PC Jedi Knights Are Destroying Star Wars Players On Nintendo Switch

>Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy has finally been released on the Nintendo Switch, but there seems to be a disturbance in the force.

>There is reportedly an issue with the game's online multiplayer component. While there's no mention of a cross-play feature in the official Nintendo description, right now, PC players are able to join Switch matches and it's causing all sorts of trouble.

>"I was excited to play this game online, so I picked it up immediately. I joined a game where 1 player was absolutely mopping the floor with us and he had .twitchtv in his username."

>"Sure enough, I looked him up and he was playing on PC in a switch server absolutely decimating everyone."

>"Apparently all you have to do is take the server IP from a console match, which is clearly visible on console, and enter it in the PC server browser and join."

Holy fucking shit, which retarded dev thought this is a good idea to be able to crossplay with PChads grinding multiplayer for 14 fucking years?

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitch.tv/search?term=Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy

Good question..

So not only do consoles charge for peer to peer networking, they also refuse to implement crossplay when it's literally no extra work to do so

lmao padawans btfo

Who the fuck plays online with a switch?

Because controllers get btfo by keyboard and mouse.

Better question,
Who the fuck plays online at all?

>fresh newbies playing against knight veterans with keyboards
lord have mercy on them

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>implying the losers doing this have anything resembling skill
Give the switch players a few hours and they will mop the floor with them.

damn I'm bouta reinstall jk:a and farm some noobs


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You need to grab an IP from a switch user

that's kid's play

This is the interesting part. We now know that any dev refusing to add crossplay is full of shit.

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Wait I can join Nintendo from just the normal game on Steam?

which video and timestamp please?
twitch.tv/search?term=Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy

Wanna play some halo mcc with me? My mouse is broken but I got an xbox controller


Based. Dab on the consolers.

>PC destroys consoles in online games

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Yes. Just find an IP of a switch server and have at it

So plug in a Keyboard an--
>There is no USB on the shitch

these autists are playing a dead old game every day
that's the level of autism only a few can achieve

What are you on about? It literally has 3 USB ports

>aim-assist intensifies


fuck my life I almost died ;D

The autists are on 24/7 single saber only no fun allowed duelling servers. The autists joining switch games to pound noob asses are likely mediocre players at best.
But now I'm going to set up with a buddy to play with him in a ps4 server.

Maybe on the dock. But on the shitty tablet/"handheld"? No there isn't. There's those shitty siderails for the shitty controllers and that's it.

eh pretty boring footage
probably a marketing stunt


I worked with someone who worked for the company that developed this port. They had crossplay fully implemented so that they could test as the company only had one switch dev kit and one ps4 dev kit. The publisher requested it be removed for the final release, but it looks like it wasn't done fully.

Programmer here. We already fucking knew that. The protocol is 100% identical in almost every case, and 99% of the time that it's not, it's because a shit dev forgot about endianness differences or fucked up aliasing and different compilers layed out structures differently or datatypes are differently sized.
The only reason to not do crossplay is some shitty cowboy coder doesn't know what they're doing and implemented the network protocol by just blasting raw structs over the wire, or you can't do it for political reasons (meaning corporate politics). It's almost always the latter.

The switch has keyboard support mongoloid

>few hours
>against PC players playing multi with m+kB since 2003

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Same issue is popping up in COD Warzone. I can't even turn crossplay off for consoles so i just feel bad playing it. It's extremely obvious who is using M+KB and who is using a controller.

And the USB C port on the bottom.

It literally has a USB 3.0 port genius


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see my post:
It was actually more work to remove crossplay than it was to add it




Don't feel bad. Consoles should allow mouse and keyboard in their multiplayer
>But then joypad users would get BTFO and--
Too bad. They can buy a keyboard and mouse like everyone else.

Level the playing field for everyone, can't complain after that.

They do, even PS4/X1 CoD allows you to use a Keyboard and mouse, but the trade off is that you only play with other Keyboard and Mouse players.

I’ve been playing with a controller on pc as I’m playing with my friends on PS4, but as it turns out the cross play isn’t input based like the normal multiplayer so there’s no point. Still won some games but gonna switch back to kbm

or they could just let me disable crossplay so i don't have to carry my brainlet console team mates. Shit is frustrating as fuck when i have to kill 80% of the enemies while my team does fucking nothing.

How do I join?


>Apparently all you have to do is take the server IP from a console match, which is clearly visible on console, and enter it in the PC server browser and join.

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Based PC Jedi Masters BTFO console younglings

>"hurr durr we can't do crossplay because it's too hard to implement"
>meanwhile there are devs who enable it accidentally

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Its not hard, I think the devs at rocket league said it was as simple as flipping a switch. One of the biggest thing stopping Crossplay is Sony.


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I've never played this game
is it fun
should I get it on switch

Sure. I promise you my aim-assist is much better than yours.

>Yas Forums defening star wars now
You can really feel all that underaged culture being bored at home waiting for school to reopen.



you might as well say 'I'm an underaged retard who has never played the jedi knight games'

I guarantee you were born after 9/11

Moar jedi pinups

This game is 17 years old.

>pc players on the left
>switch players on the right

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Nigger Star Wars is almost 45 years old, and this game is 17 years old. The only people that are playing this are boomers trying to remember when Star Wars was good.

>A quake 3 engine game inadvertently has crossplay with switch
I feel like this is the key to exploits and homebrew in the future.

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>is it fun
Fuck yes, best lightsaber play in vidya ever
>should I get it on switch
lol no

You are absolutely mental if you think that will work. I've played Outcast on/off since it came out in 2002 and even I get my ass handed to me. These people have perfected their gameplay to Warcraft 2 levels. These people are literal monsters to face off against.

this is one of the only star wars game v likes and actively plays.

wait, this has crossplay?

my only other system is a ps4

Shut the fuck up zoomer. This game is older than you and is more loved than you will ever be.