Bannerlord EA Release tomorrow 6am EST

>What's included on launch?
Almost the entire SP campaign. Weapon crafting and Kingdom management not implemented yet. Other additions to existing features likely to be added.
>What about MP?
A few modes, similar to the Beta.

>What is this shit?
Bannerlord is the long awaited (8 years) sequel to Mount and Blade: Warband. It is a sandbox medieval game, where you have to carve your own story in a large world full of warring factions. Become a noble lord and rule a castle or city, or become a merchant and make your riches in the chaos. Become a bandit lord, raiding caravans and burning towns. Lead hordes of cavalry as part of a Khanate, or manage enterprises in various towns.

You have a family and heirs, and these relatives can be killed. Marry into other noble families, or consolidate power and place your bloodline on a throne.

With battles involving hundreds of fighters and new siege equipment mechanics, Bannerlord is the best way to live out your medieval life.
Also mods mean that it will act as a framework for open-world LOTR/Warhammer/Whatever RPGs like Warband did.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s gonna be 3 AM mate.

>Weapon crafting and Kingdom management not implemented yet
Do we know if this will be patched onto existing saves when it's done? I want to do a full peasant-to-prince character, but if I can't start that tomorrow I'll probably just do a bandit run first.

The official word is they will try but no grantees

Careful OP. Looks like jannies are removing Bannerlord threads.

>five years in making
>still a beta on release

When is this expected to leave early access?

Its finally happening, men

I'd say 2-4 years.
TaleWorld isn't exactly a fast developer, though they DID make their own entirely new engine from scratch and built the game so far around it in eight years. The hardest part of the work is done, now they will focus on completing the game according to their vision, update by update.

>bonerlord will actually release
>just in time for us all to be locked inside for the foreseeable future

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I'll get to be Joan of arc again, feels great

Crack when?

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All the other threads were bait or frog posting

it's up

>tfw you finally made it to bannerlords release day

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>tfw at least one user dies tonight

>Almost the entire SP campaign. Weapon crafting and Kingdom management not implemented yet.
How? It's been a fucking decade. HOW is the game not done yet?

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How fucking dense are you? Most of the eight years was spent making their own engine from scratch, instead of using unreal or similar garbage that would never truly work for them. And all along they've developed it with modding in mind first and foremost, to make sure it was easy to use.


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Stand and deliver.

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>why yes, I am working from home indefinitely thanks to coronachan and will be playing bannerlord all day everyday instead. how could you tell?

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There threads feel like customer support. Always full of idiots asking the same questions over and over when they could just google them or go to the forums. And then they get mad when, asking the same question as hundreds before them, people wearily tell them to fuck off.

And that fills the brainlets with such spite that they decide to troll and shitpost in every subsequent thread thereafter, all because they were too lazy to find answers for themselves.
Fucking christ.

Gigachad will only be Megachad till the gyms open back up.

>have to work in the morning
>going to buy it and start it downloading before I leave
>no guarantee my spotty-ass connection will have it done by the time I get home

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i went to the forums today and saw this title and got triggered so hard
people are insanely retarded

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Sounds like work is a blessing, user. Better to be distracted than have to sit there watching a download bar for hours.

It's been so long, I can't wait to final plbhhnj mk

>all those people who died waiting for the game to release

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Oh look, someone left behind an audio log of their last moments before dying.
How fortuitous that they happened to be recording.

>>why yes, I am working from home indefinitely thanks to coronachan and will be playing bannerlord all day everyday instead. how could you tell?
lmao me too user

>150,000 people die each day
>Small chance that anons that have been waiting for Bannerlord since announcement die the day before its release
Stay safe Yas Forums, we're almost there

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A minute of silence for those frens that did not make it.

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>No VR support
Dead on arrival.

Empress Rhagaea is cute! CUTE!

What faction is the Nord precursor faction? Or had they not come from their other continent at this point in Calradian history?

I'm going to marry Rhagaea and become emperor of Calradia!

>Still the possibility of dying in your sleep

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Me too!
As a girl!

We're almost there, bros

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Sturgia are proto-Vaegirs with Nords mercenary troops

Nords don't exist yet. Sturgia are the exact same though, strongest infantry and lots of snow aesthetic.

They hinted in the Sturgia dev diary that the Nords will be added later with their own lands in the north.


Oh thats right. Hadnt the Vaegirs come from the Nords as the result of a split?

No user would willingly die of some lame lung disease a single day before Bannerlord. Have a little faith.

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>heart pains have been getting worse

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>tfw the county I work for just drafted me as a disaster service worker starting tomorrow

It's not fair bros, I was planning on nolifing bannerlord until the world came back. Now I have to work longer shifts than I did at my normal position. Goddamn it this pandemic was supposed to give infinite bannerlord time.

that's just anxiety mate

might be, I had my first panic attack the other week before work for seemingly no reason

So which faction will be the butterlords in this one?

Vlandia are Swadians+Rhodoks united. So now you can butter yourself while hiding in a castle raining Hellfire crossbow bolts at enemies.

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i get some pains to the left of my sternum and it confuses doctors because i never experience discomfort when doing any physical exertion
it's also conveniently located along the tube to your stomach so it could just as easily be acid reflux
then i took some anti-anxiety meds and chilled out

I can't believe I really made it

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>m&b is still on my back log

Yeah, I am thinking it's going to be fun lads

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Well you may as well take it off; Bannerlord is by all accounts just Warband with better graphics and improved features.

redpill me on the factions

>still cant buy it

>Vlandia are my two favourite factions
>I wanna play Empire first
>they wear lamellar armor which I hate

Dammit lads

I'll wait until I can play as a cute anime loli. That shit was fucking awesome in Warband.

It doesn't have Kingdom management, but that takes forever to do right in the game, anyway.

Earlier one got removed despite having a good OP and a bunch of good early posts right after the main thread hit bump limit because there was a bait thread with 490

this makes me feel a bit better, I always stress over even minor health concerns so it's good to hear that I'm probably not dying

No one gets to kingdom management in their first playthrough anyway. Odds are by the time he gets to that point it will also be in Bannerlord.

Considering you cant make your own faction its probably best to do a first campaign as a lacky to an Empire group.

Then once we get faction ownership, join the Vlandians, then rebel and take control of the entire map.

>Rh***ks enthusiasts
Harlaus, get the butter.

if you suddenly feel pain walking upstairs then it's heart related
but if you don't, then it's anxiety
but if you do after reading this, then it's also anxiety

but if you really are paranoid and want to be eased, keep a tab of aspirin in your wallet because chewing on it while waiting for an ambulance will increase your survival rate substantially if a heart attack occurs

>just have to survive my night walk home tonight and I will have made it to Bannerlord
Don't you fucking dare, drunk drivers. It's so close...

>tfw we got gay viking instead of slav aesthetics
fuck that shitty forum

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I've lived to see Bannerlord, HL alyx, DMCV.
it was worth it

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thanks I hope it's not a heart problem because I'm in my fucking early 20s