It is fun even with a gamepad.
HLAlyx -novr
I really want to play this game, even if its clunky on keyboard.
why can't VR games just let you use the headset while moving around with KB+M, i wonder
sitting on a chair in front of a desk while playing this game would make you feel wacky as shit and is very much not designed for that. just get a rift S (400) and play all the fun VR u want
Well, you can, just use these launch options
-novr -console -nocrashdialog -retail -allowdebug -vconport 29000 -vcon -dev -w 1920 -h 1080 -sv_autojump 1
You can only open normal doors and you don't have neither hands nor weapons, you can use impulse 101 to get some HL2 weapons, if you get stuck you can use noclip.
i would if they fucking went back into stock
on ebay the jews have been bumping them up to $650
Nice, I might as well ask where I can download the game?
Is this fucking playable without VR yet?
I bought it with tf2 items, but there are torrents out already.
Vrex has uploaded it check your local priate site
I don't think Rift S is ever going to be in stock user and I'm serious. Oculus fucking hates this headset and desperately wants Quest to replace it for some reason. They've restocked a few times on Quest but not on Rift for like 3 months now, at least in their official store.
How exactly do you manipulate the hands well along with all the movement/camera you need to manually do with the keyboard already?
VR needs to drop in price by a half and be wirelsss
I don't see it on the Bay. What do you use?
I hope it comes out on PSVR2
well even the quest isnt in stock, if it was i would buy it and just use a USB-C cable to hook it to my PC
With these console commands your hands don't appear, you can pick up small objects like in HL2, when you use weapons the screen glitches and some orange shapes appear on the upper edges of the screen.
This game would be seriously shit in pancake form. Just watch a youtube video instead, youre compromising the gameplay anyway
We were calling this back when the Rift S came out. It's a bone tossed to the diehards who didn't believe Oculus was zucked beyond repair. Zuck more or less wants to cede the PCVR space (where he has to compete) and push the Quest store completely which is a walled garden where he reigns supreme.
The Quest Link was unexpected but Carmack essentially resigned right afterwards so that's fishy. Wouldn't be the first time Zuck ran someone out because they threatened his attempts at controlling the end-user.
Yes, it is, "playable", you can't solve most puzzles, you can't open some doors, but you can shoot at the leggies and head humpers.
>you can't have options, how dare you play on a way that isn't intended
no fun allowed
>over 500 bucks used on ebay right now
i should sell mine
it's not like there will be anything comparable to Alyx in years to come
Just let them waste their time, any warped opinions they develop from playing that lobotomized jankfest is worth about as much as those of your average tortanic schizo. The internet outside of Yas Forums thinks the game is superb.
You should actually sell it, more advanced sets will keep getting released and with the current VR craze you can get some good money from it.
Smooth brain, Im telling you that you would enjoy the game more as a youtube video than as a 2D linear corridor shooter.
yeah i'll most likely do it
only paid 340€ a few months ago
Except I am having fun, as stated on the OP, why are you so mad I am playing it without VR?
Sorry partner, I thought you were taking the piss, go enjoy yourself kiddo
I can't wait to sell my quest to one of you fuckheads on ebay when the next gen comes out
Post Combine models. I wanna look at the sexy transhumans.
You mean the actual models? Like in blender and that stuff?
You can kill headcrabs with random objects
Good Screenshots are fine. I mainly want to see each variant cause I have a hard on for tacticool mooks.
>good screenshots
Well, I'm no photographer but I'll share some more when I find different models
Dota 2, Artifact, and Dota Underlords are all better than Half-Life.
Maximum fov allowed is 140
ITT: retards that also probably play Doom with jumping, crouching, and vertical mouse movement
Unfortunately I have no faith in valve or steamVR or steam for that matter. They've been going full retard with the new updates that completely fuck up interfaces and then not listening to everyone screaming that the updates are shit. The latest steamVR update is just more proof of that. It was bad enough that you couldn't just take the headset off to quit, you had to close the server within VR and then close it in windows, but now they hid the close button within another menu that isn't obvious for whatever reason.
Oculus as jew'd as they are have only been improving all of their products and have been pretty fair to their customers in the way they do things.
As a VRlet, the part of Alyx's release I was/am most excited for is the assets being backported to other source games. There's even a remake of the OG Combine Soldier design in the files, pic related.
Take this screen for example. It used to only show paid games that I owned keys for, because those are the only games I care about. Now it shows every single fremium greenlight bullshit that I have ever tried and uninstalled because I 'own' them too.
And the whole right side of the screen is useless bullshit that takes up real estate for no reason. It doesn't contribute any additional or meaningful information, it's just shallow filler.
There is no way in fucking hell I would trust this nigger company to not take my money and give me the middle finger while running away with it.
Might as well just watch a playthrough instead of doing this riding a bike with square wheels and one pedal shit at this point.
that is not the same thing
Why would I do that?
You know you can disable that, right?
I thought the gloves could do that, but the fact that you can do that is pretty cool.
gloves can't do that, they can only pull items towards you, you CAN throw object manually, though.
How? How can I stop it from showing every single fucking games server hosting tools when I just want to run steamVR?
I would play it and most likely enjoy it if I had a VR thing, but I don't and have no interest in getting one
I also think it's weird people are happy with this after like 15 years of nothing
Doesn't SteamVR show up on the tray right-click menu along with big picture mode? You shouldn't even need to open Steam itself.
Also I was always able to close VR with one click either from VR or from Windows, but the hold-menu-button shutdown menu did disappear in an update.
Go for it user, at the very least you can look at the levels and all the details which are pretty cool. You might want to wait for a better mod though, or just put it on the backlog for whenever headsets get cheap enough.
This. Nice to already see people working on getting HL2 to the Alyx engine.
Oh I see, it's my fault that my library is full of 122 programs that I've never heard of in my life and it's my fault that I don't go through each and every one of them to temporarily 'hide' them because you fucks thought you'd get your shit together after 15 years of having a free ride because tim sweeny is pushing your shit in.
Fuck valve, nigger company.
I used to ask the same question. Then I tried one.
you could also organize your games instead of having one giant "ALL" catagory then just hide the catagory filled with shovelware shit
or just filter by installed
i dont know why you're freaking out so much about this
even when they mod a fully playable pancake version, it will never be fun in anything other than vr. Everything is designed to be played in vr, enemy Ai, level design, progression, even the menus.
If it makes you feel any better, I genuinely believe vr is the future. So the chances are you'll eventually play it and in a far better set up than anything that is out right now.
He's paid to make this a really big fucking deal. You know those actors on infomercials that make the most basic thing seem like a tremendously arduous task that get paid like $50 to do? That's him, only he's probably getting paid less. Or he's emotionally invested in Epic which is worse, because that means he's doing it for free.
oh FUCK i forgot about this sorry
you can hide "tools" by clicking the button in pic related
I'm working on a mod myself, that's why I am exploring the game, and yes, the game is gorgeous, I am really enjoying the little that I can do, I also get expositon from the dialogues.