
>tfw people shit talk Lyse

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They are right.

>Playing MMORPGs

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No-one cares about Lyse.

What bothers me is when people shit talk G'raha Tia.

Yeah I have no problem with her.
More importantly, check me out niggas.

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Why are people in this game so normie weeb?

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because it's a fucking final fantasy game and an mmo
jesus christ

made for breeding and then making sure the resulting kids don't grow up to be retards

That sucks. Is there any avoiding it? 14 FCs I've joined so far and it's either silence or that...

>Final fantasy is a household brand series
>MMORPGs are for autists and retards
>Other things mentioned are popular with normalfags, autists, and retards
No. Play literally anything other than shitty MMOs if you want to get away from it.

You play on Crystal.

I play on Aether. Is Primal better?

If you don't have a real life job, your own place and a girlfriend you're clearly underage and need to leave this thread NOW

I'm 24


I have none of those and I feel like I'm older than you.

Clench your fist a little harder you dumb thot.

she needs to put the mask back on...


Play Mahjong

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PLDs are the biggest beta pussies in the game

She can clench her fist on my dick.

Should ability combos be removed in the next expansion instead of removing skills

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With how much I jerk off she'd basically have to on mine.


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Do I use Ten Chi Jin to apply Suiton on the opener or is it used for something else?

i wish they would give use decent feet models. I cant stand updating my mods when they release a patch

Fuck that 7.5 shit
just make the combos like PvP and add more buttons

That guy unironically looks like someone in our guild

If you are under 18 and watching porn you need to leave that website NOW

If you drive without a license you need to quit your car NOW

>Female in party
>Sounds cute as fuck
>Exchange pics
>She's a whale
All the fucking time. What the fuck bros?

If you get baked on the east coast you need to leave NOW

I don't think any attractive female would waste their time in a MMO. Closest I ever seen was some cosplay whore who was complete dogshit at playing and only was there because anime voice actor said they played the game and to get free shit or something autistic.

Give them a chance they usually give great head.

Well obviously, any MMO player is going to be a fat fuck because you are required to sit 16 hours a day to get any progress

>why do these Final Fantasy players keep talking about Final Fantasy and other SE titles???
>why are these people talking about things people like?????
>why are these gamers talking about a recently released big videogame title???????????????

MMOs are not for you, you clearly have issues with the idea of people existing

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I really am tired of the whole "god i hate people talking" in a fucking mmo.
Play Destiny if you want a fucking mmo with no one talking.

lyse is made for ab licking

I really want lyse to dom my miqo'te girl and make me lick her abs and her sweaty futa cock


Yeah, I don't really give a shit. Fuck off if you don't want people talking in a video game.

i think you spend too much time on this board

Why must every sprout shitter have a butt buddy in roulette god fucking dammit.

Never Forgive
Never Forget

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oh it's that thing she literally never did and in fact spouts on and on that it was all you

Yda was great.
Lyse a shit.
Mhiggers a worst.

Oh it's that thing she led everyone in a disney musical production of and the WoL literally vaporizes from everytime anyone of note talks about

I'm really happy that I avoided all spoilers for this game because I got to experience this disappointment personally. It was a great foil to learning that Nanamo didn't actually die.

Lyse is shit, she was much better when she was pretending to be her sister. She was actually likable then.

I think the Opening rotation (Disregarding Combo) is (Hyoton before pull, Should never fall off unless Downtime prevents Armor Crush)>Normal Suiton>Trick Attack>Dream>Assasinate>TenChiJin into Suiton>Mesui>Raiton on cooldown until next Trick Attack is about to happen, then Suiton again to be ready to do it.

Could be wrong though.

t. cutscene skipper

thats nasty

That's the point

glad you agree that Miqotes are disgusting


Here's something I don't get and I might just be a brainlet so I dunno.
Wouldn't it be better to wait a bit longer to throw out a trick attack rather than the first move in the opener? that way other people in the party have time to ramp up their damage, get their openers going, etc.

>cat tranny is an autistic cumhead
just went outside in the rain and found out water is wet too

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Yas Forums is literally the only place on the internet that debate with a serious autistic face that this is not a MMO

He did say disregarding combo.
Your first attack in the fight should be Suiton, but you can hold onto Trick Attack for 20 seconds. But the more time you're holding onto your own CDs for TA, the less damage you're getting out. My NIN EB does TA maybe 5-10 seconds after a pull.