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I enter a panic mode because the choice is too hard, throw my computer out of the window, shit my diaper and then throw the diaper out of the window.

Legendary of course

Games should always have at least 4 difficulty options because the lowest is always too easy and the highest too hard. Every game should split medium into forgiving but not braindead and challenging but not unfair.

Very hard

>increase hp and damage multipliers
>decrease hp and damage multipliers

Medium, I want some challenge but I don't want to learn the game that much.

If hard actually makes enemies get new moves or mechanics, or adds more enemies, hard mode. If it just makes enemies get more health and do more damage, easy mode.

>game has a difficulty selection

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pretty much this.

If increasing the difficulty means humans take >1 headshot from a shotgun then its a joke and I turn it down. muh immersion matters for things like that.

>tfw highest difficulty decreases hp and increases dmg taken
>but for both you AND the enemies

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depends on if hard is actually fun to play or just means wet noodle weapons and a binary health bar

Adaptive difficulty is best difficulty prove me wrong faggots. I'm not talking about level scaling

very easy with cheats

filthy casuals


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>die once
>game becomes a joke

depends on the genre and sometimes it's even game specific

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>In order to unluck medium you have to finish easy

>hardened combatant
>war hero
>realistic mode

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Not in that sense either. See games like Gradius, Battle Garegga or God Hand where it becomes more and more difficult the better you perform and no it doesn't become a joke once you die because the game keeps getting harder every level anyways

The gayest shit possible. I don’t want the game deciding that it needs to give me a free pass just so I keep progressing through it at a steady rate. A system for casuals only

Nah, just give me the hardest degree of that, all the time.

If I want the game to be easier I'd adjust it to be easier
Don't take away my fucking challenge

Hard if it's more than raw numbers inflation (such as the game adding more enemies, better AI, restrictions to your kit, etc.)

Normal if it is just numbers inflation. I'm not gonna deal with having to hit the generic mook 5 times instead of 3 when it still has the same retarded AI as it does on normal, or having to cheese every encounter because every enemy can oneshot you.

Ultra violence
Too hard is annoying, too easy is boring, normal is never enough.

Medium, then change to hard later. Most games seem to have a fucked up difficulty curve because you gain experience and more resources as the game progresses, but the difficulty doesn't increase enough to compensate.


I better not see you ever complain about sudden difficulty spikes or hard learning curve then

I always choose the one between hard and normal if the option exists.

>customizable difficulties let you tweak specific AI and damage variables
>game separates puzzle difficulty and combat difficulty

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easy for maximum fun and no frustration :)


I pick the "intended" difficulty the developers intended which in the vast amount of games I play is the easiest since difficulties only remove save points.

>Been choosing hard mode exclusively these days
Feels good. I don't do "Legend" or "Nightmare" difficulties though. Hard is fine.

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God Hand is pretty much the definitive game for adaptive difficulty.

Some of your favorite games probably use adaptive difficulty without you noticing it. The shit's surprisingly common.

Beating Devil May Cry on DMD mode was the most boring fucking thing I've done in a long time. The enemies have 300% more HP, and while it isn't particularly hard, it's just a bunch of beating on ragdolls. Even styling got boring shortly into it, because you have to hit the same guy for two or three minutes straight, and you can't just run through.
It's much better if enemies just get new moves, or dodge you better, or feint, or something. ANYTHING but becoming bullet sponges.

I hate the adaptive difficulty in God Hand. You might be getting used to one level and then all of a sudden you go up a level, the enemies change their moves and timing, all your instincts are just fucked and you have to relearn everything again. This is why i find playing on normal harder than on hard.

You can always beg for mercy when you feel the heat.

If there is something between medium and hard, thats it.
Unless I've already played and know a game very well. Then we go extreme.

medium on first run, hard if I go for a second run

>easy: never die
>medium: die in 30 hits
>hard: die in 1-2 hits

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Hard. I have some brain disfunction that dosent allow me to have fun when I play on normal. There are some exceptions like game being extremely unfair on hard.

I liked how Spyro 3 did it. You even have a cheat code if you want to keep it on hard.

>games requires you to beat normal to play on hard

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Depends on the game and how difficulty is applied. If I want to crawl through and struggle I play on the highest. If I want to casual play then one above normal. If I just want the story I'll YouTube it or easy mode it. Sometimes I've downloaded saves to play unlocked harder modes on my first play through.

>game has bad rubberbanding AI
>can set the game to easy and suddenly have very hard mode AI because I did too well

The one that's 1x damage taken and 1x damage dealt

Hardest absolutely every time .... unless hard spawns enemies forever or is perma-death, then one step down

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Why couldn't they just have it ready right off the bat, goddamnit.

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Umaru is a nugget. NUGGET!

Depends on the game and what playthrough.
>first playthrough, difficulty isn't anything special (enemies have more HP and that's it)
>first playthrough, difficulty is actually interesting (i.e. glass cannon mode)
Either normal or hard depending on how extreme hard mode is.
>second+ playthrough

>no movie mode


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i love easy!!!!!!!!!

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>See games like Gradius
Gradius's Rank system is fucking cancer incarnate, are you serious? The game is DESIGNED around actively throwing away lives and powerups so you don't get retarded RNG bullet spam on stage 3 or 4 and end up gameovering because you lost all your powerups.

Git gud. Another pro-tip: don't die :^)

>selecting difficulty

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>Git gud. Another pro-tip: don't die
"Gitting gud" in Gradius requires dying at specific times in autistic route memorization because Konami thought Rank was a good idea. I like Gradius, don't get me wrong, but the Rank system is the absolute worst fucking thing in the whole series.

I use to play Hard always but honestly sometimes it gets too frustrating and tedious that I've just resorted to normal difficulty. Most of the times you just grind more on hard.

Speaking of shoot em ups, how do you guys feel about games like Radiant Silvergun where you need to perform your best at all times otherwise the final boss fucks you up (assuming you're playing on Arcade mode with no save files obviously)? You simply cannot kill the final boss if your whole combo run was shit, your weapon levels are too low and you always get the undodgeable patterns at the end. I think that's a subtle way of telling the players to play the game properly.

Depends on the game. Some SHMUPS mostly CAVE games have a problem with TLBs more or less requiring bombspam, so I'd say it's pretty shit to have a boss that you're supposed to get to by avoiding the usage of bombs the whole way through be near-unbeatable without them. Defeats the whole point.

Always hated how you also get punished (in scores) for using bombs during a stage too like the game is explicitly preparing you for the inevitable bullshit boss incoming.

Get back to 120, fakeweeb

>Most of the times you just grind more on hard.
I can't even remember the last time I picked hard and HAD to grind to proceed. You just need to play smarter and actually use the tools they give you to proceed.

Most recently with Persona Scramble, I was stuck on this boss for a full day and almost gave into the darkness and grinded out some levels, but instead I just gave it a rest, switched up my strategy, fought better and won.

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Usually play normal and bump up to hard if it gets boring if it's my first time but sometimes if I know a game is short, easy or if it has a certain style (ie hyper realistic) I'll bump up the difficulty to the highest I can go for the first run.

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remove trip plz

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Whatever the default difficulty is.

>games easy mode is intentionally the hardest difficulty just to punish casualfags

Man fuck off tripfag.
>You don't have to grind on hard
Yeah you just need luck you dumb faggot.

>Hardmode boss has an instakill grab attack

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Medium, because more often than not it's the difficulty the developers designed the game around.

I save hard for when I like the game and want to replay

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