Hyped for a game months in advance

>hyped for a game months in advance
>it turns out to be shit
What's her name?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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your parents when you came out

DOOM Eternal

Dragon Marked for Death
GOD Inti Creates dropped the ball hard on that one. Especially since the game was like 13 years in the making.


warcraft 3 reforged
also this

Resident Evil 3

pokemon sword and shield

You fucking dumbasses have me brainwashed. I read this as "Tranny"

Breath of the Wild

Kingdom Hearts 3


Usagi > Sakura

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Death stranding



Mario and Princess Beach

every game for the last 10 years

Not a game, but still... 'the last airbender'. And it was more like a year of waiting too.

I'm still mad.

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Star fox zero.

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>Getting hyped ever.

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Xenoblade 2



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Never been so heart broken in my life up to this moment.

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Animal Crossing New Horizons
Way too many features from New Leak were cut
The game feels half assed


That's because you watch too much of tranny porn.

i feel like they're relying on updates

Also, at least it was better than 4

this is like saying water is wet

>trailer comes out
>makes the game look absolutely amazing
>loved MGS 1-3, easily my favorite games
>preorder MGSV
>play it
>story is shit and barely there
>gameplay is okay
>missions bleed together, open world is wildly pointless
>base management stuff feels meh
>amazing boss fights from previous games replaced with faceless enemies
Shit's a bummer. This and Dawn of War 3 have amazing trailers that the games couldn't measure up to.

Mafia 3


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Shit taste

seethe eternal


goty 2020


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Coping with what? Cool it with the buzzwords

I hope so
I'd be a bit less bummed if they announced a beefier update that isn't holiday centered

these are the splatoon devs after all, they probably wanna go that route to keep the game fresh

kek #metoo

I'm pretty sure I got hyped too many times throughout my youth during the last gen and by the time the wii u came out that was the nail in the coffin. Seriously fuck nintentdo, imagine getting rused that fucking hard. I swear. Now it's been so long that I can't really remember getting hyped for anything. I guess I'd like to see bannerlord be good, but I'm expecting it to be an unfinished mess shoveled out to consumers ahead of release to see little improvement over time.

J-Stars Victory VS

Sakura Kinomoto


I was caption of the FFXV defense force's 1st platoon up until it's release. I couldn't even get any sleep the day before it released.

I was devastated at how ungodly boring the game was.

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Twilight Princess

but honestly I was kinda in part of the same boat. I knew the game couldn't be polished or well-designed, and I knew it had development issues, but my brother pre-ordered it and a copy for me anyway. He played a few chapters, right up to before Titan, and then realized how boring it was and quit. I beat the game and all the DLC besides the monotonous not-Monster Hunter multiplayer, and then bought it for $30 on PC hoping the modding scene would really kick off. What a fool I was.

Mass Effect 2, 3, Andromeda
Dragon's Age 2, 3

I wonder if these have something in common.


Literally every game. Nothing is worth getting hyped over. The game will never meet your expectations. It's better to set your expectations so low that every once in a while a decent-ish game blows your (low) expectations out of the water.

Hype culture unironically ruins gaming.

Playstation All Stars. Instant regret once it arrived at my door. I had fun with the beta.

I felt the same way. I even bought the special edition. I still feel ripped off considering how long we waited.

all of them! just kidding I am never hyped anymore.

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Let me educate you newfriends, the way you reply to this is

That tech demo with the three legged creature dragging the corpse still makes me so fucking mad and depressed. EA is unforgivable.

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Not necessarily.
Plenty of games lived up to the hype.

Most recently, Atelier Ryza, Persona 5 Scramble (And P5 OG), DMC5, Three Houses, and A.I The Somnium Files all lived up to the hype, just to name a few of the top of my head. Personally.

Resident evil 6

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I see no point in being rude to him. a discussion can be had without name calling.

Based o nthe demos.

Trials of Mana
Bravely Default 2

Both massive disappointments in visuals and animations. Trials feels and plays janky and BD has some of the dullest looking characters.
