Games you've recently rediscovered your love for? This was mine

Games you've recently rediscovered your love for? This was mine.

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This. Thank god they improved the gameplay. I've been playing this game since 2018 and I always have a good laugh when playing it.

I always wanted to like a game such as Mordhau. But after the spinning beyblade shitfest every similar melee combat game such as Chivalry turned into I gave up on it and the genre.

>completely fucking over skirmish

it attracts too many turbo autists

Strangely, the latest patch that added castello did something to totally fuck up my feel for the game. Like those slight changes to movement speed with certain armor levels has caused me to lose all sense of spacing.

I loved Mordhau before I played it.

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shit is fun to play in the lower ranks where it's not super sweaty
i'll probably play for a bit and stop once I start facing the spergs that practice non-stop
shit is genuinely fun tho

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Last patch changed combat a bit, now is more fluid and readable and improved all hitsounds. I didn't like the bass reduction on 17.1 tho, I loved how meaty and heavy hits sounded on 17.0

Did they remove dragging/accelerating yet?

Patch #17 is an absolute fucking shitshow

>removed regen from skirmish turning it into a bow only dickfest
>completely reworking the points system
>movement changed to feel like ass
>COMPLETELY fucking over toolbox making it literally unusable
>sounds turned from metal clangs into bass thumps
>but its all ok because new cosmetics :^))

Listening to celeb niggers and having echo chambers like discord while completely ignoring the actual, playing community is exactly what killed chivalry.
>inb4 hurr noob mad
level 140, Elite before rank reset

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>level 140
did you play 20 hours a day every day since launch? take a shower

skrim used to be by far the truest mode, where every facet of the game really could shine and all your skills from duelling to 1vX to using utilities to mindgames were tested.

removing regen made it turn into a game of "who can whittle the enemies health down faster" using a bow that was made with regen in mind.
as of 17.1 you cant use bandages or medbags anymore.
level 140 is quite low compared to some of the actual poopsockers

Point system change seems good though.
Also how is movement worse? Why did they change sounds?

>why did they X
that's what i ask myself every night too.

>COMPLETELY fucking over toolbox making it literally unusable

You can thank the dev team being too incompetent to fix the invis glitch directly that they have to resort to nerfing the toolbox outright so you can't build shit with it.

Reminder that you can still go invisible and it is especially easy to go out of bounds on the new map, you dont even need toolbox you can just climb

You cant climb a waist-high crate but you can climb on the fucking air and walk on it


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no git gut shitter

dragging/acceling is fine if you're not a shitter
riposte feints are only in the combat test map, thanks for confirming you don't play the game
>duel rank

the point system rework is an objectively good change

50 hour shitter

yeah mordhau is fun, i didn't know i was subscribed to redditniggers calling the game and community toxic kek

I haven't played at all since 17.1.
Currently having fun in deadliest warrior waiting for bonerlord.
>>duel rank
enjoy getting backstabs in frontline if that makes you happy.
the concept of "more points = finer balance" is great but the problem is the point costs for pretty much half of weapons and perks are all over the place. Youre going to see those being "adjusted" into fucking eternity, this isnt even a guess.
They should have just delayed this until June or something and, you know, actually do some testing with the community (cough RS), but PATCHIE PATCHIE retards made them rush it.
I'll return after the next hundred hotfixes that they are going to shit up to douse the absolute dumpfire they started.

What a loss for you. The beyblading in Mordhau only works against groups of baddies that don't know how to block.

nobody who's good at the game plays ranked duels, most only hop on for scrims and occasionally on duel servers
t. alpha player in the comp scene

when ranked was first introduced it was usable for three days.
sad that you can only now show your rank to others but they reset them.

I just wish it wasn't dying/dead

I never bothered to try Mordhau after being burnt by every other game being spinshit and exploiting hitboxes by turning 360 degrees away to hit people by exploiting dark souls 2 tier hitboxes. So I have no idea if I'm missing something great or if it's the same shit.

it's been at 6,000< concurrent past few days, seems fine to me

I loved mordau for the first month then they made an announcement about female characters and released a really bad map which is around the them I stopped playing.

Is it still fun bros? I loved screaming and throwing axes into peoples faces and setting up beartraps.

I just tried it again yesterday, did they increased the attack cancelation window? feinting felt much better.

there is no female characters

just block when the guy you are fighting grunts you room temperate iq

nope, all they did was increase the feint recovery so chamber punishes were more consistent

accels hit you as the grunt plays

I find the most fun being an archer, yeah, I said it. I particularly enjoy 1 shotting enemy archers so much that they switch off archer. I also like turning the tryhards into pincushions. They think I'll shoot as soon I point my arrows at them and futilely block at the wrong time like they think they're jedis or something.

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The fact that I'm currently stuck with Trannyfield V makes me immeasurably sad.

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sounds have always been an unreliable tell and you're an absolute turbo scrub retard shitbrain who hasn't played chiv or mord at a high level

archer is designed so new players can use it and think they're helping

>but PATCHIE PATCHIE retards made them rush it.
Them running out of kickstarter money made them rush it.

i'm not telling you so you can ruin it with your woke agendas. rest assured, it is none of the shit posted on v

To be fair I only really play Frontline and invasion anymore but I'm not new. I'm always in the top 5 players of my team and contribute more to it than 95% of everyone in it. The vast majority of archer players do suck though.

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they made far more money from the release than the kicksharter


only frontline shitters play archer bro it's not relevant to the game

The Mordhau devs are all autistic 2khrs played in Chivalry turbonerds. They know how Chiv played and changed that from an unintended meta into core gameplay. Turncaps (self explanatory), active frames (called "Release" time), glancing blows (weapons deal less damage if you hit the guy waaaay at the end of its release), and weapon windups are all included in player-facing weapon stat-blocks and adjusted per-weapon, and allow the devs to actually balance that shit. This means that things like the 360 overhead in Chiv are impossible in Mordhau.

It's still a first person sword fightan game so wagglin is obviously going to be included, but it's very much a feature and not a bug. Mordhau's core combat is basically a straight upgrade from Chiv.

>360 overhead

Meant 180 overhead, 360 overhead would be stupid.

Lowering the Eveningstar's cost was the best change in the patch. Full plate + giant mace is the best build in any game.

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maul + rush in pubs.

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Post Knights

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What changed? I played it maybe 6 months ago. It was just mordzwheihander

Bastard Sword is bestard sword.

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Why is the modding so fucking dead?
Chivalry had fucking based mods.
I loved that one which was similar to counterstrike zombie mod.
Was so fucking fun

The throwing targe patch was fun while it lasted. Good times.

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Execution sword. Reminds me most of my chad times with messer in chivalry.
T. 8000 kills 500 deaths duel chad in chivalry here

Downloading the update now lads
Haven't played since november of last year
What am I in for?

The absolute same game honestly. I feel no differencd. I too didnt play for like 8 months

fucking based, kniggas always underestimate archers, they always assume every archer is the fag that sits in the back of the map and spams chokepoints. its all about getting into medium range with your bros and finishing off wounded waddling enemies and slaying the aforementioned long range retards. another thing ive always loved about archer (since chivalry) is surprising aggressive retards who think youre an easy kill in melee and shortening them with the 1h axe/arming sword.

>Play Buckler/Mace
>Enemy runs away
>Throw Buckler
>Throw Mace

It's basically a ranged class.

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Will the new point system fuck with my meticulously put together loadouts?

I cannot help but be an absolute shitter in this game. I just fuck with people and watch them Seeth. I honestly don’t even care about duels, points deaths. Throwing a pan from behind and killing two bloody duelist then running away laughing before getting kicked makes it all worth it. Then logging on 10mins later to kick some newb bitch to death.

Well for one, they gave the Zweihander/Spear/Halberd a "Heavyweight" debuff, slowing you down while carrying one.
The Loadout Points went from 16 to 48. Most things just cost 3x what they used to, but a lot of things are a point or two cheaper relatively, so you'll probably have 6~ extra points on all of your loadouts to spend on a sidearm or extra perk or two, giving you a bit more flexibility.
They still haven't come out with "official" mod/map tools. The community has to make do with jank ass conversions using manual means and the stock UE4 tools.

very based

>Did they remove dragging/accelerating yet?

Why would they remove what makes the game good?

Absolutely. I think Flesh Wound is the only thing to go up in price though, so unless you're running that it'll be a universal buff to your loadouts.


This is not a thing retard. It's only available on the combat test server...

I mean will it unequip a bunch of stuff from them due to the point changes?

Rate my guy.

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Zweihander's are known for being very lightweight, Halberds are not heavy either. While the game wasn't accurate to begin with, these are also horrible balancing measures. The dev team is incompetent and that is why I can't get into the game, because there is always something holding it back

The only way it could fuck with you is if you are OCD about having unspent points, but there are 1-2 point items to fill those tiny gaps. You'll actually get a bit more space to add another perk or weapon to just about all of them.
Invest in throwables. I got Short Swords and Wooden Mallets in reserve on several loadouts now.

>xploiting hitboxes by turning 360 degrees away to hit people

This is not a thing. If you spin 360 degrees you will get a glancing blow and it's super easy to read.

Your builds will either have the same or more points than before. I think even if you were running flesh wound the increase it got would be counteracted by the decrease in everything else. All ~30 of my builds had 1-8 points available, so nothing on them changed except the new stuff I added.

I am level 210 lol.

the seethe is unreal from shitters who cant handle the game without being in a 1v1 vacuum

No it won't. You keep your loadouts. The change was really just to add more wiggle room for balance by turning one point into three points. Instead of 16 points to start off with, you have 48. Things that used to cost 1 now cost 3. Things that used to cost 2 now cost 6. That kind of thing. You'll just notice that a bunch of them magically have extra points to spend now because some common stuff got reduced in price (bandages are now 1 point, leg armor is universally cheaper).

75% of the time i just meme around and RP on duel servers in this game.

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It's necessary to have a fight, otherwise it would devolve into trading ripostes and awkward feinting.
Chambers need to go however, shit makes defending too rigid and easy.

mordhau didnt have to die

-let me make uglier, funnier looking faces without restricting the face creator
-let me make ugly/funny/goofy body types
-when stuff happens like people learning to look at the ground and spam waraxe, fix it immediately, nobody wants to play that shit.

That’s half the fun.

Chambers drain a bunch of stam. It's fine.

Nothing better than crossbow sniping half naked tryhards who think they are l33t only to get smacked down with crossbow, of if missed, sliced up with cleaver,m

how do i complete the horse nigger achievement without being a horse nigger

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It's not fucking fine when it causes duels to turn into stamina battles every time since chamber ftp is so strong.
Defense has to be reworked, chambering is way too hard for new/low skill players and makes defending way too easy and straightforward if you're good at it.

He looks like he screams into the mercenary select camera

yes i love that shit, best way to guarantee damage against the human beyblades too, the ones that fight crowds of like 6 people and get free ripostes. they never expect that +36 from the longbow out of fucking nowhere

I don't think I'll ever get this one either.

This game is gonna be completely dead when Chiv 2 drops
I just hope Chiv 2 will be good

It's not the literal weight that leads to the long weapons to slowing someone down. Just the fact that they are so long would make maneuvering in close quarters and indoors troublesome. That's why the debuff is only on walk speed, not max sprint speed.
"Heavyweight" is not the most accurate term to use (something like Cumbersome would be more logical), but it is the easiest word to convey the concept that you'll be moving slower with it out.

fuck kn*ghts.

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