What do we put in for the 2020 spot?
What do we put in for the 2020 spot?
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Looks like Men ruined Video Games starting 2018
I can be a girl gamer too
But that never happened? Even if they said so, they didn't buy anything.
Wait a few more months. I'm sure corona will bring something up that we can put in there.
It's the only reason wokeshit got any kind of notoriety.
A wall of zalgo
And it was instantly clear that all wokeshit flopped.
I saw this happen and it was the most anger inducing thing I've felt about video games.
Dunno about 2016, but I saw it happen during the Sword/Shield shitstorm with posted pics and everything like 3 times I think.
>"I don't even own a Switch but I bought Shield to piss off the entitled manchildren!"
*coof coof*
and do you think they actually did?
I remember the rest but I never heard of this happening. Story?
2020 - We don't use the term "Fun" around here
sword/shield is literally the top selling pokemon game, most copies sold of any mainline game, so you tell me
girls only play Zelda and League of Legends
Something about OnlyFans
we got monkey pawned, didnt we?
>with posted pics and everything
something something animal crossing
I hope we can get back to "lol look at the loser and his videogames"
what a waste of trips
>what a waste of trips
2020 - "Not all girl gamers are female!"
i didnt choose to get trips, it just happened, im sorry.
"have sex"
I don't know whether to be happy or sad that this is the 2020 pick
>1995: Girls can’t play video games!
>1996: Girls can’t play video games!
>1997: Girls can’t play video games!
>1998: Girls can’t play video games!
>1999: Girls can’t play video games!
>2000: Girls can’t play video games!
>2001: Girls can’t play video games!
>2002: Girls can’t play video games!
>2003: Girls can’t play video games!
>2004: Girls can’t play video games!
>2005: Girls can’t play video games!
>2006: Why can’t I find a woman with the same interests as me?
>2007: That girl’s playing a video game? Whatever, she’s probably faking for attention.
>2008: She probably only plays casual games.
>2009: She plays the same games as I do, but she’s not good at them.
>2010: Girls won’t fuck me because they don’t like video games. I will put a stop to this horrible lie that they play games, because otherwise that would mean they just don’t like me.
>2011: Women want to change all the video games and make them worse!
>2012: Video games must actively exclude women and any games that don’t must be shunned.
>2013: I heard a woman complaining that she was raped! What’s she whining about? She should be grateful somebody wanted to have sex with her that much! Some people wait a lifetime for that. I bet it’s a plan to take away my video games!
>2014: Now women are pretending to MAKE games? All the good games were made by men, like Robert Williams! I need to do something about this.
>2015: A person’s home address is public record. I’m not responsible for harassment just because someone else used that information to swat you. It was probably a SJW false flag.
>2016: I will elect this fascist just to trigger feminists.
>2017: Video games need to exclude minorities at all costs. I’m not racist, I just care very deeply about historical accuracy!
>2018: Donate to my Patreon so I can make videos in my car about how SJWs are destroying Western civilization.
t. mad beta cuck
we got another 9 months to figure that out, baby.
biased and bluepilled
Unironically everything in this picture is true. FUCK WOMEN AND ESPECIALLY FUCK SIMPS
Ignore Roasties, Worship Cunny
Same as it ever was.
t. simp
We basically are. Everyone who still plays video games in modern times is an absolute fag.
Also just let that fucking pic die already
We have to go back to "Fuck you poor incels, games were always for children anyway" first, it's probably 3 or 4 years away. They never really stopped seeing it as a pathetic use of time, they'll be honest again eventually.
still too early. should ask again by the end of the year.
So was this what 2015 on OP's list was referring to, or does it cut off at 2015 precisely because that's the one that summarises the tldr?
>inconsistent font for the speech marks
Something about trannies
2015 is true tho
>I cant possibly be responsible for my misery, it must by the other!
>what do you mean I have to stay indoors and play videogames?
once the economy dies all the pretenders can fuck off forever
people still clinging on to retarded internet warfare.
Honestly who's the real simp? You're the one putting pussy on a pedestal if you think a small handful of attention seeking whore playing vidya is somehow "ruining video games". The actual Chad thing to do is just ignore them.
>bullying is not okay unless we do it
who the fuck wants their gf to have the same interests as them?
Absolutely simmering, seething, smoldering with a bubbling, boiling, blistering neurotic rage.
You don't get it. The chart isn't about truths, facts or people doing what they say, it's a list of the highest visibility sentiments attributed to women or their influence concerning videogames.
The joke of that pic is that the rant is being presented as if said by the woman
>simping for females
Yikeserino broseph!
this should be 2019
I like that. Full circle
A million times better than a furry getting it
all women are whores
beyond the realm of possible basedness
>2016: I will elect this fascist just to trigger feminists.
And it's still going!
born to shit
forced to wipe
oh great this stupid bullshit
The only hobby women have is getting abortions
Based desu
Everyone knows user.
that's just stupid