Breaks the game

>breaks the game

Attached: ring_of_favor[1].png (189x241, 25.48K)

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Best ring

Attached: chloranty_ring.png (203x217, 32.77K)

FAP ring doesn't really break the game, it's just the meta like the grass crest shield.

>breaks if you remove it

But it doesn't remotely break the game, its just nice but not game changing. If anything havel's breaks the game, or maybe the wolf ring sitting far behind havel's.

>breaks if you remove it
So how exa tly do you take it off of that faggots dead body?

Finished the game two and a half times without trying it lol.

Why does it break if you take it off?

it was nerfed in ds3

Grass Crest Shield is way more broken. There is no reason to use any other shield in the game.

He was dead and did not remove it out of free will.

he wasn't wearing it or it only breaks if you take it off while alive


It's a protective ring from a goddess that you've sworn to, so consciously removing it is like breaking your vows, but if you're dead you've remained faithful to the end.

I mean, grass creat was overall better, but plenty of other shields were ok enough for various reasons. It’s not strictly better. Target shield meme parries are unique enough to warrant picking it if that’s the gimmick you’re choosing, and 100% physical damage block shields aren’t a strict downgrade. Sure grass crest is the best, but it doesn’t obsolete the competition, just outperform it as a whole package.


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>ever using shields in souls


Attached: Ring_Clear_Bluestone_Ring.png (360x360, 58.01K)

i like how they gave it lore in the ringed city

>make it complete garbage in the sequels
And they need to hang whoever invented the "+1 rings" mechanic

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>Becomes absolutely necessary to where any cool armor
Why did they balance the weight of armor entirely around forcing you to wear this?

Attached: havels_ring.png (201x237, 33.09K)

Stop rolling and start using a shield if you want to wear a castle.

That's not poise. Or a medium shield. Or the dexterity stat.

For me? It's the calamity ring.

Attached: Calamity Ring.png (80x90, 8.63K)

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Covenant of champions ring ? Does it boost barehanded damage enought to make it viable ?

Remember when regen wasn't absolute dogshit?

Attached: regen.jpg (300x475, 34.71K)

You can use cool armor without havel's ring if you are okay with fat rolling, maybe medium rolling depending on the armor and weapons if you have fap ring+more than 40 endurance.

adjudicator shield was excellent and I hate it never made another appearance in some form in other Souls games

All passive health regen was removed in Dark Souls 1 right? They kinda overhauled the whole thing because of that and the grass.

It's alright, but it was awesome before the nerfed it.

Every Souls has a regen shield
>Charred Loyce Shield
>Ancient Dragon Greatshield
And the last one has a same type of model as Adjudicator's.

Right, the Sanctus. I never end up being human when I go down there, I have half a mind to do a run based on this now.

When do i know a weapon is worth upgrading?

Dark Souls 3 brought back blessed weapons, but I never got the same feeling from it as the blessed mirdan hammer + adjudicator's shield + regen ring from DeS

When you find one with a moveset you like and start investing in the stat it scales the most off of

Do i need a weapon if i go magic?

Just due to the weight requirements I said fuck it, and used this only to barely get out of the fuck you weight class.

Full havels + shield let you just block everything. You didn't need to roll in the first game so it worked out.

That's because
A: The Damage was worse
B: The regen was worse (As I recall, stacking passive regen in Dark Souls 3 brought you up to 6 hp/s, whereas in DeS it was 18 hp/s)
C: The miracles were worse (Second Chance alone was better than every Dark Souls 3 miracle combined, and you could also fuck around with Wrath of God or if you were feeling really trolly, Anti-magic field)
D: Magic resistance from faith in DeS was significant
Faith build have been largely shit since Dark Souls 1.

yes since you would run out before you even get to the boss during your first playthrough.
There are magic and enchanted upgrade path you can follow for this, or use specific Int scaling boss/unique weapons

>Faith build have been largely shit since Dark Souls 1.
>Not knowing release DS2

Doesn't break anything, only makes it optimal for PVP.

I've never equipped it for PVE.

They nerfed the weight reducing rings prior to the PC patch version, making Havel's mandatory for wearing anything that's not featherweight, when it wasn't prior.

True enough, but that isn't the case anymore.

Try again

Attached: red_tearstone_ring.png (197x237, 32.2K)

DS1 wasn't designed with the idea that every player would be fast rolling all the time. If want to wear anything heavier than elite knight you were supposed to accept at least mid roll

Yeah DS3 was obessed with making it play like Bloodborne but you control a Souls character. On DS1 you can at least play like a full Sorcerer and finish the game, you'll struggle on some parts you it's doable. Same thing with Pyro. But on DS3 you will dodge a hundred times like it's Bloodborne or you will die. Even the heavy armor is shit and lacks weight in animation. I love wearing heavy shit on DS1 and feeling like I am a fucking rock.

>Mfw full giants armor and full stamina/resistance build
I don't care if i move slow as fuck, i will beat every boss even if it takes 30 minutes

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>what is Manus

Flynn chads

Attached: Flynn%27s_Ring_%28DSIII%29.png (360x450, 103.07K)

>Even the heavy armor is shit and lacks weight in animation. I love wearing heavy shit on DS1 and feeling like I am a fucking rock.
Haven't played DS3 but what a shame, i was planning on starting it next month, i always liked the full tank build in DS1.

They nerfed it and Havel's in 3

Resistance is pointless because leveling up any other stat will cap your resistances anyway.

Easy as hell with a greatshield, heavy armor and enough estus
Here's some tranny I found on youtube doing it

You can still go pure tank, it just requires some git gud instead of just face pounding everything.
Full havels + the twin great sword, or whatever from teh abyss walkers, was absolute beast


It has to do with how defense is calculated, every piece of armor regardless of what it is gives you a flat defense bonus, with each individual giving you bonus percentage, but because how it's calculated, that percentage doesn't really matter much, so you can't really tank much if you are wearing Havel's, maybe one extra hit and that's me being generous. And it really doesn't feel as heavy as 1, animation wise.

hence why a shield with a passive buff is so good you retard

It's full possible to be a greatshield tank in 3 they're really good

Health regen was always fucking stupid. It's never a good idea to reward players for playing as slow and cowardly as possible. It makes sense if it's a miracle/spell, but if it's completely passive and only requires a certain equip, then it gets really stupid. At least you can just not use the regen stuff in DeS, but in DaS2 all of your healing shit is based on slow regeneration, even estus.
True, but Sanctus is way worse than Adjudicator. Sanctus is 1 HP/s, and Adjucator is 8 HP/s at max.

I agree with that on principle, but the fact is the game got less interesting the way it is in current patch. I think they tightened the requirement for fast roll too much. If you want to fast roll now, you can use like 10% of the armors only. If it was 25%, it would have been better imo.

I hate this meme, its not even close to being true.
It was faster paced, yeah. But every preceding game had been changing pace as well, DeS was slower than DaS1, which was slower than DaS3.
Most of it had to re-balancing things for better gameplay.

That's a good thing, it forced you to actually plan around your armor and equipment. Unlike in DaS3, where everyone can just fucking fast roll all the time.

There is no planning, that's the issue. You have no choices to make any plans with.