Play Quake Champions today!

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I would if it would stop crashing on me

Diabotical waiting room

A true patrician I see.

Quake 3 arena servers still exist

Why would I play this instead?

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Shit netcode, shit game.

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So is Bethesda actively shilling for this game again now that Doom Eternal is done and DOAbotical is coming out or are QC boomers spazzing out for some reason?

>netcode is the worst I've ever played in an AFPS and FPS in general. It's fucking shit
>queue times are 4-5 minutes minimum
>hope you enjoy 120+ ping in your lobbies constantly
>nyx and sorlag still op, shitter friendly
>no new content in 1.5 years with saber jumping ship and willits out of the picture

It's still fucking shit. If DOAbotical can at least fix its netcode (which I highly doubt), it will be better and put this turd in its grave for good. If not, then both will die and maybe we can stop getting Quake clones already

>QC boomers
Boomers are playing QL.

I'll jack off to Nyx and that's as much of my involvement in this game goes.

This pic made me laught.
All of that problems was fixed already.
The only bad side is that you can only play in American Servers, I'm not from the US.

If I can enjoy the game, why wouldnt you?

sounds like a classic case of mad cuz bad

get rekt fag

I would play it if it had more than 100 players

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Probably people who play it trying to get more people on the servers now that eternal has built some hype for old school shooters

fuck off shill

alright user come on in

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Now sit the fuck down

>doom eternal
>old school
Not even going to REE on Eternal since I haven't played it yet but you're retarded if you think it plays like any retro shooter

>101 in game
LMAO hey buddy check out csgo where its actually playable

ok i will

It does, and seething about glory kills will never ever change that.

stop posting that old ass webm detractor


How? Go ahead and prove you're not being a contrarian retard and explain how it plays like retro Doom beyond weapons. And again, just so you can't strawman out of it, I haven't played Eternal yet

I played last night and everything still has a massive delay to it as well as getting shot behind walls with rl, lg, and rail being common as well. It feel dreadful to play

doom eternal doesn't play like any retro shooter. it's a new thing.

cooldown management was never, ever a part of games until wc3

>doom eternal didn't add a decent multiplayer cause they didn't want to step on quake champions, a dead game

Quack Champions

-Fast movement (dashes rather than base runspeed, but that was the case in UT which is an old school shooter)
-Enemies use melee and projectiles rather than hitscan
-You can carry all weapons at once and making good use of lots of them is important
-Health cannot be recovered by waiting in cover

There are also things that are different, but that just makes it feel like its own old school shooter rather than a clone of an existing one.

>Equating the long jump with dashes
Jesus you're fucking retarded.

movement is slow
enemies use hitscan in all the first and oldest best known fps games. are you retarded?

Explain the difference between pressing a button for a burst of horizontal speed and pressing a button for a burst of horizontal speed.

Dashes make you go fast, and non windup hitscan was only on trashmobs in doom and quake.

>Quake Champions
>is shit
>uses chinese malware service

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>Dashes make you go fast

oh wow, i can go as fast as the doomguy, on a cooldown. while i walk the speed of halo by default. so fast.


Ok you know what else is free?

Quake 3 CPMA and Quake Worlds two very good very Quake arena shooters with objectively better gameplay and netcode despite being 10+ years old and a more active player base even in FUCKING OCEANIA

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Is this game still active? I do really want to try an arena fps multiplayer after getting into Doom

Depends where you are, should be ok in NA/Europe but the rest of the world will have trouble.

>Quake Worlds

zoom zoom zoom, yah zoomzoomzoom

>10+ years old

try 23+?

There are people playing it still. Just prepare your anus and do not ever try to que for duel. If you ever find a match, you'll get ass raped continually. Map knowledge is king.

>Download the game some time ago
>There is no server list, only matchmaking
>Takes like 7 minutes to find a game
>Get completely steamrolled
Good times

>another quakeposer looking for pedantic excuses not to play games

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How much does diabotical cost?

I think its free to play

it's on the epic store

Damn. It looks fucking amazing. If it actually attracts a playerbase i might have to cave in and download it. Especially if it's

There's a game called Diabotical and another named Diabolical how the fuck is this allowed
>There will not be a Steam release, the game will be kept on the Epic Games Store.
Any reason why? Without going into a DRM store shit fling.



I've had a good time with it in beta, though it still has rough spots that need to be cleaned up. Open beta is 1-2 months out if you want to give it a try. And yes its going to be free to play at launch

Epic deal allows them to go free to play, and gives them a small tournament budget to try and draw new players in. I don't care for EGS either but the genre is small enough that I imagine it would die instantly if they released for 20 bucks on steam

What does the first part mean? You can't go free to play if it's on Steam?

Have you ever played unmodded quake 3 arena? The hitreg is fucking disgusting. You need to use unlagged, osp, or cpma to even have it be playable.

>pretends that Eternal Movement faster than Quake

ok, downloading

Quake Champions is a very bad game. Play Quake Live instead, at least until the Diabotical open beta starts in a month or two. QC seriously sucks which should be obvious from the fact even Quake pros hate it. Diabotical is pretty great though.

Why do people that larp like they play quake hate cpma so much?

>Quake Champions is a very bad game. Play Quake Live instead,

Yeah man I love 12v12 clan arena 24/7 campgrounds servers where you have to be within .000001 ELO or you get autokicked by the bot on the server!

Fuck off you goddamn LARPing retard. QL is dead and diabotical won't 'save' arena shooters.

I have 419 hours and im kinda bored and just waiting for diabotical, I got 50hrs during the closed beta. No FPS interests me besides Doom right now anyway so nah.

servers I play on are welcome to all elos, sounds like you must be especially bad if you got kicked lmao, keep seething

>QL is dead
Then QC must be VERY dead since it has skill-based matchmaking and no server browser which makes it much harder to find games. Not to mention having to go back to the menu after every single match LOL.

In QL I can join a server and play on it for a few hours. In QC I sit in queue for 5-10 mins then play for 10 mins then sit in a queue again. KYS shill.

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I keep forgetting I have this game.

>Have to buy QuakeLive now

Hahaha fuck you

>In QC I sit in queue for 5-10 mins then play for 10 mins
Ah, yes, this lie again. Glad I saved these.

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When i saw Sorlag, that hulking mass of muscle and scales, with her huge teeth and inhuman, unfeminine shape

and i still wanted to plow her until my soul gave out

i knew i was a degenerate.