Is it really THAT bad?

Is it really THAT bad?

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no its actually pretty good. bosses could be better though
t. hates the last of us and naughty dog games

Why are you asking that question in a Steamgroid & Nintendo board?

It has no VR support, it's garbage.

It's not even bad, just average. The reason it's shit on is because redditors suck it's cock like it's the second coming, just like the Last of Us

Literally who said this game was bad

Have sex nincel


Yas Forums

Yas Forumsintendo will tell you it sucks of-course.


>Yas Forums is one person

It's pretty fucking boring, the enemies are pretty boring to fight against and the over the shoulder thing gets old pretty fast. I regret buying this pile of shit.

Learn to pronounce
noun: consensus; plural noun: consensuses

a general agreement.
"a consensus view"

Its enjoyable for sure the only gripe i had about was the reskinned bosses and maybe the combat but thats cause its comeplety different from the ones before it and i had to get use to it solid game overall good for one run at least

Playing it now. Combat starts off too bear bones. It's a bit heavy on reskinned enemies and backtracking, RPG stats and itemization feels like busy work. Combat's alright once you get some more abilities and the story BTFO all the Soi of War shitposters.

So are you saying the game is good or bad, and why?

I would argue there's very little consensus on Yas Forums and none on this game in particular

It's pretty good my only complaints are that the boss variety sucks. A fucking giant recycled about 5 times. You start a game with a amazing bossfight and as the game progresses the creativity dies. I mean hellheim or whatever it's called you could actually try and make a fitting boss but no again a stupid boring giant.

>He didn't do the Valkyries

I played it for the story so why can't i get some more satisfying bosses in the main story.

No, it's good.
It just triggers Yas Forums because it's not on PC or made by Nintendo.

Most of the people who whine about it haven't played it (classic Yas Forums) and are just underage or election tourist shitposters. It had a multitude of flaws for me, but some ok elements to it. Its clearly a tease for bigger sequel(s) because places like Alfheim look amazing, but you can barely explore it.

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I've played it and it's boring as fuck. It's riddled with rehashed levels, boring enemies and reskinned boss battles. Hard to stay engaged with this. I mean the stories good but who gives a fuck about that when the game puts you to sleep.
>inb4 zoomer or underage

It's good but the game re-uses bosses and enemies so much that you've essentially played the whole game by the 1/3 point.

underaged zoomyzoom needs his bing bings and wahoos if the enemies don't turn into jolly ranchers when they die its bad

Nah, it's pretty good. My only complaint is that it needed more proper bosses and should have given you the blades of chaos earlier on since they are such a useful tool for large groups.

I assume in the next one you'll have the blades from the get go, so as long as they have more bosses and ramp up the story, it should be great. I'm ok with this one being pretty low key, but considering we've killed 3 norse gods at this point, the others should be taking notice by now.

No. Only contrarians on v hate it

I mean you could argue that the valkyries were pretty recycled even with the variety of attacks they had.

>I've played it and it's boring as fuck. It's riddled with rehashed levels, boring enemies and reskinned boss battles. Hard to stay engaged with this.
I don't disagree.
> I mean the stories good but who gives a fuck about that when the game puts you to sleep.
I thought it was barebones but the father/son stuff was good. Hate Freya and Baldur though.
>inb4 zoomer or underage
You said it not me.

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Game is literally praised everywhere including here, obviously depending on the user here as well. Why not just ask for a God of war thread without trying to start a weird good versus bad discussion. You know not every conversation has to start with negative stigma if you want to talk about it right?

Name one (1) game where enemies turn into Jolly Ranchers when they die.

The valkyrie queen was the highlight of the game, I wish all of the game's bosses would've been like that


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Honestly, its 50/50 on here. Sometimes you get threads with people who liked it, sometimes it's just shitting on the game.

I feel like the only thing bad about the game is actually more about how the bosses healthpool was tuned compared to the player damage.

You should know on Yas Forums that making a genuine thread either gets ignored with a scant few comments and then archived. Baiting anyone is the only way to even have a chance at people actually discussing.

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No, but it's also not THAT good.
I personally love it but it is tremendously overhyped as well as over-shitted-on.

It was a good game, the only real problem was the enemy variety. Looking forwards to seeing what they do with the next game

No. It was fun.

The story was well done and the world and lore were interesting to explore. However, I thought the over the shoulder perspective was a mistake and negatively influenced combat. I would have liked the combat a lot more if it was exactly the same, but from an aerial view like the old games. I still thought the combat was serviceable and ended up platinuming the game. I'm looking forward to the sequel.

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This, it's sad, the only thing that gets replies are twitter/reddit screencaps and bait threads

It wasn't even worth the $10 I spent on it. Terrible game in all regards. Also 90% of the dialogue is just Kratos saying "boy", over and over and over again.

Not him, but I immediately thought of Doom Eternal with that description.

I think the over the shoulder camera was fine for the gameplay, I just wished it was either zoomed out a bit or not hard locked to right behind Kratos.

Made the game feel a bit claustrophobic. I'm sure they knew what they were doing with the camera, but dealing with large crowds with just the axe for half of the game takes a lot of getting used to.

It’s not a bad game, it’s just not the 10 that everybody claims it is.

But also, Zelda and Mario aren’t 10s. So Sony fans get irritated with those and prop up God of War to compensate

Yas Forums doesn't even like videogames.

>Brings Mario and Zelda up out of nowhere

it's great.. the only people that hate on it are those idiots that hate on sony games, autistic fans of the old god of war games and the most despicable people of all.. those who watch streamers play through games and act like they've played it

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That’s the reason people claim GOW is a 10, it’s relevant

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Who the hell watches other people play through a game?

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It is gaming version of Oscar bait. It is not terrible, it is just average and carefully crafted to seem that is deeper or more interesting that it really is. That is why most of the game is front loaded, to attract the praise of journos and brain dead playstation fans.

Well it's not very good. It feels like they went all in in graphics and a cinematic narrative because the game is basically a large linear corridor with tiny environments and that allowed them to maximise the graphics. I just wish they had focused more on the compat scenarios. Ninja Gaiden 2 was added to gamepass recently so I've been playing it as well as playing this occasionally as well but I'm not enjoying this half as much as NG2 because the combat just doesn't feel as good or fast paced. NG2 is a proper action hack and slash whereas GoW feels like they purposely slowed down the combat so they could have fluid animations instead.

Why do you care what reddit thinks?

>It is gaming version of Oscar bait.
You're thinking of Nier.

Pretty average. Needed more combat and enemy variety.

Played it all the way to the end, beat the Valkyrie's, just had the weird generated dungeon to do but couldn't be bothered.

Almost everything in this game reminds me of new tomb raider. It is as souless and as "cinematic" as that game.

most of today's youth

So I can hold the exact opposite opinion. As the old adage goes: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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No it's pretty good and if you want to play the "classic" GoW style of game there are six nearly identical games that all have it. This franchise would've died if they didn't do something new and for the most part it worked out, it's especially impressive for their first try.

No, I am thinking in this game. Nier might have a 2deep4u storyline, but it was clearly made just because a guy liked to make that(it reminds me to evangelion in a lot of ways). God of War was made to be purposely deceitful.

Do not call your game GoW if it is not going to be god of war.

Nier is far more emotionally dishonest. There's a reason why so many tr*nnies like it.

The industry is full of cinematic shit games. It is a trite and proven way to make games and there is nothing special about it. Maybe the franchise would be better dead.

It was better than expected, but it suffers from an obsession with "muh cinematic experience" in places it's not welcome in (the entire dumb scene with the boar), and there's lots of room for improvement.

I am unironically hyped for a sequel but if they don't radically improve the combat and review some decisions in terms of taking control out of the player's hands, it's going to be underwhelming.