It was Geno's turn

It was Geno's turn...

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>It was every single videogame character's, that became into spirit or an outfit, turn


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Quit false flagging with your cringe ass wojaks

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ur equally as cringe nigger

Based genobro

That's not Mike Tyson.



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Dude keep yelling hyperbole in all caps


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Ok bros, let's discuss what Geno's moveset would be.
I'll start:
>Has timed hits, the whole gimmick of SMRPG's battle system
>Pressing A or B again with timing emits the same sound and graphic effect from the game, improving the attack's damage and knockback
>Uses the unarmed attacks for tilts, shooting his fists
>Fair and bair use the Hand Gun
>Jab uses the Finger Shot
>F-Smash uses the Double Punch
>Down Smash also uses it, but Geno crouches and shoots both of his arms to each side
>Up Smash is a headbutt similar to Mario/Luigi/Wario, but it has more range and no armor on the head.
>Neutral B is Geno Beam, takes a while to charge but behaves just like in SMRPG, you can charge it like Mewtwo's shadow ball and other similar projectiles. Pressing B before it gets shot makes Geno do a small hop. (The timed hit is glitched in the US version, being that you just had to press Y once right after the move starts iirc).
>Side B is Geno Whirl, the timing can let you do 30% instead of the usual 16%. You can control it's speed. In SMRPG you had to press Y as soon as the whirl left the screen, in Smash it'll be as soon as it hits the fighter.
>Down B is Geno Blast, which you can charge to add more beams. Shoots up to 5 beams of different colors, good for edgeguards and set ups kills.
>Up B is gonna be some made up shit that makes sense. One thing that's always iconic about SMRPG is how Mario "sends" away the Star Pieces up to the Star Road, so Geno will ride one of the seven star pieces at random, it'll act similar to Inkling's Up B.
>His pummel will do what Peach's pummel does, except Mallow will show up instead of Toad. Both Geno and Mallow will pummel you (doing the same damage as any normal pummel), Mallow will use his Froggy Stick. Don't think the Cymbals would work well as a pummel.
>Final Smash has both Geno and Mallow using their most powerful specials: Geno Flash and Star Rain. They'll briefly do their victory poses once the attack is done.

It sickens me that people would rather have pointless and unecessary characters like retarded Puppetmon, Luigi recolor, and some shitty rip-off of Wendy the Witch over characters people besides memers want like Tails, Eggman, Knuckles, Protoman, Megaman X, etc.


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What would be a good first party character be in Smash look like? Besides BWD or Marx of course.

I really like this concept where you can use a special move to gather the stars and then apply the powered up version to a different special. It feels like resource management and reflects on the rpg feel

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Got a link to that full moveset document? Been trying to find it.

unfortunately no. I didn't even know this was part of a set.

Well I just reverse image searched it and found more bits. Which I'll now post. Thanks for letting me know

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*Strikes fear into the hearts of Genofags*

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This fighter's arms can exteeeend!

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>All the sheer butthurt Max Brass will cause
Holy fuck I cannot wait. I want Minmin but Brass would literally erase Genofags from existance.

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The fact that someone made all these is kind of unsettling

Why's that?

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Last one is a title card. I think that's all the pieces

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Because it's for a fucking random spinoff character that would never be considered

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He's already been considered, stay mad

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I dunno. I just imagine the guy making it. It’s a level of dedication to his pipe dream that is concerning. Like he’s gonna snap when Geno doesn’t come out

yeah, how dare someone have passion.
why cant everyone just be hyper-cynical 24/7

>Sakurai taking a shit on genofags explaining that a costume is the best their gonna get

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Geno is making it in, he will be the Banjo of this pass.

This has to be bait. You can't possibly be this dumb. He literally said, "I wanted Geno to be a playable character."

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There’s a difference between passion and obsession

You know what's worse than a rosterfag?
A rosterfagging genofag, that's what.

If you're ever feeling down on yourself, cheer up because you're not THAT big of a faggot...


Don't tell me...
D-Don't tell me you actually
actually wanted geno in Smash!

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I wonder how fat you are.


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i fucking love and hate genofags

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The spring thing doesn't really make sense considering that, unarmed and with the Double Punch the arms always came back.

Yeah but I'd chalk that up to video game logic

>Quit false flagging with your cringe ass wojaks

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Ok but in 5 minutes i won’t be mad and you’ll still be retarded

>y-you're fat!
Do Genofags really?

Why yes I am an overweight person.

based and bloatpilled.

>the spirits deconfirm rule stays sealed
>but in exchange, we could have another fun and unique heavy and obnoxious genofags get infinetly BTFO

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Don't forget what happened to the last group of retards who acted this way towards a supposed "never-ever". Genobros have nothing to lose, you lot have EVERYTHING to lose if he gets in.

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"Banjobro" you're missing the point completely. I'm not a anything bro. The point is I haven't spent decades of my life on an autistic campaign to get some nostalgia-driven relic into a game that I hardly even play all just to say "I told you so!".

Whether you get your """"""""most-wanted""""""" or not changes absolutely nothing.
You are a bottom of the barrel, autism ridden, insufferable rosterfag that cannot be redeemed. Thankfully you've essentially removed yourself from the genepool seeing as how the chances of you reproducing are very, very low.

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>all this hatred and belitteling over someone who's a literal who
>they all do this en masse because the puppet in question is an easy target due to its unlikeness and it lowers the chances of them being BTFO
One thing is driving by and laughing and then there's being this fucking paranoid.

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>it doesn't matter if you get the character you want, you're still an autist
Banjo fans are just fine playing the character they rooted for

So which discord is raiding the rosterfag threads now? First the Stevefags kept spamming anti-Banjo shit, and now anti-Geno stuff is the new norm.

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are they just fine?
because it seems like they've got a huge chip on their shoulder based on the trials of tribulations they had to go through to get a cartoon bear into a video game.

Reminder that some Genofags have been asking for him since 64. That's 20+ years user. 20+ years of campaigning on every forum imaginable. 20+ years of disappointment. Whether Geno gets in or not, do you understand the amount of autism you have to have to meme a character like Geno into being a "popular pick"? It's really not healthy nor is it admirable. It's just downright pathetic.

>maybe if I compare geno to a completely different character I can pretend it's the same thing!
every fucking time with you genofags.

anyone else wants to be in the collage?