Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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Dom Pierre was an idiot but Cyberpunk is kind of a dick for responding a immortalizing his dumbass question, which will bring never ending shame to his bloodline

Devs for not keeping it professional. It was reasonably worded, even if a little demanding.

That's just like your opinion, man

Devs for trying to make people feel like they're a personable...person instead of a faceless corporate entity like they truly are.

did he ever get an answer? i would like to know too

it was a fair question, no reason for the devs to make him look like an ass

there is literally nothing wrong with publicly shaming autistic coomers

tweet link?

>Fully interactive sex scenes
>In a big budget vidya game
That's an immensely stupid question, and I'm positive that the faggot asking knew that.

You're giving him a lot of credit for structuring a sentence correctly.

CDPR did nothing wrong, hornyposters deserve it

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>dev proclaims to make an adult game with adult themes
>ehhh you want sex? Wtf is wrong with you dude? YUCK! Grow up incel virgin

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I feel like cdpr is wrong for bringing the dude into this.

why don't sex depraved incels like these just call a hooker and get it over with?
sex is a chore most of the time anyways unless they indulge my foot fetish.

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If the player is allowed to control the narrative expression of a sex scene, then they should be able to impact it in either a profoundly positive or negative way. But these same people asking for this freedom of expression would freak the fuck out if players were ever given the power to choose to have a profoundly negative sexual interaction.


Coomers are insane.

I wish you could beat the shit out of women them rape them until they stop crying

better than responding with "/giphy wtf"

i-is jeff bridges in cyberpunk 2077?

That's kind of like saying that it's nice if you ask someone to "Please kill yourself," because you said please.

hes right

Not even comparable. Apparently something along the lines of, "Though we feature sexuality of graphical nature in some of our games, we have no plans to feature that as a core game mechanic," is too much for a twitter dev.


I hope its in first person, i'm gonna be playing as female vi

I dunno guy asking the question was pretty based

But a big lebowski response is also based

>Food analogy.

Sex is AO and that's reserved for porn


Who made a game with a sex minigame and kept an M rating? Just God of War?

who was in the wrong?

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Dom Pierre, for caring about this stupid game.
Cyberpunk's account, for being some prude scared of sex
You, for posting this crap
Yas Forums, for being retarded
me, for replying

suicide is my favorite food


>It was reasonably worded
It was reasonably worded, the request itself was not reasonable.

yeah and thats his fault for writing such retarded shit in the first place

dude brought himself into it when he asked in a public forum

Developers responding to troll posts or trying to be funny in general will always be in the wrong, check pic related for another example

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>"look mom it's my girlfriend"

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>make a game and market entire sections of the worldbuilding on hedonism being used and abused with no limit on what is acceptable
>act indignant when the perfect incarnation of your design ethos asks you a genuine question
CDPR is marketing the game on his exact question being a central part of the world itself. The very first thing they showed the world was centered on a sex worker (a whore).
They made their bed, they can lie in it.

The white incel. Seriously man fucking white dudes all horny and lonely just go outside and get sex instead of masturbating all the time.

That's not the developer, that's the person running the twitter for the western release.

Are you from a foreign country?


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Say what you like about the tenets of involuntary celibacy, at least it's an ethos.

GTA has sex and nudity and is mature

>Sex is not reasonable
Sissy virgin-eyed anons plz go



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what game?


Do you ever look at computers?

I'm ready for the trend of companies hiring smarmy, annoying, unprofessional millenials as their PR handlers so they can look all hip and youthful to end

Confirms piratefags are 14 year old Indians and HUES.

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Fuck you, you got my hopes up they changed the date again

Are you? The Dude is capitalized.

it already ended. Wendy's killed it in a single month by overdoing it.
CDPR are just behind the curve.
Its amazing how little people care about this game right now.

I didn't even know people get games that way, why megasync how does it work?

Nothing wrong with that.

At the end of the day companies are people.

CDPR has sold themselves as an "adult" studio that features nudity and sex, and they said CDPR2077 would be pushing boundaries and be tackling darker subjects.

His question was far-fetched and dumb, but it's not super weird that somebody would ask about such features going by CDPR's track record.

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CDPR responded in a rude manner but on the other hand this coomer shouldve realized cyberpunk is not honey select

That family looks very unhappy.

Me in the back

no, but they are run by people. And people are fallible.



You're right, but fully interactive? Really?

They do it because it creates threads like this one and helps market their game. Anything that creates controversy is good publicity.

>what are the god of war games

This is what bullying was for. It isn't to get kids to kill themselves, it was to let them know that what they are doing is shameful and they should hide it from the world. Ever since this anti-bullying BS we have genital mutilation, 74 genders, furries winning awards in their fucking costumes, and pedophiles saying we should accept them.
These fucks needed to be shoved into lockers and their heads dunked in toilets.

>Combat in games is interactive
>Dialogue in games (at least the good ones) is interactive
>Sex scenes are all passive

Implied sex is fine and so is dry humping hookers in gta according to the esrb. The version of SA with the hot coffee scene were either pulled or marked as AO.


>cyberpunk is not honey select
Which is a mistake.

This is what invents actually believe. Get some pussy and you will realize that sex is at the bottom of the fun list.

this fucking shit

piggy beta jerkoff wants to know if he can coom and a based social media agent treated him like the awkward autist he is

whole bunch of butthurt faggots here defending their online porn habits and inability to keep your autistic ideas in your mouthhole online

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>Pic looks like a 3d version of my sister's friend's mom

Good god

incredibly based

>t. virgin with an internalized bullying complex
It didn't sort you out now did it?

that philosophy died decades ago user.

Bruh this is virtual sex. There is no actual sex happening here. Keep fantasizing that you will actually have sex though.

>not just waiting for modders to go completely overboard with badly animated sex scenes
What a moran

Both. Grungy coom-brain for existing, official twitter for replying in any capacity to give him the remotest inkling of a platform.

"All publicity is good publicity" literally only applied to 70s-90s rockstars and mainly referred to people trying to tarnish their image by saying they're bad influence.

Outside of that specific situation, most publicity is bad publicity.

It's down there, somewhere. Let me take another look.

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t. never actually been gang-bullied
I half-agree but if that's what you think bullying is for ur a dummy
and then you append a bunch of extra stuff so anyone saying otherwise must be for all that shit, locking out criticism
u gay nigga