What's wrong with multiplayer games Yas Forums? Do you not have any friends to play with?
What's wrong with multiplayer games Yas Forums? Do you not have any friends to play with?
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If you need friends to make it fun, then it's not fun
Incredible logic
The thing with trying to make game co-op is that you have to always play with another person to have fun. I'm going to use Rocket League for example. The matchmaking in that game is old and pretty basic, so soloqueing is often a terrible time. But if you play with friends that are consistent and around your skill level you will probably have a good time. But then you have to always be playing with your friends in order to have a good time, which in the end is it really the game you're having fun with or just spending time with your buds?
Tl;dr games don't cater enough to solo players and designing a game to be only viable with friends is bad game design.
It’s not so bad once you get better, I solo queued to GC in 3s. A big part of it is reading your teammates playstyles and being able to adapt to them. I play 2s with friends though as you need them to be a bit more predictable.
It's correct, everything can be fun with friends
This just in - all sports not actually fun
or board games
or any tabletop games
DnD confirmed not fun
hot off the press all leisure activities that require more than one person now is not fun
sex officially not fun
thank god a guy on Yas Forums figured this out for us
Nothing, I love multiplayer games. Halo, Gears, Lost Planet 2 and Resident Evil 5 for example were some of my favorite gaming experiences ever.
>Zoomer League
>Zoomer Strike
>Zoomerunknown's Zoomergrounds
>Zoomer 2
>Escape From Zoomer
>Call of Duty Modern Zoomer
>League of Zoomers
>Do you not have any friends to play with?
no, I do not have any friends but I still play multiplayer games
>designing a game to be only viable with friends is bad game design
So is designing a game to be only viable alone, with that logic.
I think overwatch, pubg, maybe dota 2 maybe rocket league apply to that
zoomers don't know what the fuck counter strike or dota is that shit is anciet history
FPBP. I unironically enjoy playing League of Legends, I've hit 10 years of playing now but sometimes playing these kinds of games with friends can end up being less fun than playing them solo
Because doing well in 90% of multiplayer games usually involve playing in a really boring, cheesy manner that completely sucks the fun out of every single match that you're in.
For example, if you want a semi decent KD ratio in Call of Duty then you have no choice but to play like a gigantic fucking pussy.
I'm a "zoomer" and my favourite games are dota and CS:GO
I play Fortnite a lot...
Incoming insults...
I love solos, I have put in a lot of practice and i'm very good at it
But every time I log on my friends and family spam me with invites and get mad when I don't wanna play
But they fucking suck so bad like holy shit its literally rage inducing how shit they are, and I am consistently carrying, like every fucking game and its super unenjoyable but i have to just pretend im having fun and not dying inside
i dont know why i'm posting this i just feel like its relevant to the thread
LMAO @ the incel who's never had sex.
It's like creating a variety show with static characters instead of creating an actual story with a narrative and dynamic characters - they exist for different purposes but a good movie or series is much more of an achievement than a good variety show.
In multiplayer-only games you don't want to touch the lore too much and keep all the characters and history as static as possible they all seem fun to play - or better yet just have no story and no characters, even better. It's basically a blank canvas where you have the rules of play and the vehicle for competition (cars, guns, spells, whatever) and you just let the player make the game themselves by playing it.
Multiplayer games are great, variety shows are great, but it's just not as impressive as a really good narrative work of art single-player experience.
Those games suck compared to modern MP games.
Not even close to true - you're just not good at them. Watch the pros, they are constantly moving and active. Not just in CoD in everygame, being decisive and confident is the way to go in most multiplayer games. When you get to the higher ranks of dota, lol, cs, and especially rocket league the speed of play increases, not decreases. You want to apply pressure to make the enemy make more mistakes.
I'm sure theres tons of zoomers who enjoy older IP's, but it's the exception not the rule.
probably easiest way to find gaming buddies experience tells
no chance
>rocket league
I'd recommend moving to a game that has a more established semi-professional enviornment, something past the ranked system. For example in cs, lol, dota2, rocketleague, etc you can play casual if you wana be casual, or you can play ranked right, but what's after that? You start entering amateur tournaments, get a team, have weekly practices, watch demos of your old games, start improving on really small details of play - that's the next step beyond ranked.
Try to get that way with Fortnite so you don't care about your ranked or usual games, make it to were the real games you carry about are with your real team, in a tourney, or in during a league season, that way ranked becomes the casual mode to you and you can have fun with your friends and not care about ranked
You don't know what you're talking about. Call of Duty severely punishes agressive gameplay. The TTK is ridiculously fast and the maps have far too many vantage points and open areas where you can be shot from.
Unless you have god tier reaction time or an amazing ping, it's pretty much impossible to do well consistently by rushing.
>Call of Duty has "ridiculously" fast TTK
Come back when you've played more FPSs, CoD aint shit in the TTK department compared to more competitive shooters. Also, again, go watch the pros - they play very aggressively. It just sounds like you only play CoD man, and not at a high level.
High level rocket league is so fast and intense that I need a break after some overtime matches
Here's a video of actual professional CoD teams on Modern Warfare - They have people running fucking everywhere
Umm.... no. REAL competitive shooters usually have a really slow TTK. Since slow TTK forces you to remain on target and keep your aim steady for much longer periods of time. It also gives you a chance to react if someone shoots you while you have your back turned.
Fast TTK turns pretty much every gunfight into a coin toss and places pretty much zero emphasis on things like accuracy and strafing.
I don't like FPS games on console and I haven't had a gaming PC in years. I play Rocket League.
So only the most vanilla of multiplayer titles for you sir very good very good
A vast majority of the people that I have encountered while playing NA pubg randoms for 3000 something hours have been men over the age of 25, many of whom either are from the southern us, smoke a lot of weed, or both.
Idk maybe some game dev like to nickel and dime us
look at him, he's never played counter strike or quake and he's still posting like he knows anything about shooters
Nothing, I just lost that competitive spark I guess. I just play single player/co-op games now
Pubg is usually older people now - but when it was at it's height it was lots of zoomers, they all moved to forkbutt and the boomers stayed on pubg
aram is fun with friends on league
fortnite is fun with friends, cant even build properly so dont bother usually just hide in a bush and try to surprise cunts or fly around the map in the chopper ramming peoples towers then die in the inevitable ensuing fight.
Yas Forums likes to spew this nonsense because we live in the era of multiplayer, considering all the top played games are multiplayer and there's DOZENS of new multiplayer games coming out every year, and Yas Forums must always be contrarian.
That's fine because the best multiplayer games have co-op and/or are pvpve like Hunt: Showdown.
I only play MP games solo. My favorite games are online with offline modes.
Most of these games have squad/team queues, so it's not like you're forced to be alone. Don't be antisocial.
>2 most played games on steam
Nah zoomers would never heard of the most popular games on a PC platform. You fucking retard.
>REAL competitive shooters
These are the top 10 esports of 2019 according to Esports observer in prize-pool winnings for that year. You'll notice CoD isn't on it, it hasn't been considered a competitive shooter for a very long time, the pro scene for it is extremely small. I'd say Fortnite can have much higher TTK than CoD, but besides that every other FPS on this list has lower TTK than CoD - CoD is considered high TTK compared to most competitive shooters.
you sound like an idiot
Having high TTK makes things like positioning, map control, zoning, executes, set-plays, all of that less valuable, because your opponent has many chances to leave an engagement or heal up or whatever bullshit high ttk games have. It's literally baby mode. Low TTK makes shooters more like chess. You just simply don't know what you're talking about.
I'm sure they've heard of Pong too, doesn't mean zoomers play it.
Aren't required to play with friends and is fun without them
>or board games
>or any tabletop games
>DnD confirmed not fun
Nah bro none of those million people CS could be younger than you. It's completely impossible.
So you're just aspergers then, got it.
refer to my earlier reply - There is a zoomer that plays for Fnatic, one of the most successful CS teams in the past 2-3 years, he was 15 when he got signed. I know zoomers play older IP's, but again, it's not the norm for those titles.
>Low TTK makes shooters more like chess.
No, it encourages camping.
>not the norm
>one of the most popular games right now
Genuinely why do you so desperately cling to this notion that only old people like you play it? Is it a need to act superior over another group?
Why do people who've never played high level arena shooters even bother to comment? I was A- ESEA Intermediate player for CS, there is no "camping" in counter strike or overwatch, rainbow 6 is a game about camping - the low TTK is high-consequence. That's the point of low TTK. It's to punish bad positioning, situational awareness, and poor play making. It's why Riot is giving Valorant a very low TTK, they want high-consequence competitive gameplay with a healthy esports scene to grow out of it.
>That's the point of low TTK. It's to punish bad positioning
Like playing agressively instead of sitting in a corner or head glitching over a barrel like a chump?
Sorry this concept is hard for you, here's a chart displaying the average age range of a few popular titles. Millennial's are between 21-37 years old in 2020, born between the years of 1981-1995.
Anything else I can hold your hand and explain to you like a child while we are here?
what the fuck are you on about man it's obvious you've only played CoD and not even at a high level get the fuck outa here
>I have no argument
Can you please explain why people being younger than you upsets you so greatly.
You go sit in a corner in counter strike and see how that works out for you bud - you have to spend hundreds of hours learning how to even shoot the guns properly in counter strike or pubg or quake or unreal.
that's my secret cap, I'm not even old.
>he has literally never played CT side
The m4a4 is harder than the ak, now you're gonna pretend like you play cs too?
>he is incapable of holding an angle.
Man no wonder you're a shitter.
I thought you meant the guns, yea you do have to defend on ct side, kind of part of the game there. Does break-neck speed action and explosions have to happen every 3 seconds and a million badges and kill bonus points have to pop up on your huge hud for you to be having fun in a shooter? Do you exclusively watch michael bay films and drive a lifted f250 with smoke stacks? How much mountain dew do you drink a day?
>CS has no camping
>no that doesn't count
Those games are for kids.
Why dont you try ganes for adults?
wouldn't call it camping, proper cs isn't a deathmatch where you can camp from the rest of the map. You're pulling at straws here, you've already lost. goodbye shitter, have fun getting mad at Call of Duty of all games. Try rainbow 6, might change your mind on crying "camping camper camp camp" like a little baby, in R6 they turned camping into like a huge mechanic of the game, enlighten yourself.
>Escape from Tarkov
>For children
>R6 is camping because you hold angles and wait
>CS on the other hand isn't camping when you hold angles and wait.