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Other urls found in this thread:



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Right winger turning on the demographic they used to gain power? That's typical, what else is new?

The left can't meme.

To be fair, ALL video games are created for kids/teens. Every single one. There’s not a single video game that was designed for adults (inb4 porn games) made by a professional company and I dare you to name a single one so I can tell you you’re wrong.

euro truck simulator

Spider solitaire

flight sim

Welp that aged like fine shit.

Well it's not hard to get a T rating and still get away with a lot of stuff so why are there M rated games.

Most games created today are something the creators themselves would like to play.

dwarf fortress

Right-wingers will get angry because you're wrong and will try to correct you, often with studies or scientific articles.

Left-wingers get angry because you exist, and the entire philosophy of leftists is to stomp out rivals in underhanded, violent ways.

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Reminder that Stonetoss is a Nazi.

that's factually incorrect, most games are shovelware

>video games

fuck off shmorky

To make the brainlets go:
>"I am not immature for playing videogames, see this letter right here? It says imma big boi"

Might be true, I just don't ever think about those games.

"opposing" when your position is "the status quo" could mean anything desu


who isn't these days

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But his political comic has nothing to do with video games.

A vast majority of scientists, doctors, etc. vote right-wing

And that's a good thing.

Uh, based?

What is Boulderdash even trying to say with this? That people are manchildren?

and his funniest comic is the american soldier telling the german soldier not to kill him since he only believes in 2 genders

Then so am I


"but is he really"
"so what?"

“The left can’t meme?” KEK! More like the left CAN meme!

>the left level
>meme music starts playing

How can one left meme so much?

laugh out loud out loud out loud

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you gonna cry?


I don't care, he is still a shit artist with a shitty webcomic.

Why do people keep posting this Nazi's comics? They're not even good.

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

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The vast majority of doctors and engineers are brainlets then, right wing and left wing does not exist, Donald Trump is just the same as Obama but un like Obama he is quirky and says retarded but funny stuff that make some people seethe and some kek but other than that they have done the exact same shit, I would say Trump os even worst since thanks to him racemixing is mandatory in the USA now

they piss people off

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It's not about the gains, it's about the memes we made along the way.




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>Source: My ass

>The vast majority of doctors and engineers are brainlets then
Surely this anonymous shitposter on a children's toy board would know better...

That's awesome!

Oh god.
This is wonderful.
Yas Forums is collectively so fucking dumb you guys don't even notice anymore.
Not a single person noticed.
This opens up so many possibilities.

That's why universities, hospital, law firms etc are all voting Democrat and there is a clear trend that the more educated you are the less republican you are, because they vote right wing.
Meanwhile rural and suburbans retards with nothing more than a GED are voting republican like crazy

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I ship them

its an edit

>The vast majority of doctors and engineers are brainlets then

Yep, I'm on Yas Forums

>self defeating arguments
games are for kids but I will reference this game explicitly made for adult nerds that most boomers wouldn't let their kids play but whatever critical thinking it's too hard for me since i decided about cutting my penis off. Most video game players have been adults since video games were a thing but people wanting to be contrarians on the anime website will tell them that video games as a whole are for kids and that they should be doing anything else as it's more mature and adult.

Not an argument

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How is a person born in the "wrong" body? Can you be born in the wrong country? As the wrong race?

"Wrong" implies choice. Is the roulette "wrong" when it lands on red and you wanted black?

>Right wing
Pick one

Take it or leave it, I agree that I am an immature but I at least realize that the government is just a big scheme to make us believe we can change it with our votes

Yes stupid people tend to be more comfortable with intellectuals while intellectuals tend to be annoyed by stupid people. This isn't rocket science

What, that it's an edit and it's reversed?
I haven't even seen the original, but I can tell it's

>going to a uni makes you smarter
The absolute state of brainlets.

this picture is fucking with my eyes something fierce

So if it's not for people below the age of 18, but not for adults either, then who's the targetted demographic?


>universities, hospital, law firms etc are all voting Democrat
How does a hospital vote?

Rapelay for the Atari Jaguar.

>people used blue hair "then"

Are conservatives the "hello fellow kids" soulless suits of the comic industry? Holy shit.

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Republicans have a median IQ of 102 and Democrats 97.

this is upsetting mostly because that's not even close to the correct usage of lumpenprole

>Grandparents had 12 kids. Every Christmas, we're absolutely swarming with aunts, uncles and cousins.
>3/4s of the family is liberal.
>The rest are conservative.
>The only people who start shit are the conservatives who literally can never shut the fuck up about how the decline of religion and liberal agendas ruined everything.
Every damn year since the clown got elected, fucking reverse snowflakes.

He's not even trying anymore

Getting into debt for a worthless piece of paper is what smart people do user.

>born in the wrong body
that statement makes no sense.

it's like saying you were born with the wrong race. what? if you were born as anything else, you wouldn't be "you" any more.

is trannyism a terminal case of FOMO? a feeling of entitlement that you your life "should" be a certain way even though even if you never actually experienced the way it "should" be, meaning you're full of shit? It's like me saying I should've been born in a duck's body. I've never been in a duck's body, so how the fuck would I know if I "should" be?

I miss him bros...

Coincidentally, no rocket scientists are liberals

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The only good conservative is a dead conservative.

wouldnt it be weird if politically correct SJW types were actually nazis infiltrating to overthrow the West? think about it nazis would be cheering for White replacement in Western countries right now, kind of like SJWs are

>that huge adam's apple


This will trigger the Yas Forumscels

Poor people and extremely rich people overwhelming vote democrat. Middle and upper middle class people vote republican.

All entertainment is made for kids, except movies and series sometimes when they actually criticize and bring to the table clever ideas but I can count those with my hand fingers.

In other words any person worshipping and wasting their money in something unproductive that is made just so you kill time with it is childish, and yes 90% of humanity is childish including myself, the less whites there are the bigger the entertainment industry become.

>mineral yeet

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I noticed ur a faget lol

This isnt really enough user. You need to add a bit about how your Trump-voting uncle tackled a refugee with the intent to rape her, but thanks to you and the interference of your mom's black boyfriend you were able to throw him off until the police arrived, who were an eskimo and mexican respectively.

Just because they buy into mainstream politics doesn't necessarily mean they're sub-100 IQ retards. Smart people can still be duped, especially when they're taught from a young age that this is the best political system that has ever existed.

I am lying and not convincing anyone but if i lie a lot to myself maybe i'll feel better about having no pp.

do it fagget

Everybody noticed it's an edit, nobody gives a fuck


Attached: left arm.jpg (186x270, 8.24K)

Mommy milking simulator 2000?

>stupid people
>oh no i am more smart because i am liberal.

shut up faggot.

Stonetoss isn’t funny

Ah yes, I remember when we stole women from their homelands and enslaved them. I remember when they were hosed down for protesting for their rights. I remember them being killed by dirty cops.
Stonetoss is a fucking Californian who worked on My Little Pony who has no experience with the world. He just draws shitty storyboards and seethes about the appearance of the people he works with.


Silent Hill 2 seems like a game most kids and some adults wouldn't be able to appreciate


>Buy high, sell low! Repeat until you are rich!

I'm glad he knew when to stop. It's always better to end on a high note after masterpieces such as this.


lol get mad faggot retard

>the day Yas Forums became pink

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Modern IQ tests put literal autist losers as the smartest people alive

I do not believe you

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that trial was peak Yas Forums

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Yes, liberals are more smart. Being liberal is the intelligent, correct position. Politics aren't an opinion, you're either right about the correct way humanity and the government should act or you're wrong

Actually hot

Man, shmorky really lost his fucking mind.

Yes, its not the 90's anymore.
The retards trying to twist,bullshit, and ignore science isn't the rightwing anymore.
Soon it'll switch back to being that way.

No one in this thread cares about video games


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lol why trannies drawthemselves like prettygirls when they are totally ugly shits.

Actually, this really made me think. Thanks, user.

no you wont

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Don't forget how the police immediately shot his mother's black boyfriend for Walking While Black™ and that this never would have happened if only the police were allowed guns.

why, what's wrong with it?

generalizing a whole race pretty racist rabbi

pretty based

Do it

everyone hates "gamers"

Black people wouldn't be in the US to the degree they are without slavery, retard.

>often with studies or scientific articles.
This came out of a trumpanzee's mouth, unironically. No administration in history has done more to destroy the environment and impede scientific research than right now. Then the inbred hillbilly cockmutants have the brass balls to spout garbage like this.


Not so fast!

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Prior to this both police revealed they were wearing Mexicanface and Eskimoface to try and get away with their black-killing spree.

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If college people are so smart, why don't they use their knowledge to pay back their debt with their huge income?

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>noooo how dare people i deem inferior be smarter than me and more likely to contribute to the science, medicine and technology that makes my mediocre existence comfortable!

neither of these matter because they're still in my hand

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Raigeki destroys monsters on the field. Doesn’t do shit for monsters in the hand, which Exodia pieces always are.

>stonetoss is a member of a defunct 1930s german poltical party

I wish I was a perfectly-toned flawless-skinned anime protagonist too, but we don't always get the things we want now do we?

My family is literally the opposite


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There's definitely trends in how people vote

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>Le identity politics
How American can you be?

I'm guessing this impotent magalard fanfiction keeps going for a few more posts. I guess that's how the fatties placate their anxiety, jerking each other off.

Is this where Yas Forums turns on stonetoss?

>Right-winger knows nothing about communism
imagine my shock

Demon's Souls

Does he think people don't have jobs?

I'm not sure that it's specifically made for them, but it seems that everyone that plays fighting games is in their 20s or 30s.

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Bejeweled is made for middle-aged mothers.

>you are born gay
>but you can also be born the wrong gender somehow

>Thousands of square miles of corn doesn't commit crimes

I miss when people made off topic Whomp threads instead of off topic Stonetoss threads.

They don't have a huge income. That's the problem. Wages are down across the board.

>Source: RT.com
Tell your supervisor to send better people, you're garbage at this.

This is one of those things where you just take a population density map and act like it means something innit

>vermont and maine
>lower crime rates
shiggy diggy

God dammit I was too late!

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>Stonetoss is a fucking Californian who worked on My Little Pony
Care to elaborate?

But I'm independent. Where's my representation?

What actually fucking happened to Bizonacci

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The fuck is a lumpyrole


Imagine thinking like this unironically.

So why do they keep voting for people to increase the labor supply with their open boarders philosophy?

Isn't most of the left's base 73 IQ spics and nigs? Which is why they're so worried about how many niggers support him now?

lol that reminds me of that time redditors got asshurt at this comic and edited it so it "wasnt racist"

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Imagine what it would be if Yas Forums wasn't dragging the average way down

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implying i didn't post them all
also, for jannies, implying i won't immediately ban dodge and do it again

The source is a scientific journal.



Democrats simply aren't smarter than Republicans on average. Therefore, most intelligent people voted for Trump.

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May not be a Californian, but likely worked on the show or at the very least is a massive fan. There was an /mlp/ thread mocking a screencap of the show and asking if he storyboarded it. It looked just like how he draws. He capped the thread and put it on Twitter within minutes. Additionally, he never retweeted anything about the show prior to the last two seasons being negatively received by people on the right due to perceived SJW stuff.

why are lefties STILL trying to influence Yas Forums culture? why do they still come here? they will never win and have had no success in over half a decade of endless shilling, astroturfing and discord/resetera/neofag raids.

pathetic. the left truly can't meme.

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Now ask "how comfortable would you be with having a person of a different religion as your roommate?"

Most small business owners and entrepreneurs are Republican though

Autistic people like Newton and Tesla used to drive innovation in the world instead of competing for the fastest time in Super Mario 64 any% speedruns and who can chop their dick off the fastest.


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You tell em comrade!

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yeah and old people with a lot of money are republicans meanwhile poorfaggots that dont work are democrats, colour me surprise

Me :^)

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That's because the heyday of fighting games was over 20 years ago. Daigo launched his competitive career in Darkstalkers after all, a series that hasn't been relevant since 1997.

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Pick a better major then.
Smart people should look at job markets
Should have gone into physical therapy instead of communications

>Movie, something that is meant primarily as entertainment obviously can't influence people to be violent!
>That means a group of anti-social psychopaths who think that society is against them and want revenge talking and seething constantly can't influence people to be violent either!

>everyone who doesn't toe the line 100% is a nazi

Attached: contemplative jazz.gif (500x418, 956.8K)

Im glad white people are dying out :)

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>the smartest people are virgins that do not reproduce and so leave the world to the brainlets that will destroy everything

>Words words words words
>Even goes outside the fucking bubble

WAHEY! it's been too long

Me too, but only because I enjoy seeing niggers and spics live in squalor and will laugh from beyond the grave when the chinks take over this planet.

why does he have two arrows on his face pointing to his mouth?

who's the retarded little boy supposed to be?

Attached: x4.jpg (794x1200, 667.78K)

But who decides what intolerance is and who fascist are?

Radicals can't meme, regardless of their political side.
When your brain get the far, the sense of humor is the first to go.

its just a picture of a frog

More densely populated areas = more 13%ers

more 13%ers = more crime

Attached: racial crime stats.png (1537x769, 81.75K)

>Democrats simply aren't smarter than Republicans on average. Therefore, most intelligent people voted for Trump.
The paper is from 2014.

Yes, the OP's image DOES in fact say "Based on Stonetoss.com"

>college educated also leaned red

b-but...muh dumb trump supporters..

expecting 18 year olds to be able to predict a job market 4-5 years later is kind of insane. It's one thing to not get a women's studies degree but it's another thing to expect every student to be an oracle



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I swear I saw the reddit-edit of this posted like last year. Someone needs to post it.

You aren't allowed to post unironic nazi incel comics here, fuck off.

>trailer trash braking intensifies

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