome addition.

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post is cringe

Well, you kind of get to experience a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type situation and co-op a dungeon with him from what I've seen. Could be wrong. I don't know.

I don't know about that statement about Kamoshida specifically. Taking Kamoshida down also puts a black eye on the shitty school that perpetuated the abuse. The rest of the game though I agree. Burger King will still be treating their employees like crap no matter what

despite having like 10 years to get the writing and conceptual shit down for this game, none of the dungeons come close to having the pathos and significance of the gym coach one
They didn't learn their lesson of introducing a core party member at the eleventh hour, and on your first run, like with Naoto, most people will stick Haru on the back burner to fill out their already almost complete S-Links simply because they're almost done, if not because they care more about those characters
I really think they should implement some kind of variable system for who you meet when next time around, anything to let you get to know characters in a different order with slightly different dungeons as a result

also whoever the lead scenario guy was, he seemed to be an NTR fetishist because nearly every girl in the game is 5 minutes away from getting blackmailed into sexual slavery or something similar, not that I even care, it just felt so blatant

But I'm not a girl because I identify as a man. Get it yet? Nice try, user

Make him an actual Lawful Good character trying to expose the phantom thieves. I would have loved some Lupin v. Zenigata cat and mouse shit between him and the phantom thieves

this smells like nintendo-flavored pasta that will be spammed in a coordinated effort in the coming days

Trips don't lie

>nearly every girl in the game is 5 minutes away from getting blackmailed into sexual slavery
It's literally the easiest way ever to "make" you care about a female character. Damsel in distress. They have so little faith in the male player giving a shit about the female characters that they need to "threaten their purity" to have the player save them. Let's ignore the fact that they have so little faith in the player that they don't think the player would care about a female character that isn't "pure" and openly receptive to the players advances.

So when's SMT V fellas? :'(

Yeah, I hate to be this guy, but if the Phantom Thieves actually attacked or critiqued the power structures that allowed the powerful to get their positions and keep it, the game would have to make commentary about how shitty Capitalism is and that's a no-no for a big corporation trying to sell a videogame.

honestly, I can't imagine letting the propaganda get to me this bad. you've been propagandized, you know that right? this is a long term propaganda campaign that will end up killing thousands. you'll will never be truly a woman, no surgery, no hormone treatment, nothing will ever turn you into a woman. you'd need a magician.
good luck man, you're going down a dark path that generally ends in regret, drug abuse, and often suicide.

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No retard. Sometimes people are just gay, or tomboys, or going through a phase. This is why people rebel at the idea of putting preteens on hormone replacement, because their thought process can fundamentally change by the week

Naoto dresses and acts like a boy and then it's revealed she actually has a pretty feminine body, then after a timeskip you see she's dressed pretty normally for a teenage girl. Which is an extremely common real life thing, about 10,000 times more common than being a tranny

I am curious as to why you want a scenario where 15 year old girls talk about sucking dicks before meeting you. That sounds more like a projection on what you wanted to see in the game, rather than a 'oh modern society is like that'.

I'm onto you pervert.

>"You're falling for propaganda bro!"
>*constantly consumes anti-trans internet memes and rhetoric*
>*gargles down Yas Forums's dick and agrees with everything they say without doing any of their own research*
Glass house. Stones. Etc etc

>Winter 2014

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She embraces her femininity and busts out her big ass boobs in the end. Did you even play the game?

>memes and rhetoric
>suicide rates

user I...


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>forces trans into everything
Go back to whiteknighting trans people

Kill off one or two PTs. Haru and Ryuji would be nice.

Yeah, because society totally and completely accepts trans identities so that when it's revealed you want to transition you're not shamed at all for it and it's not easier to just lie and smile and say you don't want to anymore just so you don't have to live every day surrounded by people trying to deny your existence and literally kill you. Case closed, just a phase

>Accuse you of gargling Yas Forums's dick and consuming internet memes without doing any research yourself
>Proceeds to spout a Yas Forums internet meme at me, proving he hasn't done any research.
That study that Yas Forums always references with the transgender suicide rates literally states in the study itself that transgender people that are accepted by their community and not discriminated against have a significantly lower suicide rate, comparable to cis men and women.
You're a dumbass. Isn't it funny how transgender people live in your head to the point that even when nobody is talking about them, you have to bring them up?

More manbabies mad I get more pussy in a day being on the right side of history than they get in their whole lives being in their hate Chambers. Kek