FUCK pirates

FUCK pirates

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Actually, it is funny

Bingo bango sugar in the gas tank

Suck my ass devs

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>not trying to stick it to corporations

they don't care whether grandma didn't buy their game and they don't care if you do either

the 'you're killing muh industry' shit is just virtuous pasty boys trying to shame others because they have nothing else to do in life

fuck you op

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>Everyone pirates movies, tv and anime
>Everyone pirates music
>Everyone pirates books, comics and manga
>Everyone pirates non gaming computer software
>Everyone pirates online content, by using adblock
>Anons lose their mind if someone pirates a video game

why the double standard? If you arent going to pay for every song you listen to and every movie you watch then what right do you have to lecture vidya pirates?

And when the games you love get replaced by pay-to-win dogshit, we'll know who to blame.

it's funny when the victim is a europoor Amiga fag

the consumers who buy pay to win stuff?

Piracy then and piracy now aren't the same beast.

atleast they pay for their shit
what is your excuse?

Hahahaaha retards

the 'you're killing muh industry' shit is just virtuous (You) pasty boys trying to shame others because they have nothing else to do in life

you can blame fucking gamestop for microtransactions cause they sure made it easy for you to never give another cent to the developer and still play their game

any other ways to spin this on me you cocksucking mouth breathing fucking incestuous production retard

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There is also sharing pictures, gifs, etc without saying the source or getting the okay from the creator.

I will now pirate your game.

Those buyfag whales actively ruined the hobby
I dont want to support a ruined industry

I trigger buyfags.

good luck getting a copy of this game now without pirating it
I don't pirate shit when I can buy it, but I don't trust publishers to preserve games which is why piracy and emulation are important. try buying goldeneye from nintendo, or any obscure game that's a couple of generations old
I also generally don't buy used

Piracy was something awful back in those days because most of the software that was pirated was made by extremely small teams or guys doing it solo and they needed a return on their spending
These days however, who cares because corps basically run everything

>Make a product for children and mentally crippled """adults""""
>be shocked they can't afford it

Make a good game and I'll fucking buy it

hahaha floppy copier goes BRRRRR

I will NEVER



pay for media or software.

I don't have one, fuck you
I pirate without caring and you should too, buyfag

fuck altruism and fuck (You)


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Games, unlike other lost hobbies, is a white man's hobby. Only subhumans from the third world are so poor and morally bankrupt that they think themselves entitled to GIBSMEDATs from devs. Thus to show our superiority and humanity, we actually purchase games to let the savages who just got internet the past half decade their place in the social hierarchy where they're bottom feeders. This in turn triggers piratefags so hard they start absolutely seething, wondering how da whyte pepo could do something like this. Alas a subculture for subhumans took root and they are like locusts who will tear up anything in their destructive nonwhite ways and actually attack their benefactors for keeping the industry alive. Do not bother trying to hold a rational conversation with the beastfolks, they're simply not developed or raised high enough to have gotten souls or morality.

Were already there, and I bought those games
Fuck em

Honestly, you seem very insecure about this whole deal. Is that a tinge of guilt I sense? It's okay, you're a poorfag right? You don't have to buy the game.

Inb4 u start larping as m-muh six figure income executive 'b-b-b-but FUCK the corporations bro!' I too, am feeling the Bern!

Piracy is helpful to the devs


Hey devs, if you can make me a better offer than getting your game for literally free, I'm all ears.

You dont pay for all your music and movies your opinion of piracy is illogical and hypocritical
please exit your existance

Gonna pirate at least two copies now, and then repost it to their Twitter.

used game sales are worse than piracy as they are a legitimately lost sale that the devs didnt make money from
whereas most pirates cant or wouldnt have paid for it in the first place


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Piracy is fine but anyone pretending they're STICKING IT TO THE MAN is a fucking retard.

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Nah bro, I pirate because I want free games. Simple as that. People who need an excuse to pirate are faggots and should be mocked as such.

But user
You payed for a device to post on this website that has software, so in turn you have payed for software and media.

People get ultra defensive about video games for some reason. See how mad nintendo kids get when people point out BOTW is just a shitty version of Skyrim.
For some reason it's not enough to just enjoy sometimes, but ensure that nobody can disagree with your choice to enjoy the thing, or spend money on it.

>Waaaah why is it so easy to pirate software waaaaah
>I went into this, developed knowing how simple it was to pirate something, and I'm MAD because it's going to be pirated!
What a pussy. Don't throw a tantrum over something you already knew and chose to continue with anyways.
Just make a better game if you want more money.

Pirate AAA games

fuck investors

And who was it who supported those practices, allowing them to prosper?

And you simple beings wonder why corona is killing off your income

>Buy AAA titles
>Pirate indie games

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Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of cum
Paying for code is fuckin dumb

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>game is skirting by barely
>buy it
>game is goty sells millions of copies ensuring a sequel
>pirate it

>tfw you can rip almost everything off steam with just one emulator

How did they do it?

Why do I like the idea of a world where pirates and devs are constantly trash talking each other through hidden messages so much?

corona is based
fuck the economy
let it burn

I have always pirated, I still pirate and I will always keep pirating. There are no breaks on this train.

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based guthix poster

>pirate single player
>buy multiplayer
however all multiplayers suck now so i buy none


Most redditors here

>buy multiplayer games on g2a specifically so the devs dont get the money

It's pretty easy to spot poor south americans

Most game studios are mom and pop deals. Giant corporations are the exception not the rule. Also pirates pirate because they want free shit, not because of giant companies.

Yep, I can see how much passion went into it.

Pirates love stealing shit but chimp out when anti-piracy is too stronk for them

I hope you're aware that this likely isn't even referring to any kind of online file sharing at all, but rather manufacturing, printing and distribution of the work sold on the streets illegitimately as the real product.

>This slaps hard
why do people need to constantly come up with some faggy way to say "i like this"

Keep crying

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