Have games done away with physics based puzzles? I can't remember the last game I played that's had one in it.
Have games done away with physics based puzzles? I can't remember the last game I played that's had one in it
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B is wrong
Still see them from time to time but they are definetly not what they used to be. BOTW had lots but god that was how long ago now?
The bottle should be filled with pokemon creatures.
Is B supposed to be wrong or something? I dont get it, looks fine to me
wouldn't the water line for b be parallel to a's?
Female hands typed this post.
Male hands typed these posts.
did that zelda game just come out or am i relapsing?
female (male) hands typed this post.
How does that make any sense dumbass
Holy shit! Women really do go on Yas Forums!
Why is this even a question?
>t. ayy
but that's wrong
lol spaz, why did the volume of water suddenly decrease? yes, the water line should be flat, most non-retards will get that, but only true anglos will understand that the water line must also rise
If the bottle in figure b is still, it is wrong.
Because i dont care
fixed it
>You're right so you must be a woman!
Glad you guys are waking up to the truth
For those of us playing at home, this shitpost is based on a cognition test where female subjects were unable to model the results of tipping a bottle full of liquid. They simply couldn't conceptualize the final results.
A fellow dickhead, user.
No, why would you think that?
But what developmental level were they though, 5?
were they asked why they couldn't answer right?
You can't conserve that. You don't know the exact dimensions of the bottle; It is as possible that the ratio between base and wetted surface is equal or unfavorable.
If the bottle is to scale, it is likely that the volume "lost" under the horizon based on the angle of the base is greater than the volume "gained" on the side of the bottle, but without knowing the geometry of the bottle in 3 dimensions, you can't conserve that statement: A round bottle or a squared bottle will behave differently. In the case of the square bottle, a rotation of 45 degrees may even result in a different water level.
Their unanimous response was "oh teehee you were trying to confuse me by drawing the second bottle that way!"
40% of college women get it wrong.
The solution is extremely simple.
Please let me impregnate you
No idea, the sample size was too small to be interesting reading.
It bears out a correlation between men having better spatial thinking, but drawing conclusions of women's intelligence in that manner is asinine: That same correlation would let me tank men's scores by weighting their intelligence on color distinction (a perception task that women score higher on)
will u be my gf?
Please be sarcasm. I honestly can't tell anymore.
Get a bottle of water and tilt it. Post a pic of it
B has a horizontal velocity, forcing the water to the opposite side of the bottle than it is traveling.
Based anglo
Go take a milk bottle, fill it up, then tilt it 45 degrees. Come back and draw what you see.
This seems like a bogus study, because if you were familiar with Piagetian notions of liquid conservation, you'd know that those past the age of at least 9-11 can understand the morphology of liquid.
This has to be a joke, source?
>Yas Forums full brain power
>tilts full bottle 45 degrees
there is MILK on the FLOOR nigger
Well then, Jannies..........
Of what shape?
Look. I'm not doing fluids analysis unless you pay me. Your assumption is based on an idealized bottle without any dimensions. It's good enough for philosophy.
I think the mistake is more likely their sample was biased: If you pull women and men off of a college campus, you're going to get more male engineers and more female Americana studies majors.
It's almost tautological that I can find enough moron women on campus to skew the data, especially if I'm starting from the psych department.
Nice meniscus fag.
Dont care, see
I feel like a lot of games have done away with puzzles period. I get that not everyone wants their game to have more than 1 style of gameplay, but am I the only one who enjoys a bit of puzzling to spice things up?
redo highschool lmao
Based geometry, bro
>color distinction is matter of intelligence on par with spatial reasoning
This just in, colorblind people are equally as retarded as 4 year olds.
The guy who started this water bottle challenge for women also had an accompanying "war dates" question. The responses are even more dismal than for the bottle.
To be fair, I'd fail this one too since I don't give too much of a shit about history in general.
My image concerns only what I replied to aka equal height situation which doesn't care about the dimensions of the bottle either, and proves that user wrong.
>of what shape
you can see the shape of the bottle in the OP, right
idk, people at /sci/ told me that, I believe it.
>I can't remember the last game I played that's had one in it
Breath of the Wild has really shitty ones that are only challenging due to the way the game's animations and physics work.
Im not even american and i know 4/5 you cant possibly be that illiterate
Sorry I'm too lazy to put more effort on a problem of this level. If you can't get what my 1000 hours in paint are trying to tell you, maybe you should redo elementary school
Is this the official "pretend to be retarded" thread?
>find random idiot in public and ask them random questions
>repeat until you get the answers you want
This is cheap late-night TV tier shit, and this is what passes for "intellectual discourse".
God bless
calm down, sperg
>videogame board
>Yas Forums
Been 15 years since I was in school, nerd. Didn't care about history then, care about it even less now.