Predator Hunting Grounds

Not good, not bad.

Has pretty good vibe. Might play it longer for shits and giggles but performance is pretty bad.

Attached: mercenary vs predator.jpg (1682x1440, 1.3M)

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Attached: tfw predator ass.png (655x795, 922.43K)

it's bad

Shit game. Just give me another Concrete Jungle already.

>ended a game playing as Pred in less than 3 minutes with netgun and combistick

Nice to see the meta has already been found a month before the game is even out lmao

It legitly isn't.

Singleplayer Predator game could be near. Honestly, lot of the times this game made me think about just installing AvP99.

The performance is legit bad, though. Constant shitty framerate despite resolution and gets significantly worse when looking at certain directions, which is kinda telling that the CPU is bottlenecking it. Too bad I'm running it with a 3700x, which has had no real trouble with any other modern game so far.

Attached: predator hunting grounds main menu.jpg (1510x1080, 779.38K)

it's shit

make this a waifu coomer thread right now otherwise your shilling will be in vain

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Symmetrical comptetitive is the most boring shit ever. There's a reason why arena shooters are dead and games like counter strike are alive only with the power of normies and their "oh wow, cool gun!" -level of understanding vidya.

World could use more of official female Predators. And why not males too.

Attached: female yautja bust.jpg (899x1920, 340.67K)

you just know

I like it, and appreciate that is has a lot of back and forth and multiple win conditions. Winning a match by self destructing and killing everyone is pretty satisfying.

Game is janky but fun, will buy next month with Trumpbux

Anyone got any good predator tips? Im getting fucked up by fireteams

Combistick is godtier


Hit and run, don't engage in melee unless they are by themselves. You don't have to immediately kill everyone, just slowing them down and causing confusion can go a long way towards winning.

i hope this game brings predator femdom, specially amazon and amazon press content.

Net gun and combistick will win you literally every game.

Net one or two, combi the others. Boom, win.

do nothing for a couple of minutes to build tension and then attack

Maybe not nothing but don't be overly aggressive. Hid in the trees close enough where they can hear you, or take a pot shot with the plasma caster. You want them to stop and waste time looking for you.

ill literally destroy the shit out of first person shooters casuals

I just had two games in a row where the fireteam kills me and does the handshake from the first movie over my corpse

It seriously could use a text chat option.
Also, couldn't find PC keybindings?

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How the fuck do you even play as predator? All i can pick is a preference, and I still up being firemen and I've never had the chance to play it once in a couple of hours.

Lots of people want to be Predator, so if everyone chooses that as their preference you have a one in five chance of getting it.

I just run quickplay and it keeps throwing me as predator. Gotten two matches as soldiers. First match we ran through the objectives, keeping the Predator at bay and then ganked it at the exfiltration site. Second time it was just three players, and the other guy was a total retard. Went to check on him and got picked by the predator on the way, with one plasma shot doing over 100 damage for whatever reason.

>How the fuck do you even play as predator?
>how to win
1. not being retarded
2. finding an easy strat
3. practicing

imo people who demand a lot of themselves will tend to play predator while people who dont will play fireteam
so skilled cunts will learn and play predator while casual dudes will be more likely to play ft

Plasma Caster needs to be fucking buffed. It feels like im shooting potatoes

Pred's staff is op, Pred's net is op
Pred movements on the branches and while climbing are retarded
Pred attack moves are clunky as fuck, if they want to have a very slow lunge at least make them more agile
Mercs first sniper has terrible aim at anything moving
The tagging is retarded long and also works on fully cloaked preds
NPCs have no fucking health and deal shit damage
Missions are either too short or too long
Pred has no way to know which mission to go for to set ambushes

Jesus she's tall...

>not reading the whole thing
>talking about being a retard
No, user, you are the tard

nevermind i didnt think the matchmaking system would be like that, hopefully it changes with time

can someone give me a quick rundown of the game?
like I know it's a 4v1 soldier vs predator, but looking at some gameplay footage, there seems to be NPCs and shit, and it doesn't look like your objective is to kill the predator, or is it?

As the fireteam you have two ways of winning.
1. Killing the Predator and recovering it's body
2. Completing your actual mission. This normally involves fighting through some gooks and gathering items at different points on the map.

The Predator just wants you dead, and him attacking you while you are dealing with the zipperheads makes for some hectic firefights.


Yeah, she could probably break bones with that pelvis.

Open jungle level. Soldiers complete couple missions and try to get to the chopper. Predator tries to stop them. If Predator is killed, the soldiers get a new mission to guard the body from waves of NPC enemies. If soldiers are killed, the remaining soldiers can attempt to do a reinforcements-mission to spawn them back on the level. Some additional variation.

Attached: predator.jpg (2560x1440, 1.53M)

Fireteam of 4 human players vs 1 predator player. Human players have randomly themed objectives, like "take out these drug dealers" to "hack this intelligence" to "find this counterfeit money" etc, and the NPCs you deal with are guerllia fighters and illegal shits. They can trigger alarms which send in reinforcements. There are also armored PMC mooks who are tougher to kill. The NPCs rarely pose a threat, its the fact that you are dealing with them + the Predator which makes it crazy.

She looks like she abducts and rapes human males.

I did a combination of all of this and absolutely btfo some shitty fireteam, thanks guys

Do you think female predators ever steal human seed?

She's a big Predator

Maybe, if they want samples of our autism.


I mean they do desire human autism in that one movie

Exactly. I can't believe that shit got through the producers.

Writefags pls

In the """"""lore"""""" a predator would take a survivor as a lover, at least temporarily.

Though the odds of both parties surviving as opposed to one killing the other, is incredibly slim, and then on top of that both parties being opposite gender is very slim.

imagine the pelvis shattering sex

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What """""""lore""""""" are you referring to? I wanna read.

is there hot official art of big booty female predators taking nerdy male lovers?

This game looks so good
Imagine playing predator with this as background music

that's cool, but im not a big fan of this game beign an exclusive

It's PC and PS4.

so it's coming to PC too? that's rad

I've been playing this beta on PC all weekend.

I'm incredibly disappointed by it. It looks like shit, the AI is braindead, and it just has no variety in how you can play. It's total shit.


Attached: commission___female_predator_by_ronniesolano_dbp08xt-fullview.jpg (1024x1449, 229.84K)

What do female Predators smell like?

sweat and alien ritualistic inscense

Post more female Predator pls

Thanks to the female predator every one of these threads turns into a coomer thread.


What nerdy male would triumph against a predator?

The worst part is this developer never balances their game, so what you get in beta is pretty much the final product.

I'm convinced IllFonic hates movies and video games.

can you have any more dogshit taste in music
i swear to god zoomers are trash

salty milk and coins.

Didn't the newest movie have the predators looking for literal autism samples?

I like this game a lot
Protip: if you want to dunk on retards as a Predator, go with netgun+combistick. Net two dudes (nets last fairly long) and combistick the others.

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heh yeah, it was such a fucking bad movie

>literal autism samples?

Are you talking about the movie where a kid has super powers because of autism?

its tastefull because it fits with the mood of the gameplay, also enlighten you big cuck, whats good taste in music for you?

It looks like shit and run like shit. It has potential but it needed another year of dev time to flesh it out and tidy things up. Being on EGS osn't helping it either.

Reminder that the devs of this game made Friday the 13th, a notoriously broken and janky ripoff of Dead by Daylight that was abandoned because of licensing issues, forcing them to move over to development on this game, which will probably ALSO run into licensing issues now that Disney owns the Predator license.
Its always going to be a janky mess. They released it on Epic because they knew it wouldn't sell well because of its jank, so it makes more economical sense to take the payment up front.