Why aren't you making your own indi visual novel?
You don't need fancy graphics, or even voice acting. Just write a story and throw together some character sprites.
Why aren't you making your own indi visual novel?
You don't need fancy graphics, or even voice acting. Just write a story and throw together some character sprites.
What's the best engine to make one? Renpi? Gamemaker? Im gonna be in lockdown for a couple of weeks more, so why not try
Because good art and story are hard and you can't just throw them together if you want something decent.
>You don't need fancy graphics
You still need good art, though, and that takes skill and/or talent. The reason people post these PC-98 games is because they have genuinely nice art, not just because of the "soulful" dithering or whatever.
And why should I do all this?
$ (high ROI)
(ROI = return on investment)
I might as well write some retarded story and post it on reddit and fanfiction.net
I actually want to get into creative writing but idk where to start.
That's true, it's easy to make money on VNs, that's why all the old vn companies bet their last pennies on shitty gacha or go straight bankrupt.
Just write.
I'm sad the Yu-No remake was so shit.
Seems like all these VNs are just dating simulators with some kind of secondary theme. The whole reason is to put attractive women in there.
Because I have standards for myself. Also sprites are hard to make
where would i post it for feedback?
/lit/, reddit, make an instagram account of a fb page.
Depends on how degenerate it is.
Teach me how to draw animu "half decent" and I will make you the most epic visual novel you will ever see
But I am making one
I can't draw
It's all SFW stuff.
just ramblings of when i was in a depressed state.
What you lack is willpower, not art.
Best engine to make one though? I'm interested, especially with the amount of free time I have now.
I almost started making one 3 years ago where your main objective would be to seduce a Machinedramon with the brain of a regular stereotypical girl... but I got bored and gave up before actually starting.
I'm not a native english speaker and my ideas are ceingy fanfic.
you can't draw half decent without learning how to draw and it's not easy. you can trace or use simple styles like pixel art and lowpoly though
>$ (high ROI)
>(ROI = return on investment)
I heard so many stories on how pure VNs don't usually sell that much especially the supposed prolific ones that had a cult following for years and how the translator companies always lose money, it's always the outliers that have something mixed in between or good marketing. A game like Vallhalla has already filled the niche of sorta PC-98ish look for it.
>japanese all ages VNs
>3DCG wegs
each of these categories of VNs have different communities following them and it's safe to assume these are all different markets
But here's the thing user, all these categories at least need fancy artstyle, OP saying you don't need that is a fool plus if I would make a VN it would be stylish like The Silver Case and 25th ward but I sure as fuck don't know how to draw or write compelling characters
try to make it a little less obvious how much you're ripping off the look of persona 5
The UI is just placeholder and the sprites are by an artist I hired, game is not gonna be a commercial product anyway so I don't really care. As long as I get the story across with visuals that look nice enough.
Average art is fine if you don't target the weebs. There are RPG maker VNs made with stock assets. You just need to fill a niche.
I'm not talking about making shit for money though, I mean just as a hobby.
if ryukishi could do it with art like this, what's stopping you, anons?
Eyelashes are as Kaneko as you can get. You seem amateurish by doing this.
Said in a different comment that I hired an artist to do the sprites, they're a SMT influenced artist. The VN isn't a commercial product, just a side project I'm working on, so I don't really care if people think it's "amateurish".
>I'm not talking about making shit for money though, I mean just as a hobby.
Then that's different then some saying it's easy ROI. If you enjoy making them then more power to you.
Because the story was great to the point it weirdly compliments the art with how insane it is.
Please tell me they're gay
I'm gonna be leaving their relationship in that way open to the readers :D
There is something about this "old" artstyle and coloring that is just too kino.
Plus I have a thing for eroge with schedules, stats and shit. No new game does that anymore.
I've wanted to make a visual novel for some time now. It's about two hackers, one a 30 year old salaryman whose life has gone to shit trying to become a hero, the other a young terrorist desperately trying to change the world.
I've got a rough outline of how the story goes, everything starts with a small company getting hacked and the stakes keep on escalating as our protagonist keeps on discovering deeper and deeper mysteries. The climax is both hackers fighting it out in outer space with hacked military satellites, also the Rothschild family is involved at some point.
If anyone that knows how to draw can help me get a few concept arts of both main characters that would be great. Just a plain looking salaryman dude and a stereotypical hoodie-wearing antisocial hacker.
I thought to make a porn one, a buddy of mine plays a lot of those shitty western porn VN's and they always seem to make a lot of money, thought I could get in on the market too. Just need a fetish to appeal to.
>throw together some character sprites
Like it's that fuckig easy. I have an idea for a crayon based vn and I can't even draw child art. Fuck off
I want to make my own VN, but shit, I feel like it's going to be absolute garbage.
It's a story about a social outcast highschooler who is OK with his life and doesn't want any change, but randomly gets to know some wierd ass girl who is suprisingly easy to talk to for him.
The main twist will be that this girl is a lying cunt who specifically tries to act as classic cute 2D girl she saw in the anime and see what reaction she will get from a random nerd she found, who just happened to be the MC.
The MC would have to overcome this shit and become stronger as a person, and the story ending with him being an absolute Chad.
It's a rough draft I have, please tell me if it's shit or if I should continue writing.
Trying to be a good artist first.
sounds pretty generic desu, you'll need to make the girl really despicable in the twist, good visuals to match. We need to really feel the despair from it for it to work out.
Whats a good emulator to play Pia Carrot He Youkoso?
>they always seem to make a lot of money
not really. for one there is survivorship bias and also these games are generally made by slavs who live in shitholes with so they can live with a low amount of pateron bucks
what software can i use to draw in pc-98 style?
Because I lack what it takes.
Any sort of talent :,(
Yeah, that's kinda the idea. For it to be generic at first, but then everything changing and shit.
I also plan it to be a protagonist focused story, with him actually being and interesting character to follow and stuff. I'm not confident in my writing abilities and I don't know if I should add any alternative routes or bad endings.
Well keep it up, if you have passion to do it and want to see it finished, that's the most important part, to me at least. That whole mentality is basically how I'm progressing in my VN.
exactly, I live in a shit hole, 300-500 moneys a months is good enough for me
What drives me the most is the desire to leave something behind. Like, I wish someone in the future though to himself something like "oh I remember that %username% dude, he made a dope ass VN I read once". Like, idk, I want to leave an impact, and also for someone to get my feelings through my work. That's it, honestly.
Keep at it pal. If you ever want to chat privately, we can add each other on discord or something. I'm not super crazy deep into the whole process, but I've been creatively working for years so I have moderate experience.
godspeed user, i have the same desire.
there's something about that art that just really does it for me
sent a request, you can delete.
Why would you delete your post friend, it's on archives.
Because despite having many an idea for one I'm eternally stuck at 15 year old weaboo on dA tier art.
>Why aren't you making your own indi visual novel?
I am. I have the ability to sprite well enough, to write, program, and I have an entire premise planned up. But when it comes to actually making it, it's just difficult to do without having anybody else to bounce ideas off of, so I haven't really made any progress. It's like every idea I have is about 90% complete and I just need someone to help fill in those last 10% for everything, to ask me questions so I can answer them and force myself to think about things to completion. Someone to help me come up with characters, and actually plan out the full scenario of events beyond the broad strokes.
Even though I have all the skills I need, the barrier between "this would be cool if it existed" to "I'm actually making it now" just feels to difficult to cross on my own.
I'm not good at writing or drawing or anything really.