How do we fix FFXIV?
How do we fix FFXIV?
by playing wow instead
>Playing MMORPGs
>Remove Y'shtola. you don't have to kill her off just pull a "poochie went back to his home planet" and send her off for an expansion or two
>Dump PS4 support and update core systems that suck ass, can no longer use the excuse of "console limitations".
>tacklebox for fishing, separate inventory for fish
>let people yell at eachother, change rules to just standard run of the mill "no racism no Xism etc." and let people call eachother "fucking idiot" without worrying about getting banned
>If you idle in limsa near the aetherite for more than 5 minutes you are automatically logged out
Allow romance and marriages to npcs and allow for more than 1 romance at any single time. Bring in the Persona and Fire Emblem waifu fags. I want to marry and mating press Yshtola, Alisaie and Ryne.
By uninstalling it.
The community is legendarily shit.
Hit it with another meteor to kill it for good and just work on XVI
Not as shit as the contantly asspained WoW community.
by going back to
>h-how do we fi--
>My shit is less shit than his shit!
Playable Seeq
>Remove Y'shtola
But she's the person people draw the most porn of
I mean that is how we judge every metrix in life? One thing is less shit than another, where have you been faggot.
>My game fucks me in the ass with a 8 inch cock!
>Haha faggot! Square Enix gets me with their 10 inch dong each month!
I could make a food analogy if it helps. But I don't want to.
I guess work on upping the graphical presentation of it? I've heard a common complaint from the Live Letters is that the game itself has a hard time getting newer developers interested in applying for the dev team, and even if it's really the only other MMO out there that's anywhere near competitive to WoW, the fact that it's a cross platform game is a double-edged sword since it has to be built around a lowest common denominator which is made all the worse that it was originally done a last-generation console. It works well with what resources it has available to it, but some parts certainly look better than others.
The Direct X update that went out a while back improved some things, but if I was a dev looking for work, the notion of working on something that's new and shiny which might get me to work with new tools with a relatively higher threshold vs. working on something that while it has remained consistent for a while but using previous generation technology might not be appealing to me.
With that all said however, asking for a major graphic overhaul of the game would be the equivalent of going ARR again, and considering how it manages to be a success subscription-based MMO in an age of free live services-style games SE probably wouldn't take a risk on drastically altering something they know has been working for them and helped them get out of a slump after the original version of the game crashed and burned.
>stuck in quarantine
>still don't feel like playing this shit at all
Should I learn a fighting game or something?
A 10 Inch Cock is better than an 8 inch one so get fuck WoWnigger.
>tfw just did the City of Rabanastre for the first time
I died like five times and got hard carried by my cohealer but holy shit, this was the most soulful raid since Syrcus Tower.
Easy, we just have to filter the shitters.
>make story/solo instances play towards your current role
>make all expansion jobs available at level 1
>make each job interesting to play
>throw the idea of balance out the window
>give jobs self-inflicted debuffs
>trick the tranny community by saying "it'll happen soon"
What do you lads think about the waffle copy pasted overworlds with open dungeons?
They moving to ps5 and Xbox sex soo.
I could seen them adding it at the very end of the game.
Abandoning PS4 won't be at least until 6.0 at the earliest, it took them until Stormblood to drop PS3 that was at least half a year after the console itself was discontinued.
the ishgard crafting rankings but for the personal deliveries, but across all servers.
only the top contributor will get to have the title 'Y'shtola's Husband' or whatever
More cats
>SB 24 man raid series was nonstop pure soul
>ShB 24 series is a halfassed advertisement for a different game
>everyone loves the ShB one more because its easy and has better glamour
the ones after are even better
Make side quests doable once per job and make them give 10x XP
Add a real endgame instead of the same 4 raids/alliance raid cycle
Less cats, more elves.
You don't. Every single expansion they've pruned and removed shit making it easier and easier and the playerbase still fucking sucks. So now we have a boring game and are still stuck with retards who can barely play.
Same, but I think it should be an incremental thing where you do a bunch of grinding shit to inlock a VN style quest chain from which you will continue to grind to raise affection or some shit. Follow this up with new routes/extra content for previous roots for eat girl with a grind tied to it and look at that. Waifu fags are eternally satisfied and will come flock to this game. Ohh and add same sex options so we can mating press both Alisaie and Alphinaud at the same time.
Make one more expansion and then make a new game.
Remove Yoshida, bring back Tanaka.
I prefer Ivalice so far because aesthetics and music
Plus bosses don’t feel like HP sponges that repeat the same 3 mechanics
There need to be more hags in ffxiv
unironically need training schools that get updated periodically. teach players how and when to use cooldown to get the greatest benefit out of them since a lot of the players seem to be 14 year olds playing a video game for the first time.
The consoles are no longer the limiting factor, the new limiting factory is the game has been archaically built upon old systems.
make it an fps
Copied Factory is fuckin trash
FF4 24-man raids when?
>Plus bosses don’t feel like HP sponges that repeat the same 3 mechanics
they were when they were current. in 5.5 people will be skipping half the fight too
yes, maybe they were sponges at launch, but they did different things over the course of the fight
compared to copied factory’s “here’s a mechanic from 50% ago but with a single change (ex. knockback during the first boss, 9s’s big arms but 3 instead of two, so on)
The reason I think it feels like less is because dodging balls is very easy to do compared to doing any other mechanic. And the FFT/XII boses, well, they really don't have very many mechanics either. Since we're talking about first boss of Nier, let's look at first boss of Rabanastre.
>kill water spheres
>avoid blizzard explosions
>kill toads
>add phase w/ enrage bar
>repeat phases until dead.
Everything about the Ivalice raids hits it home with me. Which boss of each raid did you guys see the most wipes? Mine was Hashmal and his Ifrit dash, Construct 8 and his enhanced laser spin attack, and of course TG Cid. Also what's your favorite armor sets?
I agree.
>novice will be kept as is
>intermediate will show tanks what tank busters are, how to space out your defense buffs, and when the time is right to tank swap
>healers will need to recognize what to do when tanks are low and when the party is low, when to dps, and what their role is when paired with x healer
>dps members will be taught how to be mindful of others buffs so they can maximize damage, the importance of positionals, and when to blow cooldowns once a boss goes invincible
Hall of the Advanced will update regularly to include different boss mechanics that are repeated throughout other encounters.
Why are these threads so slow now?
Shitposting has got so bad it drove off most posters.
because we're playing animal crossing now
>pug still stuck at icelit dragonsong
Make it a single player game with a set story. You can still pick your race, level jobs and explore all the areas in the world that the game has. But redo the story so it's actually decent and have good progression/flow.
Whatever race you pick as your main character, you will end up seeing a slightly different story, kind of like Seiken Densetsu 3. Because you will get one party member from every race you don't pick. Say you choose to be a Lalafell. Over the course of the game, you will get a Hyur teammate, a Elezen teammate, a Roegadyn teammate, an Au Ra and so on until you have seven party members plus your main hero. The story will still be about awakening the Crystals and then stopping an invasion from the Garlean Empire. But after that threat is stopped, the story will take a shift away from the filler junk that was Heavensward and Stormblood. It will focus on you and your team traveling the world and uniting all the bickering races together. Then ultimately invading the Garlean Empire itself. Basically, the story will be more like a Suikoden game than a generic Final Fantasy "big bad monster was controlling everything" storyline. In this game, there was a human causing the war from start to finish.
Basically, the game will be what Final Fantasy XII should have been.
>newer better games
>a lull in content
>quarantine allowing people to work on their backlog
When is botzja coming.
inside sources say May.
Needs some proper gil sinks. The only one we have right now is buying a house, and that's impossible to do because lmao housing. As is gil is just some number you can dickwave.
Mods went on their sprees and kept deleting threads so i came into xiv threads less and less because I knew it would eventually be deleted, yesterday and this thread right now seems to be out of the crossfire, for now I guess
detto geimu
Nah. I like to keep a couple million stored away in case I get the urge to focus on crafting or raiding and I need materia. Or hey, maybe one day you'll want a house.
Final Fantasy XIV was never as popular as the shills made it out to be. And the handful of samefags who keep bumping FFXIV threads are probably off playing FFXIV (or something else).
release the missing genders