Should I buy a Nintendo Switch or wait until next year to buy the new one?

Should I buy a Nintendo Switch or wait until next year to buy the new one?

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Idubbz is still Chad. Thousands of dudes fap to his qt gf but only hr fucks her.

Confirmed simp. Please avoid being soulless.

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That sounds pretty gay, actually.

Its a slippery slope, first you let her send nudes next thing you know she is fucking dudes for money

I'm sure you only want to talk about your picture than receive a genuine response.

post her nudes

I hate the retards using their new buzzword "simp" but what hes doing is pathetic.

>qt gf
>disgusting half breed mexican indian

She's a monkey

Just stick to the old word that simp is trying to replace that's been used for centuries. Starts with a C, and leftists hate when you use it.

Post face mr. 100% aryan

In the video he literally says his gf's pussy isn't special and who cares about her body



Did I miss something?

Simp is an older ebonics word that did mean guys who think they are a pimp but are actually really pathetic to get women

Lmao what a great way to put yourselves as zoomers. Simp is an age old term and whenever you try to describe it as a new one your zoomerness shows

Listen bub, if you've got any amount of indigenous blood in you you're automatically a C tier human

Is this the guy who ate hair cake with filthy frank? Looks like he reached a new low.

>me and my son's boyfriend

>rest of the internet steals /asp/ banter then perverts it until it loses all meaning
why does it keep happening
at least ddd will always be safe

simp is a nigger twitter term

Idubbbz bought his gf a boobjob and started an onlyfans and told everyone to jerk off to her and give him money
cr1tikal, h3h3 and chrisraygun are all supporting it and think there is nothing wrong with selling your gf's body


the way its being used nowadays is different you moron.

read THIS faggot
*unzips dick*

>literal ashkenazi jew
>okay with prostitution of your girlfriend

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you can buy one right now for the low price of $800

People only call idubbz a simp because they discovered this wacky and cool new word and want an excuse to say it a lot.

The most cringe about this all is that he allowed his gf to get a boobjob. Does it at least look good?

zoomers started using it as a demeaning term for guys that give money to ethots, but it has always meant effeminate, fag enablers

>ctrl+f "simp"
>7 results
Stop. Just call him a cuck. Because that's what he is. A pathetic fucking cuck.

apparently she's not selling nudes, so I have no idea why are people even paying for her shit.

sure thing, boomer.

He's going to castrate his nuts now?

it's almost like you can google it and see for yourself

>Thousands of dudes fap to his qt gf
I honestly pity those dudes, imagine paying money for a 5/10 pussy lmao

If anything that makes him a pimp.
Does that mean all pimps are simps?


Pretty sure that's the slippery soap

>using incel cash to buy a switch
how can people call this man a cuck?

>its another eceleb thread
>no idea whats going on
>no clue what a 'simp' is
>don't care about eceleb shit
>clearly in the minority
>mfw the zoomers have taken over

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Pimp doesn't need a hoe to tie him down. You fucking idiot.

All the rats are revealing themselves
looks terrible, her tits weren't great before, but they look really fake now

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Pimping truly isn't easy.

But I don't want to.

Keep saying it

This mentality is disgusting
>hey bros I just pimped my gf and I'm making money
>s-s-shut up as long as I'm makign money there is nothing wrong with it!

Ok, boomer

Idubbbz literally said he is okay with her making porn because her pussy isn't special
>guys, please jerk off to my gf, i need the money

This is a SIMP King thread, not a cuck dunkey thread user.

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>wahhh I don’t care
>anime posts in the thread anyways

What the fuck is a simp anyway, people use it the exact same way as cuck but it means something different?

Cucks think they're chads now?

pretty sure if I wave a big fat 10k in her face she'd let me fuck her.

don't care didn't ask
also you're a nigger

isn't this guy just a kike begging for money?

I refuse to accept "simp" into my vernacular

see If you bend your morals and integrity as a man for a woman, you are a simp

If I ever find my girl doing this, I drop her like a brick. No joke. She should get a job instead of showing her pussy to others for money.

His subversion protocols are malfunctioning

so he has very little attachment to his gf? Thats pretty fucked up. At that point, why even be her gf? Just be her fuck buddy and pay for some of her shit every now and then.

He is peak chad you incels, jerk off to his gf and give him money

Why are so many e-celebs literal cucks?

>h3h3 called out projared for sharing nudes with fans
>ok with idubbz doing it
What is wrong with that jew?

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>non-vidya eceleb shit

i really dont get it she's ugly as fuck and her photos are low effort cosplay
what retards pay for this man you can literally google "porn" and get whatever the fuck you want for free

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what the fuck is 'simp'?

simp = beta male orbiter that tries to do nice things for pussy.

>your gf sends me nudes
>anyone but you is the cuck

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>Having a relationship is all about the body
This is why you're a virgin

Idubbbz is the winner in this situation. He has a beautiful girlfriend and extra money to go along with her Onlyfans. True chad.

>If I ever find my girl
Good thing this will never happen then.

la goblina

twitter nigger language apparently

modern day term for white knight. People realized you can't go after whores on the internet, so you have to go after people who give whores money/attention.

>He has a beautiful girlfriend

he is a cuck but you're a retarded orbiter if you're paying anything for that shit

He can see her nude at any time so...?