Who will fill the empty slots?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Human recolor or boring recolor
Something actually good

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Asian people for the alliance and cat people for the horde

Some kind of undead and worgen varient

Centaurs and Naga for my fetishes.

Ally is boring. I would choose Ogre or the bird people.

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There is the cat people for Alliance.

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Fuck that. Furries belong to the Horde now. Alliance dogs need not apply.

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ded gaem

Your mom, because she is so fat she doesnt fit on a single faction.

when are they adding the rest of the genders

being a tiger would be pretty based so I suspect it won't happen

San'layn looks cool
ogres never ever unfortunately

>Enters Boralus
>Computer has massive frame rates drops
>Crashes sometimes in that area
>No other area does this
>Wants Kul'Tiran allied race
This some fucking bullshit. Fuck my shit laptop. I want a job but I can't now because of the virus.

why would ally get sethrak? Seems more like a horde choice to me

>implying horde have good choices outside of vulpera
>Cow recolor
>Orc Recolor
>Literally night elves
>Troll recolor
This whole ally race shit is terrible. Except for Slutforged Draenei they make my peepee hard.

Attached: Slutforged Draenei.jpg (800x700, 94.87K)

upright trolls are pretty based

They are okay, druids are cool. Paladins are a fucking abominations and should be removed in favor of Warlocks.

You also have the Arakkoa who the bird people from Outland/Draenor.

Attached: arakkoa.jpg (4368x3240, 1.89M)


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based and birdpilled

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Thats the wrong kind of arakkoa

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There will be no more allied races and current ones will not get updated.

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Why does wow still have the out dated binary two gender system? Serious question.

it's funny saberon are forgotten, they have both anthro/taur versions just for extra furfag pandering, guess because it's a shit expansion

I miss the druid saberon form

>not monk

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>friends play on alliance
>meme gnomes
>generic humans
>erp elves of various shades
>yiff race
>mfw these "choices"
I guess dwarf is okay but its no orc, no undead, no troll. These choices are shit, but I don't want to be alone.

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Sucks bro, you could use fire dwarfs..

>just regular draenei with gay tattoos
>can't even have the best draenei skin-tone, the dark purple one
what's the point

Take the goat pill.

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troll gigachad monk is the best combo. You literally tower over manlet orcs

Is that a mod or is that an actual armor set?

>There will be no more allied races

based horsecock

>playing the futa race
>or worse, playing the dopy looking retarded male option

Some kind elf for
Some kind of UwU furry

>Two races are demon hunters
I'm glad that no other races have DH after Legion.

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>fire dorfs look cool
>have to level to 120 and rep grind to unlock the race I want
Allied races are a shit idea and a jew move by blizzard.

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>We will get these instead of Arakkoa to fluff the narrative team's (((vision)))
fucking sucks. they're too proud to give us Arakkoa because they're Dark Crystal ripoffs. Even though the owl race probably has shitty NuWoW lore.

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Who's the furry at Blizzard making these decisions?


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>playing nu wow
>playing wow after wotlk
lol, this IS zoomer the board

should i come back

Maybe in Shadowlands.

>Last four or so expansions have all built around the same core story
>without playing through at least legion (maybe warlords) to shadowlands you don't have much context for shit
>leveling makes no sense what so ever and the stories are all a fucking mess of timelines
>the new leveling won't fix that as you're still either going to be doing old content or skipping way too much by leveling in bfa
>wow needs to have a giant time skip or some other reset button in its story to clear away current plotlines and start "fresh"
Am I faggot for having this opinion?

>Half the Blizzard founders/now-execs had FurnNation pages as late as 2008
My favorite part is you can Wayback Machine most of them for the naysaying WoWbabbys claiming
>bro, blizzard was ALWAYS a super-serious fantasy company. they'd never bend to furshit!

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I just realize that Blizzard is repeating the same story again. Think about it.
>Tragic overpowered ladder that turn evil for some reason
>Tried to destroy both Horde and Alliance
>Escape to another land
>Help a bigger legend to take over the world.

I'm tempted to try Shadowlands but my PC is a retard when it comes to cities. Til then, try Classic. We're getting BC servers soon.

god i just want a thicc pandaren gf

>I just realize that Blizzard is repeating the same story again
They literally say that in the BFA storyline, How can you just realize something that Thrall literally spells out?

I'd put money down on a hard wow reset either post shadowlands or the expansion after that. Something to do with the void, I think they are literally going to blank slate everything and pull another cata in terms of story.

Reason why BFA's story was fucking garbage is because it's written by a woman. Same with Borderlands 3.

i play warrior and i have no friends i suspect im in for a shit time

I really wish pandarens and goblins were just a neutral race. Could add like taurans and draenei to it to flesh out the "we realy don't give a shit about this war guys"

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pls no

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Hoping one of them is Mogu.

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If you see an nec type with customisable armour sets you can probably guess what will be in.
Unique body type, their armour is part of their model, blizzard ain’t going to spend a lot of time reshaping 10000s of difference armour pieces to fit the orge.
I can see eredar potentially during the light is evil/yrel’s fanatical gangbang expansion

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Orcs and trolls are ERP meme races too

Here's your next Alliance allied race.

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Go dwarf, but gnomes can actually wrap back around to being cool again if you play them right. And discount the pandas all you want, but they're fun.