Buy game

>buy game
>do free speech
>money stolen
Yas Forumseogaf will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

how about you try not being an abrasive nigger

get dabbed on faggot lmao

i agree and stop spamming same bait

>agree to contract
>breech contract

oh boy here we go again

"Free speech" doesn't mean getting to scream YOU'RE A DUMB NIGGER down the microphone.

"free" speech

This is bait. Free speech does mean that. But if someone is running a server or service, they’re more than in their right to remove you from their server/service.

free "speech"

yes it actually does

I have a first amendment right to scream the n word

just do it on voice chat. that shit isn't recorded.

I literally report every single one of you faggots for hate speech, trolling, and toxicity every opporutnity I get. There's nothing more satisfying than reporting someone for being a faggot, getting their account banned, and watching the shitshow unfold on Yas Forums. It's literally the only reason I play online games anymore. I get as good as I possibly can to try and bait a reply just so I can report you later.

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You’re not being silenced. It’s the same as if you’re in a store, scream some autistic edgy shit because you have the mind set of a 4 year old, and then the shop keep booting you from the store.

You haven’t lost your ability to sperg out. They are allowed to not have you in their store for being an unbearable edge lord.
Same with game servers. Stop acting surprised or that you did anything wrong.

I'd love to see you cringey edge lords try that shit in real life.

Threads like these made reporting people in games even more fun.

>hong kongers agree to contract
>breach contract by protesting

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I’m the first person you’re replying to. I was saying that, yeah, under free speech sure you CAN say that. But autists like OP fail to recognize that being banned isn’t an infringement on free speech.

You want me to try this in real life:
Ok man if you double-dog dare me I guess I gotta

>tfw when i report you guys to false flag the cunts and rile you up

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nu Yas Forums is so embarrassing

free speech doesn't mean free from consequence :^)

It doesn't mean that actually. You're free to say nigger, but depending on where you are, you likely can't scream it as there are still laws against misdemeanors, like disturbing the peace.

>getting some adhd kid banned because he got mad at videogaems
If this isnt a power move i dont know what is

I go out of my way to report now knowing it could take some retards game away

Bragging about being an unbearable edgelord and being on this site for a long time is not something to be proud of, fag

why is the

>pay for game
>say word
>money stolen

meme so powerful? it riles up lefty corporate bootlickers every time.

Just be a passive aggressive faggot and they will 100% say something bannable back. I dont condone this btw

>a whole year later and he's still this buttblasted over getting banned

Stupid incel

Ban was 100% justified considering the way you are acting.

>get told to stay inside
>go outside
>get fined
>money stolen

uhoh you said the naughty fag word, how edgy. dumb hypocrite.



>caring about hong kong

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I think it's because liberals can't have real sex so they get very angry at others who are not tranny faggots

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>apply for job
>get job
>call coworker an ugly faggot nigger
>get fired

>lefty corporate bootlickers
Answered your own question. Literally the lowest-hanging fruit. They are to this generation what the moral majority evangelicals were 20 to 30 years ago.

>Chapo Trap House

literal retard

Boss is a degenerate lefty.

>ask Yas Forums their opinion on free shit and gay sex
>they're left wing as fuck
>ask Yas Forums their opinion on all chat
>they're suddenly anarcho-capitalists
They're just pussys that don't like being called mean names. The philosophy they hide behind depends on the situation, the moment.

No it doesn't, because if you did, you'd get charged with a hate crime.

>buy orange
>go home and say nigger
>orange gets revoked with no refund

The videogame publisher is exercising their freedom of speech to say they do not want you're type of behavior on their services, so they are in every right to remove you from them.
Prove me wrong.

imagine making the same thread for almost 2 years straight

>games are jobs
why are liberals like this

>soros funded tripe for reddit cattle
>not liberal
rise up

That's roughly how long Wojaks have been reposted with zero sign of actual effort to deviate.

So of course it's my right

they post like bots lol

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Retard, free speech is for the government, not private businesses

Falling to a bait thread with bait that can be considered "old enough" is just embarrassing m8.
Hopefully you can still tie a noose for yourself!

you dont know shit about fucking political theory
kill yourself

>act like a retard
>get called a retard

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Count the pedophiles in my image

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Freedom of expression is not freedom from consequences. Grow the fuck up, idiot.

How can it be free speech if you paid money?

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>when your failed globohomo ideology is destroyed by a single .png file

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>lefty corporate bootlickers
isn't it literally the opposite

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my problem with 90% of people
no foundational understanding or stance on anything

>Game about breaching
>Can't even breach the Terms of Service

No? google is literally comprised of 50% antifa trannies

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i support black people because they are violent and i want a violent world where i can kill and rape
what does that make me

>its ok if china jails or murders people cause they have freedom of expression but not freedom from consequences lol

In School
>say the nigger word in front of teachers to a black student
>get suspended
>get beat up later
At work
>call an Asian coworker a chink
>get put on suspension
>do it a few more times
>get fired
In public
>call a Jew a kike
>your rent goes up
In game
>call a guy a nigger in front of a moderator
>get banned
You also have to agree to some online play shit before even starting the game as well.
Grow up.


>race crime statistics
>somehow correlates free speech in private venues such as a hosted online game's video game chat
Okay schizo.

it makes you extinct
city liberals are all going extinct
and that's a good thing

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In 2016, 69.6 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2016, 62.1 percent were White, 34.7 percent were Black or African American, and 3.2 percent were of other races.
Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
Of all adults arrested in 2016, 70.2 percent were White, 26.2 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.
Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
Black or African American juveniles comprised 52.0 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 58.4 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 74.8 percent were White.
White juveniles comprised 64.7 percent of juveniles arrested for rape and 60.2 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.