Are there any games that teach Japanese?

Are there any games that teach Japanese?

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I think I saw some old DS game aimed at teaching foreign languages

Wondering this too

preferably on 3DS. aniki on my PC is useless for my brain


Hiragana Pixel Party, the sound track is 1 whole song but if you can beat the game, you will know how to read Hiragana and Katakana. After that you're on your own.

Go! Go! Nippon!
But you need some basics first


There's like 3 or 4 rpg maker games on steam that I can think of right now that do

Learning hiragana and katana is like 1 billionth of the effort it takes to learn Japanese.

Just git fuckin gud
You can't learn a language, especially this one, without years of consistent effort
If you can't do it without gamifying it you'll never make it
That's not to say you can't be having fun. 90% of your effort should be consuming and studying content
So on that note, play any game in Japanese, that game will be teaching you Japanese

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Just play games in Japanese. Start with kids' games and work your way up.


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I fail to come up with anything really remedial. Anything with furigana will go down easier in general. That's DQ, Ni no Kuni 1, Zelda and some other stuff.

Would pokemon emerald be a decent choice?

the only way is to burn it in your brain and muscles

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Start learning japanese by traditional means and the when you feel the most basics of grasps on the language start playing japanese games for kids or something like that

This. Actually, if you're a bitch who doesn't realize that literally everything worthwhile in life takes a fuckton of effort, learning Japanese is a good gateway to it.

This, i'm also curious. What are some beginner friendly games?

Nice way to take the fun out of things

Nothing is beginner friendly, not even things like Dragon Quest. You'll have to grind a lot for comprehension for a long time.

>All the “just git gud” fags
K we get you’re badass

What about Stop trying to be pedantic, if you don’t know they go to some other thread

>You'll have to grind a lot for comprehension for a long time
that's the point of playing dare i say it? beginner friendly? games that use simplistic language. stop being such a faggot

To be honest, it'll take you 6 months before you have enough basic knowledge that you won't want to pull your hair out. Get a textbook and go through it. Find some audio as well so you can get used to listening.

What about after 6 months user
That’s what this thread is for
What’s a good game to play when you finished tae kim, and been drilling Anki for 6 months?

Imagine a Pokemon game where each Pokemon is a kanji

japanese is really not that hard to learn, user. despite what white people will tell you, it is probably fundamentally easier than english.

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I wouldn't say it's a beginner's game, but any Yakuza series game helps. Everything is in japanese, barring the chat boxes. If you have any idea of anything, you can start reading, or listening to the conversations, and so on.

Sounds interesting, but wouldn’t there be too much slang?
There’s way too many contractions to keep track of already

It really isn't user, just pick up the radicals and you basically know every kanji. It's just remembering the combinations that make them that gets tricky.

There has to be a romhack of this somewhere

Honestly baby shit like Pokémon, Animal Crossing, or Dragon Quest.


Not the language, as far as I know, but definitely the alphabet(s).

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Anki is better and free

Knowing radicals doesnt mean shit.

Kingdom Hearts is pretty easy. The cutscenes are really easy to follow and abilities are explained fairly simply.

But he’s right. You gotta know 1000 words to have 75% comprehension. And you wanna know what that feels like? That means 1 in 4 words in a passage are unknown. For example:

> A ¥¥¥¥¥ late-March ¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥ with numerous store ¥¥¥¥¥ helped keep Tokyo ¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥ Sunday, day two of a ¥¥¥¥¥¥ weekend in the city's ¥¥¥¥¥ to ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ the ¥¥¥¥¥¥ of COVID-19. With snow ¥¥¥¥¥¥ across the Kanto region from morning ¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥ noon, an ¥¥¥¥¥ ...

The average Japanese kid, who games like DQ and Pokemon are designed for has a vocabulary of 6000 to 10000 words. Mist native speakers know roughly 20,000+ words, with college graduates know about 40,000. This is true for any language, oh, and it’s not accounting for grammar and grammar structures.

>learned some basic japanese conversation skills
>can barely read any kanji
>only ever use it to impress tourists
kill me bros

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what does that say, i can't read japanese

Is signing up for HelloTalk worthwhile?
I've been meaning to sign up for it for weeks but I don't have the requisite self-esteem to use a picture of myself

>after 6 months
Then you wanna install Yomichan, sit down, watch Pokemon with Jsubs, and mine a deck of vocabulary sentences or whatever every day till you hit 2000 cards. You wanna shoot for 20 new cards a day, but you should watch for way longer than the time to get cards. 1:3 ratio. 1 being your study time, and 3 being the time you spend just absorbing content.

Also, you should watch way mire than just Pokemon. But kid friendly shows like Pokemon, Yokai Watch, and One Piece have easier vocab than say Konosuba.

Once you hit 2000 cards, you’ll have a vocab of about 3000 words (more actually thanks to passive learning), and then you can move onto more difficult stuff like reading books, wiki articles, the news, etc... as well as more difficult shows, and you can start switching to making monolingual cards with a Japanese dictionary rather than a Bilingual one. You keep that up for 3000 more cards, and that will take you to N2 level.

You don’t need to, and most girls on there don’t, as the app has been flooded with thirsty betas trying to use it as a dating app.

Thanks, that’s really helpful
Time to watch Precure!


Just look up Mass Immersion Method and read up on his stuff.

Also, check out /dtj/ and look up how to set up yomichan and shit to make audio cards out of anime.

Do not check out /djt/.

You just need a picture, it doesn't have to be of you. I used a picture of my dog and still got people commenting and correcting my posts within a few minutes.

Do check out dtj, and pester them by annoying them by posting with proper capitalization and punctuation. It makes those little retards sperg out for some reason.

Thanks user, I might actually sign up for it.
I got worried because their FAQ said no one will reply to you unless you have a good picture of yourself.

>needing videogames to get started with a language
learn the regular way, then after you know your basic stuff play some easy to understand games, like Animal Crossing or Pokemon

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Yeah go for it.
You should be writing moments if you want people to reply. Use the "Correct me" tag and ask a question at the end to try and get a conversation going. I think the issue is people just treat it as a dating app and message qt girls in English which is why they don't get replies.

I never got that, why do they dislike capitalization? I only see it in those threads

Autism mixed with elitism.

>go to /djt/
>some autistic Pole calls me retarded because I said Anki defaults to a Chinese font and insisted that such thing as a Chinese font

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That's some cool art, user

It's a general thread numbering in the thousands. There's a 100% chance of pure distilled autism for anyone frequently posting there.

If you wanna switch that btw, just change the font from Aerial to one of the Japanese ones in the stylings.

>pick up the alphabet and you basically know every word. It's just remembering the combinations that make them that gets tricky.

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